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Everything posted by blondie

  1. we do too - think it is quite common thing now?
  2. I agree that it isn't "living" just staying indoors - going out is a big worry but it's all about being prepared and making sure you have everything you "might" need with you and starting with little outings so you get some confidence before doing more. It's all about doing it at your own pace and not being rushed. I guess "pausing" it means if there is a spike/ second wave it will be re-introduced? My neighbour has been shielding and said she will carefully make the most of the "pause" as she is quite certain it will be back. Going back wasn't quite as scary as I thought it would be so nearer the time I am sure lots will post about September return.
  3. We are usually packaway but have been able to leave stuff out over the last 7 weeks which has been lovely, only having to clean and rotate stuff which has been put back in the cupboard out of the childrens way. However we have been a little gung ho the last few weeks with putting stuff back properly and the cupboard was a real mess which was fine until yesterday when we had to put everything in the cupboard to allow for a deep clean by the centre's cleaners during the holidays - it was really hard work getting everything into it and I think it will need a "Caution" sign on the door to remind us when we return to tidy, sort and get rid just before we return. Have a lovely break everyone and those who continue to work stay safe.
  4. Because we have had the green lidded bin for many years with the others being introduced afterwards.
  5. I was doing this on my daily walks (before returning to work) and it was quite an eye opener lol - obviously it was during lock down so lots of people seemed to be having their own parties in their houses lol.
  6. So we have three bins - green lid for household and blue lid for recyclable - these are collected alternate weeks then we have a brown lid bin which is collected fortnightly and finally a grey box which is for glass which is also collected fortnightly - so one week it is household and garden and the other it is recyclable and glass.
  7. For us as a term time setting we are now almost at the summer break which is crazy! It is usually the half term that seems to go on forever but passes by in a blur - the half term where you usually are arranging goodbye celebrations / graduations etc., which will sadly be missing this year. What will you miss most? For me it is not being able to say "Goodbye" to those children who were unable to return for a variety of reasons. 😌😪
  8. we pay yearly and are given a bin with a brown lid which is collected fortnightly so bin men are aware of who to collect from.
  9. we use tapestry (and love it) but we are finding our obs are getting a bit long ( I love writing things the children say as think that is what parents love to read) - does anyone have any ideas on how to shorten these without losing the personality of the child (if you know what I mean) - any pointers, ideas , examples would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  10. Dear Cait - thinking of you all and sending hugs.
  11. Not sure if this is the right area but question re tracking and tapestry. A new child starts and an ob is done which shows child can eg PSE welcomes and values praise for what they have done and enjoys responsibility of carrying out small task and this is seen several times and noted. Does this then have to be continually noted in further obs during all the time the child is at setting? How will this be reflected in their tracking? Hope that makes sense?
  12. It is very hard as we had all become enclosed in our own bubbles and for me that made me feel safe and the outside world and corona didn't seem real at all as I didn't need to venture into it. The first day back was scary and I think I went to the toilet about 100 times before we opened but once we had I felt a lot better and realised it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. As a team we have all supported each other and when we have a worry / concern / need support we take time to talk to one of the team and I think it helps put things into a bit of perspective as others talk about their worries too so you don't feel like you are being OTT. We all know that we need to be vigilant about children, cleaning etc., and everything that goes with this but working as a team has helped me become a lot less stressed. Hope that makes sense.
  13. I think the thought had made me anxious and worried and over thinking everything - after a day in ( I know it's only a day) but a lot of my concerns, worries have lessened or disappeared. Obviously still watchful and ensuring everything is clean / cleaned (including hands) but will become part of the everyday routines.
  14. was OK actually but we didn't have as many as we thought as some pulled out last minute (one has 4 week old baby and another was always a very anxious mum and another is classed as extremely vulnerable) the children had a lovely day (only 6) lots of smiles and chatter which was lovely to see and hear. My best quote of the day was a little boy - he said "I really need a chair to sit on." Adult said "You have strong legs and can stand up. " Boy "My legs are strong but my bottom says it needs to sit down."😂 😂 Hope everyone has had a good day too. xx
  15. I would say no too - has she moved far, just wondered if she could still access old setting where child is familiar?
  16. children are quite like that aren't they - oh that's out I'll play with it and some (of ours anyway) probably won't notice it anyway.
  17. and lots of these are half term this week so will be doing it most days. Scarily it is the quietest it has been in ages where i live, can't hear any children so makes me wonder if they have gone out for the day. What is so wrong is that these people will be out clapping the NHS on thursday not realising that maybe they have just started another spike in cases in ten days.
  18. yes we usually have units out so could do it that way - owner is hoping that we will be outside all day. she is now talking about bringing second wave of children in after few weeks - not sure how that will work as more children mixing? will have 8-10 straight away.
  19. good idea - we are usually packaway but not having to at the moment as going to be sole users of centre so we could rotate by returning used resources to cupboard but would need to work out a plan of how to put things in/take things out without getting them mixed as cupboard is very full of resources.
  20. there are four staff who will be in working - all will have a day off (and probably after first week a half day as well) - one is owner who will probably oversee what is happening the rest of us will work with the children and do cleaning and kitchen duties such as prepare snack etc., will work out a rota for this. We have a large outdoor area where we hope to spend most of our time but that also means lots of cleaning afterwards too. thinking box of books (6 ish) for each day then put away till following week? plastic construction with some type of small world which will be cleaned at end of day then new sets put out for tuesday - repeat this over the week so new stuff each day? worried not getting this right .xx
  21. we will have one group - 6 - 9 children each day over the week with total of about 16 children in total, although sure this will change. Question - all staff will work over the week with these children on different days, we dont envisage any more children coming in as lots have health issues or parents do or just dont want them to come back so does this work okay? Over thinking and re-thinking this plan.
  22. how many are you expecting each day?
  23. Well just wondered what everyone will be putting out for the children to play with indoors and outdoors? sand is a no no what else won't you be using - water? mud kitchen? what will you be using - plastic bricks?
  24. Looking at resources to use if/when re-opening - sand - no water with washing up liquid - yes? mud kitchen - ? any ideas re mud kitchen?
  25. Our bins have been fortnightly for ages - one week it is the rubbish and garden waste and the other week is recyclable and glass collection. I always know which one it is by how full the bin is lol.
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