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How Do I Send Private Emails?

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I know theres a way to do this but i need help.

I want to send emails to all our parents, but dont want any of them to be able to see who else the email has gone to. I cant work out how to make the 'to' name only say one of them.

If you understand any of this, tips would be welcome. :o


Depends on your email account but what you're after is BCC (blind carbon copy)

Does this option exist on your email anywhere?


D'you know, what surprises me, and probably shuldnt knowing my techno abilities, is that we've had a computer for 16 years and things still confuse me.


I'm quite sure you aren't alone! Yes, you put all the addresses in the BCC box, my set-up likes them separated by a comma and a space


Mine likes a semicolon - but should all work!


If I don't want anyone to see anyone else's email address I send the email to myself and put all the addresses in the bcc box. It is one of my bugbears when people send me an email along with everyone else in the world and everyone can see everyone's email addresses. :o




Thanks everyone, I've sent an email with attachment so now I wait to hear how it worked. i should have sent it to hubby too thinking about it... then I'd know. D'ohh!


Hi Rea, if you also include your own email address in the BCC line you can see that it's worked for everyone else, if that makes sense.


Does anyone else remember the old days where the CC was ACTUALLY a carbon copy!!? Thinking back many many years to when I trained in a previous lifetime as a secretary, that was how we did things in those days. Typewriters, shorthand, just think how far we have come!


You mean like in my first job where if you wanted a letter written you dictated it and the typist typed it up. Any mistakes were tippexed and you kept a carbon copy in the customer's file. Urgent messages were sent by telex! Am I really that old?!?!?!?!


We thought it was amazing when we were the first office to get a fax machine.


I remember when we wrote in pen and ink, we dipped the pens into ink-wells and always had blue fingers. I remember Banda machines and Banda fluid :o


haha me too - but ours was blue-black and we mixed it ourselves at school - a monitor's job!! was it the banda machine that went round when you turned a handle - you had to make a reverse copy first - or was that called something else?


The smell of the purple coloured ink used to print school test sheets on used to make my stomach turn - in fear - I expect it still would, think it was called spirit ink, at least it was meths coloured!


Upsy Daisy - I could have been your shorthand typist! I worked for a very old Bank in London for 11 years, my first typewriter was manual and we had to work our way up to an electric one through service. I had one of the first word processors years later which was so huge it took up half of my desk!

  Panders said:
I had one of the first word processors years later which was so huge it took up half of my desk!



Haha - mine's still in the loft with its stash of daisy wheels and lift off ribbons!!! HUGE great thing - takes A3 paper


I feel so enlightened now I have read this!


Popped in to googlemail to give it a go but: when i read the email and clicked on 'show details' it told you who it had sent blind copies to...am I doing something wrong


I cant see the details when i send it to my fsmail account but i can when i send a copy to myself on the one i'm sending it from.


right, i'm back and after a few more tries sending it to myself and my DH's two accounts I think it showed up on my email because i'd sent it to myself...that makes sense perfectly in my head!!


So, panic over! Hope I haven't confused anyone!




I have a question that has frustrated me for ages - can you insert multiple photos into word in one go? It's so time consuming inserting photo's one at a time, observations could be written up so much faster. Hope there is a positive answer out there - i'd be eternally grateful!

  Rea said:
I cant see the details when i send it to my fsmail account but i can when i send a copy to myself on the one i'm sending it from.



That's exactly what i was trying to say in fewer words!! Thank you!

Posted (edited)

yes there is.


If you click on 'insert' - picture, get your file of pictures up and click on one, now hold down your shift key and arrow along how many you want and click 'return'.


that's for is you want lots of different pictures of course - if it's all the same one, but lots of them, you just print out how many you want, obviously! hahah

Edited by Cait

Thanks for that Cait. I can feel my workload easing a little!


HA! Thats what I thought gingerbreadman!!


I created an email account - easy

I sent emails to friends so they could confirm no-one elses email address was showing - easy

I wrote an email to parents - easy

I sent the email with an attachment - easy

I forgot to mention something in the first email and so sent a second - easy

I then found the first email in the draft box not the sent box, so sent a 3rd apologising for the second which now seemed out of place - easy

Then I realised I hadnt put the attachment onto the 3rd email - !

I sent a 4th - will they forgive me and realise how much work I have to do for the playgroup, while being a lonely volunteer and getting no earthly reward?

Well lets hope so, because the attachment was a letter begging for parents to come onto the committee.


  Rea said:
I sent a 4th - will they forgive me and realise how much work I have to do for the playgroup, while being a lonely volunteer and getting no earthly reward?

Well lets hope so, because the attachment was a letter begging for parents to come onto the committee.




Nightmare!!!! sounds like something that happens to me Rea! They will forgive you - but I doubt they really understand how much the job entails. Even those closest to us who know what we do don't see the whole picture!


Best of luck with your appeal, and I hope you find someone half as committed as yourself x

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