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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Is the power back on? Did you see local news tonight - poor people - some had no power and no water
  2. Oooh - now, I mustn't derail the thread, but I loved our beat baby and more importantly so did the children!
  3. In my case that would be loads - I was always very easily led 🤦‍♀️🤣
  4. Yes, very much still a 'thing' 😀
  5. Here are some of my 'little hats' - these are for the Age UK/Innocent smoothie campaign - Age UK receive 0.25p for each hat I sent 38 just before Christmas and have 14 ready now, will keep making them, they are quick and fun to make
  6. Weaved in - took flippin' ages 🤦‍♀️😂
  7. I am going to try to add a photo of my blanket - nothing like Cait's beautiful fine work but I am sending it to 'Knit for Peace' and hopefully it might bring some cheer to someone in a hospice or a care home
  8. Oh no - I am trying to remember how long we were without power after the '87 storm, think it was 5 days It was thoroughly miserable, I do remember that much
  9. That's not good - have they been given an estimated time?
  10. Oh my actual goodness I didn't know that, poor HM...
  11. He said "if you did Whatsapp (sp?) I would send you a photo", but I don't so, he can't 🤷‍♀️😂 It wasn't big, but ever so good, he is mad for the 'green' life - he is also a bit of a 'tight-wad' so the more electricity he can generate the better... DIL is feeling okay, thank goodness, I suggested on day one that she contact GP and ask for anti-virals, I felt sure that these would be given as she is Type 1 diabetic, I also said I would go and pick them up for her, she wishes that she had done so now.
  12. My poor bro - apparently and unsurprisingly it was 'spinning' at such a rate of knots that it sort of exploded - it had ten sails - he has only found one🤦‍♀️😂 he plans to rebuild and he can see the funny side In other news - my poor DIL is still testing positive on day seven - to say she is fed up is an understatement...
  13. 🤣🤣🤣 now that would have been good!
  14. Rang my brother earlier - he lives about 7 miles away - he had a 'wind turbine/windmill' effort that he built himself years ago to generate some of his electricity - suffice it to say he doesn't have it anymore...
  15. Obviously not a 'Dodge' - apologies that's a very cheap joke!
  16. No power is so difficult - I was all prepared yesterday, but was so happy and very surprised that we didn't lose ours, it was off for a short time this morning, repairs I suppose
  17. Well that was a real 'Funky Friday' 😂 Have assessed damage this morning: 3 x fence panels - fixable - fingers crossed Guttering - low level - already fixed Burglar Alarm box - hasn't worked for years - needed taking down - so thank you Eunice Tree in front garden has 'snapped' and is resting on our neighbours garage roof - tree surgeon contacted - any damage to tiles we won't know about until it is moved Greenhouse - a panel has broken - not too big a deal hopefully Mr S might be able to fix - at least it didn't take off 🤣 Honestly, none of the above matters in the slightest, family are all safe and our houses are undamaged - so it's a big sigh of relief for me Hope everyone else is okay?
  18. <whispers> I think it is calming down
  19. That is such good news zigzag
  20. We have low water pressure - not things I give a single stuff about really Do wish it would stop now...
  21. Crikey louby! I cannot believe that we still have power - sure it won't be long 🤦‍♀️😂
  22. Make that three panels...
  23. Although blowing an absolute hoolie it is really mild here We have lost a fence panel - no surprise and nothing in the grand scheme of things
  24. Oh my actual goodness - you have made the right decision - it's a 'tad breezy' here in Kent Happy Friday all
  25. That's good news!
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