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Everything posted by lynned55
Have you managed to retrieve it yet?
Gosh £18.50 per hour! You poor thing- having your card cloned- so annoying and such an inconvenience. louby- I'm just downright annoyed about it. The whole thing is now having such an impact on every aspect of our lives isnt it. I speak as someone who is in the 'danger' age (or so I'm told) lives with a vulnerable person and whose poor Mum is in a care home and been visited once since beginning of March- I now cant see 2 of my children, none of my grandchildren, one of who is celebrating her 40th birthday next week . So all in all thoroughly fed up- oh and on top of everything else I have to isolate until Fri next week. Last time I thought it really was the correct thing to do- as you say louby- our numbers had reduced drastically- most weren't coming in but this time we are almost full- or will be in January- we cant really take anymore children, not with the amount of cleaning to be done still. But now- I just dont know and cant help feeling what will happen after Christmas- when schools go back, Uni students have been partying etc, etc. We cant keep going into lockdowns- and I dont begin to even suggest the remotest idea of what else to do. I worry for all these fragile people with their mental health issues- look at a couple of friends whose business have folded and wonder how they will manage now. Goodness I have become such a whinge bag! Sorry everyone- you dont have to answer- just having a bad day for some reason
My daughters friend took part in this. Her 3 yr old tested positive but none of his nursery did and so far none of her family have. I must admit I'm not sure of the point in it. He's fine thank you anyway- still saying certain foods are tasting funny- he is a standing joke in or family because of the amount of tomato ketchup he gets through- we always say he has a plate of ketchup with a bit of dinner. Anyway- he cant stand it at the moment! Tried it again last night and says it has stopped tasting like aniseed and now tastes like soap!! Still no contact from anyone- you are right its a shambles isnt it.
It's so confusing isnt it. My son started feeling ill on Thursday- was tested Sunday and told he was positive yesterday. I say he felt ill because he had none of the symptoms. No cough, temp but has since yesterday saying that everything he is eating tastes of aniseed! He wouldn't have got himself tested but someone he was with the weekend before had tested positive., so with him feeling ill- we thought it best to get it checked. We are now all isolating- but then he lives with us - he met with 4 friends on the Sat and by the following Sunday 3 out of the 4 had tested positive, with one waiting on results. If your staff member has no symptoms why is he having a test? Interestingly my son wasn't contacted by track and trace as a contact and its now been over 24 hours since he received his results and has not been asked for his contact details.
Ha, ha!! So would I and I wrote myself loads of notes. Surely though we wouldn't be expected to base everything on Feb's income. Mind you my son tested positive so I'm at home now until next Friday and will have the time to do so! Do you know, on a different note. He got his results yesterday lunchtime- just over 24 hours- great I thought but nobody has contacted him to ask who his contacts have been. Over 24 hours now. Not very good is it
New Development Matters and the Observation Checkpoints
lynned55 replied to Helen's topic in Development Matters
So what are everyones thoughts on the proposed birth - 5 matters that is currently being researched? Going to be difficult to ignore when all the big EY's people are behind it. -
So who would be our 'sponsor dept' or respective administration' to contact then? Our LA's? One thing I do know- I'm not going to spend the time (and stress) I spent on it last time- As you say I cant think they mean us to use Feb's calculations.
Thank you Sunnyday- I dont know where this last week has gone- but a least my husband is a lot better now- went to Mass this morning- first time he's been out f the house in nearly four weeks! However after yesterdays announcement wont be gong anywhere else now for a while either! To say I am cross about this lockdown again is an understatement - I wonder what do we do when we come out of it, it all gets suppressed, we take the lid off and BANG! back in lockdown again mid- January. Sorry, so fed up- to round it all off- my son gets a phone call from a friend who has just tested positive and who he was with a few days ago. As he's really been off colour himself last couple of days- he's now gone of for a test and of course we have to isolate until he gets results back. If he hadn't been ill, admittedly, none of the C symptoms, then I wouldn't but given that he's not been well and has had contact with it, I dont think I should go in tomorrow. Oh dear, life is so, so difficult at the moment- isnt it. Christmas is going to be odd this year- we have a huge family, lots of nephews & nieces- all with partners and most with children- we always get together for at leat one day over Christmas but as that means between 30-40 people I guess that wont be happening. I have 4 children, 3 in laws & 5 grandchildren- so even my immediate family is big (ish). I shouldn't moan- so far we are lucky in no one close to us has been really ill- but heads will roll if I am not allowed to sit down to Christmas dinner with all my immediate loved ones!! 😃😃😃 Anyway - enjoy the first couple of days back everyone- before the madness of Christmas starts!!
