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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Ah there you are! Good luck with the house move and daughters 😂
  2. BBC Breakfast 12th August
  3. I remember, when I was still working, just watching August fly by and willing it to slow down... It is so flippin' hot - but as I said to Mr S this morning - we will soon be moaning that it's too cold and wet 😉 Anyone seen fm - I hope she is okay and just taking a much deserved break...
  4. I had a 'google' and thought 'ah that's Pander's way' 😂 looks lovely
  5. Thanks zigzag - it is beautiful, I love this village...I don't know Fordcombe, I shall away and have a google!
  6. I think Mr Panders is quite right - but..........they were jolly useful to us when we were in the midst of the week with no water 🤣 I know it was no coincidence that when they turned up to film we got some water even if it was only for the short amount of time that they were here
  7. It was zigzag! I have well and truly 'outed' myself here - but I don't really care now that I am retired - the parched village green that was shown is exactly where I live, but a bit further down...oh and dear Doris, isn't she wonderful...
  8. Good morning all - tis Friday! My little village made the national news this morning in connection with water matters - I think the beeb have adopted us😃 Have a lovely weekend x
  9. Oh Gezabel - the hugest of congratulations to all and everything crossed for a successful and safe pregnancy and delivery xxx
  10. Oh my actual goodness that is seriously beautiful zigzag
  11. My advice would be - it's 3:30 which is far too late to start this task now - 3:30 is made for bit of knitting, crochet, reading or cake eating
  12. I could get on board for that! We have had a lovely visit from eldest son and our two youngest grandchildren, they have just come back from their holiday in the New Forest, son said that he had never known it to be so quiet there, that's a bit sad, I guess that's the cost of living crisis... They picked a load of tomatoes to take home with them - granddaughter asked her granddad "why are some orange and some red, are there tomato painting fairies" Granddad (as ever, practical and lacking in imagination) explained that they are different varieties - meanwhile nana much prefers her idea😂
  13. Wow zigzag that is an amazing view - just beautiful
  14. Goodness me, here we are again tis Friday! Lovely week here with the 'holiday dog' - she is going home today - we are going to miss her greatly - but I'm sure she will be back before we know it! Hope everyone is okay? x
  15. Ouch!
  16. Oh no - poor lady
  17. Crikey😧
  18. Young Froglet - your 'crocheted half a dishcloth' sparked a memory for me - that's how I learned to knit - mum set me up with big wooden needles and some cotton yarn and I knitted dishcloths
  19. I did and I loved it!
  20. Oh louby - that's not good ☹️ hope you get some soon
  21. Yay! Who said girls can't play football?! Yay! It is absolutely lashing it down here!
  22. So what actually happens at a 'crafternoon' - do people bring their own projects and enjoy a cuppa together - or is something else altogether?
  23. I have been 'super productive' so far this morning - lots of housework tasks and holiday dog has had a good run - go me! 😂
  24. Oh that's brilliant young Froglet - do let us know how you get on!
  25. Not enough rain here to make any difference louby - all a bit desert like P.S. I would have had that snooze! 🤣
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