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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Ooh - young froglet has got a blue rocket - I am intrigued...
  2. I have so far resisted...
  3. Oh I have leaves on my screen 🤷‍♀️
  4. Have we worked out what's going on with the leaves - I'm going for 'these are very wise women' 🤣🤣🤣
  5. I think that's known as a UFO (Unfinished Object) - I like the wool 😂
  6. Flippin' heck - you have got leaves now and so have I 🤣
  7. You haven't got any leaves on my screen? 🤷‍♀️
  8. I need to 'google' felting - honestly so much just passes me by 🤷‍♀️😂
  9. Yes, I have my mums manual Singer
  10. Do it, do it, do it!
  11. When it's finished It will be single bed size I think that's what I'm aiming for
  12. That's lovely!
  13. I have unearthed a crotchet hook and have embarked on a blanket for an organisation called 'Knit for Peace' - it is just rows of treble crotchet, base colour is grey and then every other row is a bright colour - I had forgotten just how 'addictive' crotchet is and like you, I needed a 'mindless' effort, I'm not up for following a pattern just now
  14. That is so frustrating - I have to say that however many times we read/hear 'this will mean less paperwork' or 'no need for this, that or the other to be written' it was never my experience when Ofsted came knocking
  15. Oh my actual goodness 🤦‍♀️ ...and oh my actual goodness 🤦‍♀️ I miss so much about pre-school but not that sort of cr*p, it honestly requires the patience of a saint at times
  16. Oh that's so difficult...
  17. That's good to hear louby, I'm pleased for you Have just seen DIL - now Covid in years 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - that only leaves Reception and Y2 unaffected - youngest granddaughter is Y2 - roll on half-term...
  18. Tis Friday! How is everyone? Lots of Covid in our lovely primary school again - Yr 6 is back in a 'bubble' situation - 17/30 in that year group are off with C-19...what an awful time they are having, I feel for them Have discovered that there is someone who takes even longer than me to write a report 🤦‍♀️🤣 Have the best weekend x
  19. Oh no fm - grrrr - I did once say to a prospective parent who was giving me grief via email(s) because she wanted her child to start at an younger age than was my policy 'I am going to call an end to this now, if your daughter comes to me, it is extremely important that we have a good relationship' - it worked!
  20. Phew!
  21. Oh no - we're not going back to Cait's webbed feet are we 🤦‍♀️🤣
  22. Cucumbers, toms, courgettes, peppers (not going to grow carrots this year - we have two beautiful visiting cats, I love seeing them, but I don't want them to 'poo' in my carrot trugs 🤦‍♀️) - still need to get seed potatoes... Rudbeckia, Petunias, Marigolds, Asters, Nasturtium, Zinnia, Carnations, Nemesia, Sunflowers, Cosmos Hmm - think that will be enough to be getting on with 😂
  23. We have been 'out' - whoop! Seed buying - decided that we would do this before Thursday when the 'rules' change, I know that we can continue to wear masks but that is not what is needed to keep Mr S safe really...anyway we thoroughly enjoyed our little outing!
  24. I'm sending the biggest of virtual hugs to you two xxx Hope that you can find some brightness in the weekend
  25. No idea sorry - really hope that someone has the answer for you (cos I need to know too 😂)
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