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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. How lovely was that pro dance - I had something in my eye...
  2. Lovely Cait - well done you!
  3. So many nasty colds about young Froglet - rest and keep warm x
  4. That's lovely and such a super thing to do for your new granddaughter
  5. Good morning all - 'tis Friday again Hope everyone is okay Youngest grandson has celebrated his 5th birthday this week - no idea where that time has gone Knit and Natter still going strong - have a lovely little group of core members with others that just come occasionally - so pleased that I decided to set this up Will attend the 'Act of Remembrance' this morning at our small village war memorial Hope to get some more garden tidying done today and over the weekend - so good to get a break from the rain which has been relentless here What an exciting life I lead 🤣 Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  6. It's hopeless - that's why I think that there needs to be a big campaign for parents - well no, ideally there needs to be better access to SALTs but we know that isn't going happen anytime soon
  7. Still banging on here! I have checked - wait for Speech and Language intervention is eighteen months here - it was 12 months when I retired...
  8. Has anyone else been shouting at the TV today re the news about there being a long wait for Speech and Language support - good that this is being highlighted, but my goodness that has been the situation in my neck of the woods for so long (long before Covid)... To say nothing of that poor mum that was shown writing chalk letters for her little boy, I could see that she was doing her best, but why oh why hasn't her HV given her some sensible advice - as I have typed that I am now thinking perhaps she hasn't had any access to a HV. Perhaps there needs to be some sort of campaign to help parents... All so frustrating
  9. I knew that and I still can't really believe it, after all of your hard work, so sad
  10. Thank you we really did
  11. Awww Cait - I do realise that we are really very lucky
  12. Just waiting for my two youngest grandchildren to be delivered to me for the day!
  13. I know, I get it, I just worry about you, you have so little down time
  14. Such a shame - wish that I could offer some words of encouragement - our lovely zigzag has found work in a different area I'm sure that far too many really good practitioners are being lost which is so sad
  15. Young froglet you work so hard/too hard...
  16. It's all a bit sad really that we are encouraging our forum friends to retire...
  17. 🤣🤣🤣
  18. So tricky louby - I understand 'accounts and payroll only' but would it stop there? Is there really nobody to completely take over the pre-school? As I said earlier it's absolutely none of my beeswax, but I couldn't have stayed involved at all, it wouldn't have worked for me, but some of that is because I am self-confessed control freak! 🤦‍♀️😂 When I made 'the decision' I let it be known that I would happily give the whole thing to someone with the relevant qualifications - three people came forward, but only one was a serious contender, I gave everything to her, all of my lovely resources that I had been building up for years, I was happy to do this because I really wanted to see the pre-school continue...and I could just 'walk away' which was exactly what I needed to do
  19. Now I 'need' to know what letter from the gov? It's such a big decision louby - but I have no regrets - when you say 'in' the setting are you thinking of still running things without going in, none of my business I know but I wouldn't do that...
  20. Oh Mousie so sorry to read that 'it' got you - hope you haven't been too poorly I can certainly recommend this retirement lark 🤣
  21. I'm just so happy to hear that you are enjoying your new life How frustrating for your son - I shall have a grrr on his behalf
  22. Oh my word - how clever are you - stunning!
  23. You are going to be 'on a mission' now then!
  24. Oh bless her - dear little thing - give her an extra cuddle from her Auntie Sunny please
  25. Hello all - 'tis Friday - I have no idea where this week has gone - it's such a cliche but I really do wonder how I ever found time to work 😂 How is everyone? Nothing exciting to report from here - although I am very happy with today's weather - the rain has been relentless this week Wishing you all a lovely weekend x
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