I tried to register with them weeks ago. Apart from a standard 'we have your email etc' I've never heard back. I'm really fed up now- they've moved us into Tier 2- which means I'm not supposed to see either of my daughters or grandchildren unless ouside- but they better get their act together in time for Christmas- or heads will roll! My poor husband has had Shingles on/in his head and right eye. Which meant an emergency trip to Morefields. Luckily they said his eye is ok, just the optical nerve damaged but that will heal just take time. He's been in so much pain behind and in his eye, plus thumping headaches. But getting better now- thankfully as he has been ill since weekend before last- Really taken it out of him though plus he still only has partial vision in that eye. For the first time in I dont know how long we only have one child on our SEN register and that's for speech sounds. Last couple of years were hard, really hard- we had so many and like Finleysmaid was beginning to think we were some sort of magnet for them! What is such a shame is that two of them were half way to EHC plans- we go into lockdown, come back and although we're still waiting for an ED Pysch the school asked us to apply for EHC but nothings happening -They go off to school and we've just heard that not only both turned down but both are only able to do half days as school cant manage them. I dont know whether to be cross or upset for the children. I will say no more than we managed with both of them full time and a number of other SEN's and 2 or 3 with behaviour problems!
Bit late- but many belated happy returns!
Do any of you use this above on the children? We dont- used to years ago but were then told to stop if it was alcohol based and f course thats all we have now. We have an ongoing debate at work at present whether it would be ok to use it just once a day administered by an adult. I've tried to research but cant find anything recent on whether to use or not. At least not anything credible. I did find an article that said to always wash your hands after using it. Thoughts?
Really? How unfair- but doesn't surprise me
Well I dont know- but in theory yes.
have coronavirus symptoms are self-isolating because someone they live with has symptoms are self-isolating because they’ve been notified by the NHS or public health bodies that they’ve come into contact with someone with coronavirus are shielding and have a letter from the NHS or a GP telling them to stay at home for at least 12 weeks have been notified by the NHS to self-isolate before surgery for up to 14 days Those are the reasons you can claim back SSP
So I'm just looking through the SSP guidance and it says The weekly rate was £94.25 before 6 April 2020 and is now £95.85. If you’re an employer who pays more than the weekly rate of SSP you can only claim up to the weekly rate paid. So does this mean we could pay staff their normal salary & then claim back the £95.85 SSP? Or do we only claim it if this is what we pay?
Me too!! I did wonder whether to pay part wage- but then talking to my daughters - both who work for huge companies- and they are not paying if child sent home from school and told to isolate, as they say it's 'dependants leave' Wouldn't get SSP unless symptomatic anyway. Like you - I keep going round in circles- I saw the £500 thing but my staff that would be considered to be on a low income isn't because they are particularly low paid - its because they dont want to work anymore hours! Also I thought (but may have got this wrong) I heard they had to be in a 'lockdown' area- which we definitely aren't
This question is cropping up, time again on facebook. My thoughts- Parent- Yes- I will charge - as do not feel it is any difference to catching CP , D&V or any other 101 germs/virus' from preschool and we are still providing a service- however if we have to close- then no- I wont charge, Staff- If staff have to isolate due to household or themselves etc - then it will be our normal sickness policy (1 week pro rated) then SSP- If we close then we will pay IF and it's a big if- we dont get too many staff isolating then we could afford to pay. But I would be worried about paying 2/3 of them and then running out of funds. On the other hand I'm not sure we should pay if they are isolating because of someone in their household (and I include myself in that) I'm also little concerned about my staff that dont qualify for SSP- because they dont earn enough. To be honest I'm just burying my head in the sand at present and hoping it doesnt come up!!
