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Do you know if safeguarding children courses have to be accessed through the county council training or is there other places you can get it?




We can access training from wherever, generally use NDNA but we just need to make sure we know the county specific contacts etc. As finleysmaid says best to check with your LA, we just don't use ours as they are ridiculously expensive!!!

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Hi, we are in kent and have recently organised safeguarding training for our setting ourselves.We just phoned our area contact and she came to deliver the 2 hour training to 15 of us. We even 'sold' 5 places to a nearby setting. The cost for the whole training was £200. I think we charged our fellow practitioners £15 each so is it was definitely worth doing.

We did have to close for an afternoon but we juggled everyone who had a funded place to a different session so no one lost out.

we will definitely do this again when we need to refresh.


Preschool learning alliance offer a free online safeguarding course if you are a member... Good for all staff to do but obviously your safeguarding officer would need to a the full course which LEA provide or recommend.


Guess were fortunate enough in that our LA provides this free for us still. Though now delivered by the Safeboarding Team and can top up online with a refresher

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Your local LSCB website may have links to courses. Ours does a free online level one and gives dates for the local level 2 and 3

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Ooh Finleysmaid I certainly didn't know about the deputy designated person in our LA., going to check that one out.

I currently cascade all information as our designated person to all our staff after my training, as well as part of our induction process. :)

Do look at the EYFS document for the changes for September 2014 as things are changing yet again, again, again. :(

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apparently good practice since the last serious case review attached to a school issue (the safeguarding officer had left and no one had been assigned her job) info i have is that settings are now being asked both by their lea and from ofsted


we would have missed it too if three of our trustees were not Governors in schools......i find this sort of thing annoying when we are all connected in this borough with an intranet system!

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Yes indeed. This is what so bothers me with the major cutbacks in the LA. there is no one to speak to directly now in some areas, ie: funding, and emails donot always get a response or reply.

Thank heavens for "Forum Friends" I say.

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Hi everyone

I've been reading this thread with interest after taking on the DLP role. I really struggled in finding a Level 2 course (did one online a while ago to at least have that under the belt). So, finally got a place on LSCB Comprehensive Child Protection Pathway (CCPP) - Level 2 which was really informative and I learned alot about the processes involved.

Now, I'm really confused about whether this is THE level 2 I need for my role as there seems to be a few different Level 2 courses!

Anyone know? Thanks


Maybe check with you LA as we had our annual safeguarding visit from our advisor last month and the advice seems to differ from what you guys are saying :-( Our designated person has got the NDNA advanced safeguarding training, everyone else just the basic children protection training. I am the deputy and I only have the basic training too. She looked at all the qualifications and said they are all fine and everyone has what they should. She just made sure we had the correct details and process for our local authority! Is this not right???


Maybe check with you LA as we had our annual safeguarding visit from our advisor last month and the advice seems to differ from what you guys are saying :-( Our designated person has got the NDNA advanced safeguarding training, everyone else just the basic children protection training. I am the deputy and I only have the basic training too. She looked at all the qualifications and said they are all fine and everyone has what they should. She just made sure we had the correct details and process for our local authority! Is this not right???

That was my understanding too - my deputy is named as the 'back up' person with responsibility for safeguarding but she only has the 'basic training' - this approved by our SIP (ah back when we had one that is) - I will have to re-read the Statutory requirements.......sometime :blink:

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Sunnyday I've looked this afternoon and nowhere in requirements can I see anything about levels of training or anything to do with deputy requirements so think it's fine! Panic over!

Please may I award you a gold star! :D


Well it definetly states for our LA that their should be two named persons.( after Finleysmaid flagged this up) thanks Finleysmaid.

I will be contacted our LSCB this week to check this out and let you know.


Ours used to be group a,b and c


It's now levels and then a seperate one for managers but you have to do level 1-3 first. So glad it's free

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