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AGM Woes!

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So last week we held our AGM and had to fantastic number of zero new parents attend :(


So it has had to be cancelled and we will reschedule - has anyone got a letter they are willing to share which is firm but kind ^_^ which states how we MUST have a committee albeit a small one?!


I do have one but its on my work computer, if you pm me I will gladly send it to you when I get to work on Tuesday.

It's so frustrating and demoralising isn't it.

I don't think people realise how stressful that can be, no committee, no preschool, and every year you could be in the same position.

Does your constitution allow you to have staff members, would anyone consider doing this from your team.

Wishing you well with this.:) Fx

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I have a few letters I've given out over the years, I'll try to track them down.

I always make the point that the playgroup belongs to them, the parents. That being on the committee allows them a voice in how the group is run, how money is spent, that they have skills they can share and that being a volunteer can help them to develop new skills and is a great addition to a CV. I also tell them if we don't have a full and functioning committee the charity commission can make us close. I'm going to be starting a recruitment campaign in the next couple of weeks so fingers crossed :)

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I do have one but its on my work computer, if you pm me I will gladly send it to you when I get to work on Tuesday.

It's so frustrating and demoralising isn't it.

I don't think people realise how stressful that can be, no committee, no preschool, and every year you could be in the same position.

Does your constitution allow you to have staff members, would anyone consider doing this from your team.

Wishing you well with this.:) Fx

Hi that would be great I will pm you


Yes we do have another staff member beside myself, but we only have 1 parent (Chair) who works full time and so is not a visible face in the setting my secretary and treasurer are people who no longer have children at the setting they really want to finish but as no one is coming forward they'll carry on as they don't want it to close.

Our PLA newsletter came out last week reminding us all that 60% of committee should be made up of parents!!



Our PLA newsletter came out last week reminding us all that 60% of committee should be made up of parents!!

Fat chance of that!!


I know nothing of committees but whilst we cannot make it a condition to pay admin fees if a child is funded are you not allowed to make ita condition that the parents attend AGM's in order to keep a place?


Can you tie it in with something the parents would like to do such as a fund raiser Wine and chat, beauty evening ask in a local college to do some treatments on willing Guinea pigs, Bingo evening for cash prizes. (Or is that gambling and a no no?). An art gallery evening with work the children have done over the past week Lidl had a good deal on canvases I noticed the other day.


We combine parents evening with AGM and find that more parents attend - the AGM is in small print!! - One year our Chair wrote a very strong letter basically saying if nobody steps forward the setting will close in 4 weeks - that worked

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One year our Chair wrote a very strong letter basically saying if nobody steps forward the setting will close in 4 weeks - that worked

Little apprehensive to do this just in case the parents still don't step forward!!

We never used to struggle to get a committee until about 2/3yrs ago now because the children are only with us 1yr at the most 18mths they just don't seem to feel the 'pre-school community spirit' anymore :(

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  • 2 months later...

We also had the same problem in November but we sent out a letter first inviting parents to be members and then targeting those about the committee. We had informal chats with them about what would be required, they were more interested in how little rather than how much, due to pressures of working and running a family most didn't want to get more involved but were happy to make up the numbers and we did promise chocolates and cake!

We managed to get enough as the problems arise when committee members have children that have gone onto school, you cant just ask them to leave after they've supported you but getting 60% as parents is hard to reach...skin of our teeth again this year.


Good luck!!


I still think I would like to say to new parents they need to be on the committee for their childs first year as a condition of a place being available, is that a real no no?


Unfortunately it probably is!

We got 6 new committee members to join at our AGM, which is great, but I've got to do the inductions and form filling with them this week, which isnt great :mellow:


We have trouble getting committee members every year. After lots of enquiring we were able to change our constitution from 60% to 40% of parents on our committee which has helped. We always aim for 60% tho as it's bettered to have parents with children in the setting on the committee.


perhaps we need to examine the reasons for these parents not wanting to do the role......what seem to be the barriers for them? is there anything we can change to make it easier?

i have changed from committee to a charitable company with trustees but before that i had already changed the role of committee member drastically. Perhaps it's time to re-examine the issue and come up with a new plan????? :huh:

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We do decided to switch from charity to company limited by guarantee


Personally don't think parents want the responsibility, feel they have the knowledge to help run it or have the time.


Personally find committees a headache especially ones that have no idea about the legal requirement that we are committed to as a setting but instead have their own ideas. I spend the first 4-6 months getting them on a level playing field to then loose them a few months later to then have to start again


exactly Sazzj. We got three committee members this year, Chair, treasurer and secretary. Which is fine we only need three officers to form a quorum and only need to hold meetings 'at least once per term' according to our constitution. Unfortunately our Chair is moving out of the area at Christmas so I sent the following out last week.

Sadly from JANUARY 2014 our lovely Chairperson ***** will be leaving us. Unfortunately (for us) she is moving out of the area and this means we need to find a new Chairperson. If we do not have a Chairperson there is a real possibility of us closing down. We are a committee run group and to operate legally we are required to have a full committee- which shall consist of AT LEAST THREE OFFICERS- we will be left with just two - Treasurer & Secretary both of whom are already fulfilling important roles. Although it is not a difficult task being on a committee does require a degree of commitment and a legal responsibility, with the Chairpersons commitment slightly more.

Please give this your utmost consideration; even if you are unable to fulfil the Chairs role, just becoming a support worker on our committee would help. We meet once per term and discuss and decide all the preschool business. If you wish for further information on this matter please speak to ****** who will be happy to discuss what the role entails fully. However if no one does come forward by the start of next term, we will be legally bound to inform the Charities Commission in January.

Well guess what? No one has said anything. I've had two parents email me and say they would love to help but cant as they work full time and feel they cant commit to chair. Which is fine and I do realise this but I also have loads of others that dont work. So i'm leaving it until January and then will send out another 'threatening' letter. I wonder what to do if that fails, I really dont want to contact the CC. Rea didn't you do that once? We've never been in this situation before- we've always had committee members but the last couple of years it's just tailed off.


We're still not really up to what we should be with committee members, in fact I only have 1 current parent :ph34r: ssshhhh don't tell anyone!

Actually my 1 member will leave this summer after 4 years bless her - if I can't get 1 single current parent, I am seriously thinking of packing it all in!!


That is such a shame. Would your secretary take on the role of Chairperson and plead for another secretary.

I am really interested in why some groups seem able to recruit new members willingly and others struggle.

Is it a regional problem, a rural one or what.

We are in a village, on the edge of an expanding town and thankfully for the past 20 years have had 9 to 12 members each year. So what makes us so different????????

Each year I think we are going to be in trouble but people do seem to want to come on board, I really don't understand how we achieve it, perhaps it's the lure of choccy biscuits at our meetings that does the trick.

But seriously I do hope people do come forward for you all. :)

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