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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh she wanted her mum
  2. You are missing out - I absolutely love it - might be different in a town I suppose, but we get the sweetest of children calling here, I don't bother putting out a pumpkin which is the 'signal' that you are happy to have spooky visitors - they all know me and Mr S and know they will be welcome...parents tend to stay at the bottom of the drive and the children make their own way to the door - lovely!
  3. We've enjoyed lots of spooky visitors this evening - my favourite was a little girl who made off down my drive with her sweeties and then quickly ran back to say "thank you, see you next year"
  4. Do you work in inches? Something like 30 x 40 Just enough to cover a lap or tuck around a small child in a pushchair
  5. I did check with our nearest food bank and they are very happy to receive 'lap blankets'...
  6. Oh my actual goodness! Beautiful blankets on there...
  7. Oh thank you - I will
  8. I love the colours - I have made small 'granny squares' in the past - but I really don't enjoy the joining...
  9. It really, really was - trouble is I want to make EVERYTHING!
  10. Hmmm - I hold you totally responsible for the hour that I lost completely engrossed in Youtube crochet tutorials 🤦‍♀️
  11. I got a UFO (Unfinished Object) out this week - a big granny square blanket (not little squares, one big one) I am going to finish it and donate to our nearest food bank - have checked that they want it
  12. Too late to say good morning - but 'tis Friday I have had the two youngest grandchildren here this morning - we had lots of fun! Hope everyone has enjoyed half-term - next stop ********* - can't mention it yet 🤣 Have a lovely weekend all x
  13. scuse me - I have made young Froglet a birthday thread! 🤣
  14. Hope you have a lovely day young Froglet x
  15. Oh no - ouch - how is it now?
  16. Oh louby that made me smile - bless her dear little girl sending a pea home for the cat - what did the cat think of it? 🤣
  17. 'a knees up with the nurse'!
  18. It's all the rage!
  19. Blimey - I'm feeling quite left out here 🤣
  20. Whoa Mousie - big news - can't wait to hear more - sure you smashed it!
  21. I thought it was connected to the pumpkin pick (not really 🤣) - anyway good luck with it, such an important check in my humble
  22. Good morning - 'tis Friday Must be half-term break for all? I've just had a mega frustrating hour - went down to the next village to post our latest Knit and Natter efforts to Knit for Peace (we no longer have a PO here) and to collect repeat prescriptions for Mr S... Having lugged the huge parcel to the Post Office I find a note on the door reading 'closed due to illness' - okay lug the parcel back to the car Next stop pharmacy - they came out with the smallest bag - I said "oh no, that's not right, he has a big prescription on order" - honestly, this happens with great regularity - to make matters worse they speak to me as though I came down in the last shower of rain grrrr Guess where I will be going on Monday 🤦‍♀️ never mind far worse happens at sea! Happy half-term for those lucky enough to get a break now Hope that everyone has a lovely weekend x
  23. So do I - my lovely mum had some great sayings - she used 'once in a flood' instead of 'once in a blue moon' and loads more - in fact thinking about it she is probably responsible for 'another year older and deeper in debt' - I did feel pretty awful that my friend thought I was being serious 🤦‍♀️ My mum never learned to drive but that didn't stop her having lots of advice for drivers - particularly those that she deemed to be driving too fast 😂
  24. Yay! Thank you, my little black and white furry friend - so I didn't 'make it up' I just changed it a bit! 😂
  25. Oh my actual goodness! I just sent a text message to a friend: Thank you for the lovely card. Another year older and deeper in debt She has just sent a reply and is clearly very concerned about my finances - i have had to reassure her that I am not really in debt and that is just an old saying Told Mr S about and he has never heard of that saying - crikey - did I just make it up - I don't think so 🤷‍♀️ Someone please tell me that you have heard that before
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