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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. The one for Mr S has actually arrived today...
  2. I am so thrilled for you! x
  3. He is very cute
  4. I will give those a miss then! 😂
  5. As you know Mr S is CEV - he has had an email to say that he will receive a PCR test to keep here in case it's needed, this would be followed up by quick access to the new anti-viral drugs if the test was positive...I honestly don't know how I feel about that, obviously it's a 'good thing' but it also serves as a 'warning' that this is set to get worse... This time last year the Government sent all CEV peeps a years supply of Vitamin D - wonder if they will do that again - I take them anyway so I will just share with him once his run out - actually I think it was January this year which figures as he reckons he probably has about 25 left Sheesh - it's hard to believe that we are back in/still in this awful situation
  6. It is all hard to understand Mousie - my son was still testing positive when his ten day isolation finished 🤷‍♀️ Government are panicking in my humble, they know that there might soon be far too many people isolating But anyway great news for young froglet
  7. No I haven't tried bamboo...yes I prefer short needles too...have never tried circular, hmm perhaps I should...
  8. I know - I laughed too 🤣 Have started again on metal needles but I much prefer using plastic...
  9. I have been busy knitting hats for a homeless charity - had knitted about 7 inches of the necessary 9 inches - pushed the knitting down on the needle and the bleeping needle snapped in two 🤦‍♀️ the needles belonged to my late mum so wouldn't like to say how old they were - tried my absolute hardest to 'pick up' the stitches, but no such luck. Back to the start then 😂 Really didn't need input from Mr S - he said "some poor soul is going to be colder for longer now"
  10. Yay!
  11. I do indeed read the news - multi-talented that's me 🤣 so were you clear on the LFT?
  12. How are you today young froglet - when could you start testing to see if you can gain some freedom?
  13. Really could - I fell for it hook, line and sinker 😂
  14. Oh my actual goodness Cait - did you make that?
  15. Didn't offend me Sue - tis very accurate! Big hugs to you too x
  16. Thank you - he did say "think I'm eating even more than usual just in the hope that I might be able to taste something" 🤦‍♀️😂
  17. I really think that why you should be resting, from experience of my son's Covid journey he was definitely 'up and down', he was confined to his bedroom in order to keep the rest of his family safe, so difficult to compare as he really had no choice but to rest...he still hasn't recovered his sense of smell and taste, but otherwise seems to be doing just fine now <touches wood> Sending you lots of get well vibes xxx Wonder how zigzag has got on with her jab... I have been out for a very, very long walk and didn't see another living soul, most unusual for this lovely village...
  18. How are you today young froglet?
  19. Keeping everything crossed for you zigzag (I had no problems with my booster - it was Moderna)
  20. Love those colours
  21. You poor thing - are you drinking plenty?
  22. Not sure that I can comment on the tears, it was a bit soggy here too 😂 but it was clear that they were having to do a lot of 'filling' as AJ couldn't dance
  23. Thrilled here!
  24. Phew - glad to hear it xxx
  25. Oi - you should be resting 🤦‍♀️
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