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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. I think this depends on how your setting is set up and who is available to work with the children. I would check the statutory framework page 28 to be sure. No level 2 or 3 is allowed a 1 to 13 ratio.
  2. perhaps you should ask them what the learning intention of the lesson is? emphasis on PSE appears to be where they are going?? or Knowledge of the world? I'm never sure why people make it so vague surely they want to see the best of you not try and catch you out??!!
  3. could you not give yourself a break and say that i exceptional circumstances you are going to close a day or two early? You will not only have to empty and refill another space but also chuck and clean (skip needed!!) we moved in 2011. Although we were only moving a little way we needed to do a whole new registration . I also had to do a suitable person interview and health questionnaire. I'm reluctant to say you need to do x y and z because i can guarantee they have changed the system!! ring them and chat , they are very keen to keep good provision going for the benefit of the children. Your LEA may also offer help and obviously need to be informed too. In 2011 we weren't allowed to open until we had had an opening inspection....we operated on 2 x 2 hour sessions for about a fortnight until they could come in !! good luck. it's hard but gives you the chance to reset and improve whats not working too.
  4. Sorry realised there is an error in my response as of course it is now 5 2 year olds not 4! however i may not be reading your question correctly... to clarify To be in ratio you must have a qualification. therefore for 17 children you need 1 x staff for the two year olds plus 3 x 3 year olds =5 ....at level 2 0r 3 1x staff for 8 3 year olds at level 2 or 3 =8 1x staff for 8 x 3 year olds at level 2 or 3 =8 so to cover 17 children you would require 3 qualified staff. at least 2 at level 2 and 1x level 3 unqualified staff CANNOT be included in ratio
  5. now that would make a dream team !❤️
  6. I am also on the hunt currently using agency staff for the first time ever! costing me a fortune. !
  7. interestingly was told by a school the other day that schools dont do things like tapestry any longer! Is this something else people are finding ...and why?
  8. had to log out of my account to get the version....now locked out cos i forgot my password!😱😂 back shortly....humms as she waits for 15 minutes!
  9. we pay our staff for 52 weeks a year not pro rata like schools mostly do. We do however work longer hours than most schools in fact over the year we do around 180 more hours per year. My staff therefore come out with a decent wage , plus pension plus flexible arrangements, uniform and car parking !!! If they worked for 52 weeks of course you need more staff to cover holidays. good luck to the headteachers who can make this work!
  10. There seem to be a lot of changes going on in Tapestry at the moment. We appear to be having some issues with a few little things . Are these likely to settle down as things are tested?? today for instance i cannot attach any previously taken photos ! we are having issues with saved drafts not uploading too and the development matters seem to be available on some systems but not on others! We use amazon fires and i have an Iphone which we use for social media etc.
  11. I understand that some schools especially in the north of england have nursery provision (from 2 years i believe) but this plan is to alleviate the issues in the south of England and especially london boroughs. The government needs to rethink the way early years is funded and how that funding is arranged. That is clear. As a charity our parents pay £30 per week for a 32.5 hour week . We get rates relief which makes it possible to run and rent relief from our landlord because of the way we deal with the building etc. However some of our families earn over £100k a year ...i don't think they should get free childcare . Putting childcare in to schools could work if it was carefully planned but this is not careful planning . 40k will not be enough to build put in proper toileting facilities etc etc a franchise costs 40k minimum ! How are they going to train headteachers to do this? they are NOT specialists in Early years many will feel they need to do a top down model and try to educate in a developmentally inappropriate way. Are the teacher training courses going to include more about development in them? how are play areas going to be suitable for little ones, how are they going to sleep etc ????(as you say) schools are already stretched and will need to open for 52 weeks to cover this plan...have they thought about this????????
  12. Random question....just doing reports and some of our relatives have gone missing!!!! on tapestry they aren't showing up at all....on the children's page i have the first names of some parents but i have a few who have just disappeared from the list!!! anyone else had this????????
  13. we do end of year reports as well as termly feedbacks. All reports are sent to new schools with parental permission. We don't have any connection with some of our ongoing schools as we cover quite a wide area so this means the schools do at least have some information on the children. Our schools do not get the names of previous settings so we need to be careful to ensure there is sufficient transition.
  14. room for me in your suitcase???
  15. well france is out...its raining there!
  16. ooh where do you fancy???
  17. Hi All busy week here. Writing reports. EHC seems to be going through ...🤞 parents meeting x 2. looking like i might have some SEND little ones coming. Hoping no more as they are both coming from a bankrupt county and so we wont get any help or support ! needing some sunshine !!
  18. I'm also assuming the other member of staff is the named deputy! in which case they would need to be level 3
  19. Hi Anju don't want to throw a spanner in the works but actually no i don't think this is correct as of the 4th January 2024. You would need one level 2/3 for the four 2 year olds (or four children some of whom may be 2 or 3) then the other qualified member of staff for 8 three year olds making a total of 12 the unqualified member of staff is not able to be included in ratio . This is at least my understanding please do look up the new statutory framework for Nurseries though to check.
  20. Ahh have an Amazing Birthday Cait ...21 again? xxxx
  21. Make sure you have pet insurance ! pay for a decent policy and stick with it.....when they get older you will be very grateful !! I am a big fan of spaniels but cockers can be one person dogs and a bit talkative !! If you can take them to work great ...otherwise the cost of day care can be expensive! I would definitely have done kennels(or an alternative) early...at 15 mine comes everywhere with me!! the first few weeks is like having a baby ...but after that it is a whole new world full of lovely things...make the most of it they are puppies for such a tiny amount of time
  22. Just to say it is not recommended that you ACTUALLY put a spaniel in the washing machine😱😂😂
  23. sending love to everyone who is having a hard time xxxx ❤️
  24. Day time sleepover for us this year. Pj's and bring your favourite book in....buying some cheap duvets and making pizza for lunch !
  25. What a great Christmas present to have him home!..... Order yourself a drug box from amazon, I used to set it up once a week and then at least if i missed one i knew ! :)
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