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Is there anybody who knows of any good music and movement type of activities? We have used tatty bumpkin foe a few years and would like to try something else.


Is there anybody who knows of any good music and movement type of activities? We have used tatty bumpkin foe a few years and would like to try something else.

I love Val Sabin's 'Action Kid's' - it's great!


We use some of the 'Sticky Kids' CDs........we also are often found dancing to some good old 'disco' hits - Agadoo, YMCA etc xD and I have a lovely CD 'The Fairy Ring' that we use for some soft and floaty movement :1b


must admit a lot of ours were the old disco ones..

superman was always a favourite.. along with agadoo.. and the birdie song .. we adapted the dance to be a ring/ circle one.. avoided the bumped heads!

we also had sticky kids, val sabin action kids

and we had some Ros Bailey action raps with a cd.. those were always popular and asked for over and over... (did have to explain to one parent why her child was constantly dancing , rapping and 'shaking her bum' as it was part of one of the raps.. )

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we use music the children suggest and then upload it to an ipod so that the music is the kind they want to listen to, however, even we are getting a little fed up of 'let it go', we then add enhancements like scarves, streamers, cloaks, bubbles, dough gym and move how the music takes us, an adult usually leads and suggest some movements to enhance physical development but on the whole we work with the children ideas

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