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Recording Changes To Our Sef

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My leader has suggested that maybe we should have a form on which we can record all the bits and pieces and changes that we do which we want to go into our SEF. This could then be put with the SEF in case we haven't got round to updating it when O arrive.


This sounds like a good idea to me. What does everyone think? Does anyone use a form like this? Or does anyone do something different that could work better?


Thanks in advance for any advice.

Posted (edited)

Hi Suzie


I have a sheet of paper on which I have 'IN PLACE' and 'TO DO' as the headings - is that the sort of thing you were thinking of?


I find this a really useful 'tool' - clearly shows changes/improvements that have been implimented and those that we are still working on.........shows an awareness of the need to reflect too - does that make sense? this 'list' is of course constantly changing and I update it all the time - I keep the old versions too - this again shows progression........


So I 'wheel out' this list for staff meetings, advisors and when the time comes Mr or Mrs O........


Quick edit to say- this list also shows details of expected 'time frame' and also who is 'responsible' i.e. All or staff initials......

Edited by sunnyday

We scribble on our paper copy and stick post-its on to show it's a working document

We scribble on our paper copy and stick post-its on to show it's a working document

SNAP! this is exactly what we do!


I printed it from the online site after submitting it (only about 9 pages) and already we have crossed things out and written 'implemented and the date it was done', also added things here and there - I firmly believe that the SEF is not something to be completed and sent and then reviewed at some later date. It really is a working document :o


decided today was gonna be THE day that i finally submited this SEF..........but 30 secs in ive already hit a snag as dont seem to be able to copy and paste from already saved one ...........am i doing summat wrong or do i really have to type it all up again ? :o


You need to use the keyboard short cuts to put the information you want in.

Ctrl+A - Select All

Ctrl+C - Copy

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+C - Paste (place the cursor where you want to paste first)

ah thanks for that Beau.........didnt even think about trying that....as you can tell it didnt take much to make me give up lol


xD There's no slacking off on the forum you know! We don't accept feeble excuses here. :o Good luck with it. :(

You need to use the keyboard short cuts to put the information you want in.

Ctrl+A - Select All

Ctrl+C - Copy

Ctrl+X - Cut

Ctrl+C - Paste (place the cursor where you want to paste first)


Hi Beau, How come Ctrl + C is the same for copy and paste?


Thank you, I've been catching up on other stuff, but really do need to convert my draft of SEF onto the new version and I am hoping to be able to cut and paste a lot of it!

and in case you haven't worked it out


Ctrl +V is for paste




That'll teach me to reply whilst distracted with other things! :o At least you are here to keep me right! xD


havent been slacking Beau....almost ready to press the big SUBMIT, copying and pasting went well until a couple of diff areas they'd kinda snuck in and a few boxes were out of synch from the old format, did all the partnership with parents bit then got to a section called 'engagement' have just cross ref'd to any areas mentioning parents before.just hope that'll do :o

Posted (edited)

Yes, I had same problem when I copied and pasted mine only to find some sections changed.

The improvements bit I added to the quality of provision section but headed them under the 5 outcomes.


As for original question I've found a system that works really well for me - I have a Training and Improvements folder, whenever I fill in an evaluation after training with loads of good ideas to implement it inevitably gets stuck in a pile of paperwork somewhere. I now input it into a table along with actions and date implemented. i have included a list of my SEF improvements and also actions from parent questionnaires and network montoring. If I can keep on top of it it's a brilliant working document that details each change i've made



Forgot to add - I've submitted the b*****d b*****Y thing :(xD (after dreaded phone call from Ofsted who would have been in on monday had I been working, thank goodness I'm not and she's busy for rest of week, so will have to wait till she calls again but know it's imminent. Trying not to panic but am filled with dread, I became a blubbering idiot on the phone who could hardly string two sentences together :o )

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

hope your ofsted goes well, still waiting for ours .........i know quite a few settings that have had good ofsteds and havent bothered submitting theirs. i'm just fed up of adding it to every new 'to do' list i write.


like the idea of the folder to record changes made, we have a 'staff' book out that anyone can scribble ideas, changes that think could/should be made, date and sign this when its been discussed and any action that was taken, so i guess its quite a good working document.........if we have to collect anymore paperwork evidence we're gonna have to put em up over night so they can go through it all.

Edited by debc

.........if we have to collect anymore paperwork evidence we're gonna have to put em up over night so they can go through it all.



:o my inspector said "don't worry if you don't get to submit it before I come, just print off a paper copy and I'll read it on the day". It made me laugh because mines over 20 pages long (I always write too much)

thanks for the best wishes - they've come three months early but I suppose I'll get it out of teh way before xmas

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