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The 2009 Children In Need Story

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Welcome to the FSF Children in need event. This year we are trying to create the longest story by only using 7 words at a time. The last time we did this was in 2004.


Way back then, our longest thread was 14 pages. Last year our longest thread was 42 pages! Thats an indicator of how much the forum has grown over the years, thanks to you guys. Can we beat this in 2009? Well we can try cant we?


First of all we are doing this to support Children in Need. You don't have to donate to take part, but it would be great if you do. You can donate here


Ok here are the rules for the story.



  1. You can only contribute 7 words at a time to the story, no more, no less.
  2. you can post as often as you wish but no swear words please!
  3. please keep general chatter out of the thread , we'll start another one for that.
  4. anyone can join in
  5. in the events of any arguments, my word is final!!!


Thats it, we'll pop in from time to time to give you the story so far. Thats all there is to it. So come on, find 7 words to help us in our story:


And the start of the story is


That day the sun rose in the

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