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How Much Do You Pay?

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Hi all I was wondering if i could pick you brains on how much rent you pay for a year??? To rent your place of work????? Does if you rent from a parish/council five you a discount? I need to get evidence so that I can apply for a discount. I pay over £7 per hour and some days we are opend for 6.5.


With kind regards




think this will have a lot of variable depending on what is included.


we paid £5 per hour... this included electric and gas and major maintenance.


BUT did not include cleaning , decorating ( we had to do it and pay for the paint etc!) phone line.. we had to pay for it to be installed and all costs..


and other hall users used it evenings / weekends so cleaning took over an hour each day.. this kept our rent down as they refused to pay for it, so we claimed it was unfair to pay same as others if we had to clean up after them




Our rent for the church hall is around £4,500 a year. Thats for 4 mornings and two afternoons term time, we are nothing to do with the church. Our local CC teacher is trying to get money to pay our rent for a year which would be nice but I dont know of any other help that might be out there. Wish I did :o

Posted (edited)

Ours is a village hall and we pay £10 per morning we take up the room between 9am - 1pm.


Like Inge we also clean the room, there is a cleaner but she only comes every other week which is not enough, especially as lots of other groups use the hall too - and they never ever put on a new loo roll!!!!

Edited by thumperrabbit

Hi Kat

We are in the basement of the church hall and have sole use. We do all our own cleaning and decorating. We pay £10 an hour.


Guest babyjane31

we rent our space form childrens centre at £3.40 an hour which includes everything including daily cleaning, we have sole use of rooms during term time.


Gosh - what a wide variety of hourly rates - from £2.50 to £10 per hour. How on earth can the single funding formula take account of these variable rent rates?


We pay £7.50 an hour which includes light and heat, and a cleaner twice a week. We rent from the Parish and we get it at a discount from the usual casual hirer's rate because we are a regular user. We have sole use during term time.




I pay £3,000 per year at the moment...................plus heating bills and phone line.The other group in our village pays £2,000 per year and that includes heating and phone, maintenance etc, plus they get a hefty grant from our Parish council to help pay those bills to their landlord......who just happens to be:the parish council!


I think this thread will begin to unravel why some PVI's find it impossible to provide a "free place" without extending hrs provided to gain additional fees. If you think £2.50 to £10 is a wide variance, think of us......we currently pay £20.6 per hr! (and are about to pay even more!!) This does include heating and electric, but no cleaning, phone, broadband etc.


This is a prime example of why a SFF is a joke!!


We pay £3000 a year, including heating and electric, there is an incoming phone line. I recently looked into moving to a nursery building that would cost us £20,000! Not going to happen :o


Hi, we are on school site but rent a building from them and pay £45 per week and that includes all bills... electric, gas, phone, grass cutter and caretaker who is resposible for repairs of building and maintenance of everything that belongs to the school, a contract cleaner from the school and removal of nappies from PHS. I know different settings are charged varying rates from peppercorn rent to astonishing amounts. Dont judge it too hard if youre not getting rent at cheapest amount. hope that helps.

Dont judge it too hard if youre not getting rent at cheapest amount. hope that helps.

I don't think we're judging, necessarily alchross - but a thread like this is very useful for reminding you that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence - I thought £7.50 an hour was a bit steep until I read some of the posts on here!




Gosh, we're lucky, we pay a reduced rate for our 5 mornings, only about £1,700 a year in total. We don't pay for any utilities, although we have recently created a garden on the parish hall land which is of benefit to them as well as to us.


I'm feeling very lucky seeing what everyone else has to pay!

Hi, we are on school site but rent a building from them and pay £45 per week and that includes all bills... electric, gas, phone, grass cutter and caretaker who is resposible for repairs of building and maintenance of everything that belongs to the school, a contract cleaner from the school and removal of nappies from PHS. I know different settings are charged varying rates from peppercorn rent to astonishing amounts. Dont judge it too hard if youre not getting rent at cheapest amount. hope that helps.



wow thats good we are the same as you but pay £250 per week 9-3 term time only all in. I pay for 3 weeks of the hols for cleaning etc.



  • 2 months later...
Hi all I was wondering if i could pick you brains on how much rent you pay for a year??? To rent your place of work????? Does if you rent from a parish/council five you a discount? I need to get evidence so that I can apply for a discount. I pay over £7 per hour and some days we are opend for 6.5.


With kind regards



Hi Kat

you should be doing fd work instead of this. We pay £7 an hour which doesn't include electric and heating.


  • 2 months later...

£200 per month all year round although we only open term time. this includes utilities but not cleaning and not maintenance of any kind

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