Thanks Rebecca- that's given me some food for thought
New Development Matters- introductory section
lynned55 replied to Helen's topic in Development Matters
I'm with louby here 😉 no energy or enthusiasm for anything new at the moment. I have skimmed through it- but to my shame 'cant be bothered' to read it properly. I did see that an EY consortium has made quite a damning statement about it and say they are bringing out an 'alternative' Birth to Five document in the next six months -
Rebecca-I do like the idea of that. We do have a between our unqualified (doing a L2) and our L3's. Unfortunately this is only 25 p since April- but cant be helped at present. I do have two Senior staff paid extra and SENCO- but to be honest one of them really doesnt do anything for her extra salary, just has the title Senior- as she has been there so much longer. However I like the idea of the Responsibility Points. Especially in the short term. Presumably you would pay this retrospectively? What do you do if they dont/aren't doing what they said.
Oh Rebecca- I do sympathise with you- looking at care homes. Had to do it last year for my Mum- luckily found a lovely one that she has settled well in. Unfortunately not able to visit at present but that's a different story that we are all aware of! Sunnyday- I hope this week is better for you- we are the opposite to you. We've always been semi packaway, everything pushed down to one end at end of day and then pushed back at start- with all packed away on a Friday and bought out again on a Monday morning. However our lovely supportive (at the moment) priest has said we can leave it all out 'for the present' Made so much difference- esp in the mornings. Despite all the cleaning after closing. Long may this continue! Finleysmaid- we had a vomiting child last year- terrible- he was also EAL- after he had thrown up all over two different staff members- both of whom had to go home to get changed, we told Mum she had to stay. She had already stayed for half a term with him. Anyway- we then went into lockdown- reopened in June and he walked into the setting without a backward glance and is an absolute delight. Quite amazing- sorry not much help to you! I'm not sure how I would deal with that now- I think I'd be inclined to say he couldnt stay. We've had a really good week this week. All came back really happy- think some had forgotten our names I had intended to cut my hours right down this year and mainly focus on the admin side. However this virus has put paid to that really but have managed to drop one afternoon- numbers are down so have saved us some money. Will have to hope for next year. We start some of our new ones this week- fingers crossed they will cross the threshold on their own. Luckily most of them this year are siblings and/or mix with quite a lot ours when collecting from local school. Have a good week everyone
I've had a really couple of horrible dreams lately- one of them I dreamt we (all the staff ) 'forgot' that parents couldn't come into preschool and that we had to socially distance. I let everyone in and all the parents were hugging and kissing us. Then my deputy (except it wasnt my deputy) remembered, told me and I totally lost it with the staff! Woke up fuming with them for not telling me. 😆
Heating the setting this autumn
lynned55 replied to Dennie's topic in Early Years Setting Management
My deputy and I were discussing this last week- we have horrible hot air heaters- all they do is blow hot air out and (as you rightly say) circulate germs all over. Unfortunately I have 3 staff that even in 30 degree heat are constantly moaning they are cold but I did say at the end of last term that they need to get themselves fleeces & dress in plenty of layers as its going to have to be extremely cold for us to have the heating on. I'm dreading it going on. I'm not sure what else we can do though- we're in an enormous church hall with bare brick walls and 20 foot ceilings. -
Ours will all be mixed- up to 30 each day in the same room. We will have a group of 6/8 outside at all times though
When we opened in June and had 3 small groups each child had their own plastic wallet with scissors, glue stick, pencils in but really we didnt need to do that. They never stuck to their own stuff, it didnt really matter anyway as they were in bubbles of 6 (max) In Sept I think like Sunnyday & DebBrad we will be just having a box for all- too many in to manage individual wallets for all and will it be any different to one building a duplo train track and hen someone else picking it up after them? I thought we would just spray the pencils pens with the Dettol spray- scissors can be washed and paint brushes always are anyway. Likewise- playdough will be made and thrown each day- water isnt an issue but it is sand I just cannot decide on.