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Fancy dress ideas


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I have been invited to a New Year's Eve party at which there is fancy dress. I have no problem with dressing up, no problem with looking silly but I have lots of problems coming up with ideas! So, I thought I'd see if any of you lovely, creative people have any?!

There is no particular theme - the people I'm going with are going as Indiana Jones, Princess Leia and someone from Baywatch.

So, any suggestions...

I have been told that the fancy dress isn't compulsory - I could just go in a "wild shirt" if I wanted to but I'm really touched that I was invited and would like to make an effort!

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Sunnyday - I wouldn't dream of it! You'll need it for your own New Year's do won't you? I'm touched that you'd offer though! If I do go as a minion maybe I should knit myself a yellow balaclava! I'm still really liking the minion idea although I have no idea how I'd do it. Have got my brother and his girlfriend on the case too. She once went as R2D2 and looked amazing!

Panders - thanks for the suggestion - I'll bear it in mind!

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Have to say I felt an overwhelming sense of relief - really couldn't see how I could get through Christmas and New Year without the balaclava - was having to re-think my planned outfits........

:( If the weather forecast is to be believed - I may have to borrow Cait's wet weather gear :blink:

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:( If the weather forecast is to be believed - I may have to borrow Cait's wet weather gear :blink:

I may have to get you your own set! Looks like I will be needing it! Do you want thermal? Pink or grey? Perfect ten?


Oh and a hat to hold on to! Crikey! According to xc weather we will wake up to ten centimetres of the white stuff tomorrow! And there's a hole in the preschool roof thanks to the high winds!

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I may have to get you your own set! Looks like I will be needing it! Do you want thermal? Pink or grey? Perfect ten?


Oh and a hat to hold on to! Crikey! According to xc weather we will wake up to ten centimetres of the white stuff tomorrow! And there's a hole in the preschool roof thanks to the high winds!

Hmmm - perfect 10 - yeah in my dreams! :blink: Thermal - no not needed - I have my thermal sarong that Helen so kindly made me - purple please to go with the balaclava :1b

Good luck with the 'white stuff' - oh and the pre-school roof - nightmare :(

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Hope you all stay safe and warm in this weather. My current thoughts on the fancy dress front are going as a snowflake - I love cutting out snowflakes and could just cut lots and lots to stitch all over a white t-shirt and skirt/trousers. Could make a fancy snowflake headdress too and get some silver glitter out as I'm not sure we used enough before Christmas. What do you think?


Cait - sorry to hear about the roof! Hope you can get it fixed quickly.

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Hope you all stay safe and warm in this weather. My current thoughts on the fancy dress front are going as a snowflake - I love cutting out snowflakes and could just cut lots and lots to stitch all over a white t-shirt and skirt/trousers. Could make a fancy snowflake headdress too and get some silver glitter out as I'm not sure we used enough before Christmas. What do you think?


Cait - sorry to hear about the roof! Hope you can get it fixed quickly.

Oooh I like that idea - we will need photos obviously! :1b

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