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Oh dear - both!

Quick snapshots or post-its are usually past tense, longer 5 or 10 min narratives in the present tense.

No rhyme or reason for this, just the way they come out.


This year, following a look at a New Zealand learning journey I switched to past tense, i.e,, today Johnnie, you were interested in playing with the ........ and said " " and when I asked ....... you said " " You looked like you were having such fun using the......


Usually past but that's mainly because I take a photo or make a reminder note on Tapestry at the moment something happens and then write it so it makes sense in the evening - by that time it is past tense!


When I trained (many moons ago!) I was taught that it is best to use present tense as this means you are more likely to write a factual report of what you actually see, rather than a reflective account.


Always past tense. Reading back present tense can be clumsy yo read back, I find, as you can fall into switching between tenses easily. "Jenny goes to the sand tray and picks up the spade and asked S if she could have the bucket". I think a parent would far rather read something a bit more reflective - it reads much more naturally

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Always past tense because you write it down after it happened lol.

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