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Was going to say giant space hopper - now the wine thing has cropped up.


He really doesn't have the knees for such an activity nowadays! Not warm at all......



Champagne glass


You're on the right track - I'll give you a 5 as well.

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A decanter?!

I know you would put tipple into one (and you said it's the opposite) but there again it would be being 'decanted' out of a bottle??

but then again it's now wine related oh dear my I am flummoxed!!


That must mean you're getting colder again - a bit like my husbands tipple with any luck :o

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Oh........an ice bucket?



oooohhhhh.....ooooohhhhh...... an insulated water bottle than you can put ice cubes in - keeps cold drinks cold for hours !!!!!!!!



Sue J


Now we're getting there - ice is definitely getting warmer! I shall give you both a 7.

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I was going to say light up ice cubes... the ones you put in freezer and reuse... but not drink specific enough..



or are they reusable cubes in a shape.. elephants! still not drink specific though


We used to have some of those light up ice cubes - the girls would play with them in the bath!


You're absolutely right about it being reusable cubes to chill a drink - which are just cube shape! They're made from something in particular though - perhaps something mundia might find in her garden......


Also for a particular drink. Gets both those parts and you've cracked it!

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