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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Whoop! Congratulations to the happy couple x
  2. Tis Friday!🙃
  3. I can't believe how mild the weather is - been out for a lovely walk, always say to Mr S "won't be long" - I am always ages, I really need to factor in the 'chatting time' 🤣
  4. Well......I kinda did but it might have been a sensitive subject 🤷‍♀️🤣
  5. Oh no - I will keep everything crossed for you fm
  6. Well done louby - a nice early finish for you - enjoy!
  7. Oh yes, I remember that! I have been quite careful about getting myself sucked into anything - I am now part of the church cleaning team, but to be honest that's quite enjoyable. I had thought that I might like to volunteer at the school, but I won't be doing anything like that in 'Covid times'. I am actually quite happy, for now, just pottering about, but knowing me that won't last, we will see, it's an absolute bugger that Covid has put paid to lots of things that I thought I might be doing, but my current mantra is 'it is what it is'...
  8. I was very polite...after I had stopped laughing!
  9. Oh my life! My accountant has just rung...after enquiring after my health he said "not ringing about your accounts, the Nursery where my wife works is desperately looking for a new manager and I just thought I would ask if you would be interested" He has taken leave of his senses 🤣 🤣 🤣
  10. I only I could x
  11. Ooh not too long for you louby I have actually never been to Butlins...
  12. I have everything crossed for you young froglet and for your colleague How lovely you are to be making presents for all...
  13. Point taken! How many more days now? I have missed the glitter...
  14. Hi all - tis Friday again! How is everyone getting on? You can tell that I am retired - house is looking very Christmassy, cards have been sent (do still have a stack to hand deliver) but honestly if I had been working none of that would have happened Have really missed doing Christmas activities with children this year - but hey I can't have it both ways Hope that everyone has a good weekend - step away from TDLs if you can x
  15. Ah - thank you asking - son is slowly coming to the end of his self-isolation, he 'gets out' on Saturday - whoop!
  16. Oh young froglet - sending supportive thoughts and a big hug x
  17. Oops - apologies fm - I will 'belt up' now 🤣
  18. Poor Dan, I do like him but I think you are probably correct, but to be absolutely fair he didn't make mistakes whereas J and J and AJ and Kai certainly did! Wasn't the opening group dance wonderful...
  19. Just finished watching Strictly - Rose and Giovanni got all of my votes tonight
  20. I can remember, not too long ago, going through some photos with my eldest two granddaughters - negatives blew their minds! 🤣🤣🤣
  21. I don't think that my 'littlest' grandson has ever been on a bus - perhaps I'll take him somewhere in the New Year - mind you it would take some planning, we have very few buses here 😂
  22. Full of admiration fm, think you did brilliantly!
  23. Well fm - I am full of admiration for you louby - craft class was cancelled this week - should be one on Monday but I think I will give it a miss, infection rates are bonkers again round here...
  24. Oooh you lucky, lucky thing!
  25. Tis indeed another Friday! Love the sound of your train rides! Do not love the sound of your difficult parent - what is wrong with people 🤦‍♀️ Nothing at all exciting to report from here... Eldest son tested positive on Wednesday, he is not too poorly thank goodness, he has what he describes as a 'savage headache' and his lost his sense of taste and smell Mr S and I are continuing to 'keep our heads down' - not overly worried about myself, but Covid would potentially be very serious for him... Happy weekend all x
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