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So What Exactly Did I Buy Today!


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I have been shopping today and just got the giggles xD

I bought something that came with a big, bright yellow sticker that said 'SECURITY WARNING' the border of the sticker had bold black diagonal stripes and underneath the warning it said

"This item is security tagged, do not open before purchase, the device will be deactivated at the point of purchase"


Question of the day, just for fun is what did I buy that was worthy of having such a warning. It was not an expensive item (cost £13.65)

answers on a postcard and I am so confident no one will get it I will donate £10 to red nose day if anyone gets it right. :o

Edited by Gezabel
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Anti wrinkle cream - not that you would need that, perhaps bought it for somebody else!!


nope! sorry nice try :o


edited to give my one and only clue: it is nothing to do with makeup/skin/hair care!

Edited by Gezabel
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