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What information do you leave out for parents to read. Are we mean't to leave the sef for them to read along with the polices.

Do you leave information about childhood illness. Also staff qualifications. I don't mean the notice board as that has a load of info including planning etc. But just put on a table for them to look at.


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Mine haven't seen my SEF.....don't think we need to do that - but happy to be corrected! xD


So........Policies and Procedures booklet


Prospectus (although they are also given a copy) that contains staff details - training/qualifications etc.etc.


Last Ofsted inspection report (that's quite important!)


Then as you say........noticeboard has all sorts of info. on display for them.......


Oh and they must be able to see Ofsted's poster which gives info. on how to complain :o


Will keep thinking.......

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we also have a little book where parents may make comments -good or bad - we then look into any and report the outcome on the next newsletter.

we also have a resource leaflet stand which contains leaflets about eyfs, asthma, bereavement, hearing impairment,fostering, etc - the sort of things we think parents might want to read about - and also a list of specialist / support companies etc that parents might want to contact if their child has eg asthma, hearing impairment etc

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This is my next area to work on...can anyone direct me to a notice board with stand that is large enough for the info I need to display plus extras, is portable, lightweight and not bulky. Playgroups has bitten the dust but the ones I've so far seen are expensive.


Blondie, thats a good list of thigs to have displayed, can I ask if you have anything surrounding domestic violence? If not your local police station might have a leaflet you can use. Its one area I like to have covered after working with a woman years ago who was being used as a punch bag but no-one knew. :o

Edited by Rea
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that we are often overwhelmed by "stuff" that we need to make available to parents. We seem to have posters, booklets etc almost everywhere, and there wouldn't be a noticeboard in the world that would be big enough!!!! That said, sometimes I am horrified tosee the tatty out of date garbage on noticeboards at other settings!!


My concern is that if we put everything up, it just becomes a sea of information that nobody reads. Would love to know what other settings do. Almost tempted to scan everything, and put on website, but that would be very time consuming.


Any advice?

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i'm with you on this panda, i put up a parents info planning sheet each week showing what we're doing and ideas for them to extend at home, i think 2 parents actually take the time to read it :o, i also have to keep remindng parents to let children find their own name badge and which table they're on for registration time, they just take them off the board handle to their child saying "you're on red table"........

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