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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. yes thats the sort of thing...this is the second time this year so far we have had an issue the last one caused all sorts of problems (we're up to about £1000!!) the problem with spaniels is that they go through things not around them!
  2. indeed ..he may regret it my husband is now shopping for weird ear muffs for dogs !!?!?!?!?
  3. unfortunately no alcohol tonight waiting for the dog to come back from the vets AGAIN! bloo** seed heads (mutter mutter mutter..........)
  4. Hummmmm now do i have to have a rethink about this?????? NO NO NO i just need to go on a diet!🤣 Cornish pasty anyone?
  5. also you don't need to do an introduction if there is a photo....so "whilst mary was playing with the other children in the sand pit she asked johnny to pass her the bucket can just be " can i have the bucket please" and an assessment about relationships for example
  6. you could do planning in the moment and then you could keep on with the long obs! Videos can now be up to 10 minutes long so no need to write or maybe some quotes from the obs with the most important bits and just assessments for the rest?
  7. Sorry zigzag I apologise. We do have plastic aprons normally for health and hygiene but they appear quite tricky to get hold of at the moment.
  8. Oh dear Cait..so sorry . Love to you all xxx
  9. You see I question the fact that these garments show us in a 'care' role and not in education and care. They put forward the idea of us being cleaners rather than Ey professionals.(I admire cleaners btw ! But that's not my role) Would any teacher wear one of these? They come across to me as a sort of label that I dont want to be associated with..... Sorry this isnt at all helpful and not in the spirit of this post at all but for some reason this garment seems to push my buttons 🥺🥺🥺
  10. Much more helpful!😇
  11. Probably depends on what system you are taking the photos on. Tablet/camera/phone???
  12. ZIgzag thinking of you and your family. xxxHope all goes well. My week has flown by i seem to have got in to a habit of having a nap when i return home ..much to the dogs annoyance but its been too hot to walk them till later. Seems normal to go to work now. Have offered places to new starters for september and beginning to plan for that . Have worked out a reasonable plan i think for returning (all subject to change) and new routines etc. Have had to restrict some things but i seem to be getting lots of requests for 30 hour places which seems easier! Although we seem to have about 4 children with SEND on the list and we won't be able to take them all, we just don't have the staff to meet their needs very excited to have a family barbeque on sunday and need to help daughter with sorting out her storage stuff tmorrow plus some allotment work. i should be busy!!
  13. ......I have a confession I HATE TABARDS!!!!!!! sorry had to get that off my chest .Remember many years ago my supervisor suggesting them and me telling her if she made me wear one of those i would leave! fortunately she never did. just reminds me of dinner ladies ...(sorry this is NOT a helpful answer )
  14. We have a hard copy in the hall but they are all.on a PDF on our website.
  15. finleysmaid


    Maybe who the heck knows!🤣
  16. finleysmaid


    having read the guidance several times i think this is what is meant. bubbles of 8 are ideal (you must stick to ratios for children ) you can mix children in that bubble over the week with others who are doing part time, but this total must not exceed 16 over 1 week therfore you would have one bubble of up to 8 children per day with their allocated staff member/s in one area. You may then create other bubbles who are not allowed in the same space or use the same resources without them being cleaned and made safe. Staff should not be mixed between bubbles
  17. If they are not clinically vulnerable then i would have a meeting with them to see what their concerns are and tell them what you already have in place. Then i would be saying that i would like them back by XXX if they refused then !! well if you refused to come to work what would happen!
  18. This post makes me so sad. Why do headteachers not read the guidelines for EY this sort of social.distancing has not been asked for or recommended for reception classes. As for September I agree with Ben it is becoming more clear that the bubble will be the class as a whole. I suspect assemblies will not be recommended or any sort of social gathering. . I am hoping Xmas celebrations will be able to go ahead. As for planning for september your children will be coming in having spent 6 months out of a setting in the most part. I suspect lots of setting routines and sorting out social issues...maybe even toilet training!! The children may arrive back at VERY diverse levels. I know some of our children have been doing their siblings school.work. Dont assume they are all going to be behind😅
  19. No PPE for us either...way to frightening for the children IMO. we have a set for the 'vomit station' other than that just the normal stuff for toileting etc (gloves and aprons) and we all have clip on gel , but handwashing regularly is still the best protection.
  20. well thats the end of my 3rd week back .! (my hat goes off to all those who have opened throughout!) i'm exhausted as are the children. We have some challenging moments but on the whole the children are doing really well. Entry is smooth and actually we are loving the fact parents are on time and efficient!😅 we have got in to a good routine and it feels safe (maybe too much!) we are now debating whether to keep things the same or change it up a bit for July . The biggest issue at the moment for the parents appears to be what we are doing for the end of term party! (um well not having a party for a start) Favourite things from this week...one of my girls announcing proudly that she could draw a poo! and One of the children sticking letter stickers on their Fathers Day card P O O ! (had to subtly move them), one of my little boys coming back after todays session having got a treat for himself and bringing us a cake because he though we needed a treat too ❤️ and seeing lots of lovely messages from our 'Home' learners when they got their sunflowers seeds in the post from us . Top tips for returning ...work out the flow, be creative (can you use different doors etc) if you keep the same people doing the same routine jobs they get quicker and more efficient (boring though it may be) you don't NEED to talk about the virus/social distancing etc in front of the children, take your lead from them, ours seem glad of the respite and haven't mentioned it at all! Give kids hugs, it makes you feel normal!
  21. 🥰❤️ ahh xxxxx!
  22. books? always great for a personalised pressie. Me...chocolate, coffee, gin and something smelly for the bath ! (ill give you my address later!!!) I
  23. Try the National childrens bureau ...or check it out on ABC does facebook page. useful info on sand and water play.
  24. there was some guidance on this from a sensible source ..finding it difficult to locate it but will post if i can. We are using water outside (with a small amount of soap of some sort) each bubble has their own and it's washed down ...my swimmer seems to have given up so thats good! the only issue with this that i can see is changing children if they are soaked (but we do that when they wee don't we) Sand play has been set up in two trays (one for each group) in a large 1 metre square tray. Its working well. If anyone sneezes or coughs in it we will throw clean down and start a fresh
  25. It is certainly very easy to get in to the swing and then you remember that this isn't normal.. I had to go on the motorway the other day and realised i was being very ALERT as i haven't been on it for 11 weeks🤪 but it was ok. I am still struggling a bit with walking the dogs as there seem to be lots of people who have forgotten about social distancing and that makes me cross, i keep feeling like i should have a label saying "i might be infected" on. 🤣 (don't worry i'm not but YKWIM) I think after so long it is pretty normal to feel like this...all part of the coronacoaster! I certainly wasn't very normal when a child wee'd ALL over the blinking floor and train track today (he's one of my oldest and we are pretty sure he knows when he does it) a whole area had to be closed and cleaned and then the toilet area again...wouldn't mind but this is the second day in a row....my patience was waining🙄 if he keeps doing this we will have no toys in circulation by the end of the week as they are all drying !
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