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Are there any preschools who let the children take home books to read. Lets say its a bit like a library. When they have finshed that book they can change it for another one. They have a reading card with the book.



We've done it for years. I have a big day to a page diary and parents write down the name of their child and the book they have taken and tick them off when they return. It works well and parents really enjoy it. WE have a few who 'drop and run' and the Key Person spends time choosing a book with the child instead


We do it, each book is given a number. One of my staff members runs the library, keeps track of who has what, ticks it off when returned and child chooses another. We have more books than I am currently prepared to own up to!!


we do it too -although we are not as organised as others here - children are each given a book bag and they choose a book to go in it - the next time they come in they can change their book but only if they have a book in their bag. if their is no book in their bag then no new book is given to them


Each child has a book bag and a library day. As we have can have 3 age groups, 2, 3, 4 years we have different sets of books that are age and developmentally appropriate. For example our older children in their final year at pre-school have more 'educational' books, numberlies stories, letterland etc that they get when we feel they are ready. Our littlies will have more simple stories. The books are all coded. On the library sheets we just write the date next to the code so we know when it went out and if it comes back in! Our parents are pretty good.


Thank you for all replies. We are going to start doing the books from monday





We used to let children take home one book at a time from the Pre-school 'library' and this was recorded as it went home and when it came back.


But then we decided it was a lot of hassle and would be nicer if the children were free to choose as they wished so we bought a seperate kinder box and this is filled with our older books, donated books, purchased from charity shops, and new books purchased with the commission earned on Puffin Books (about £300 worth), so there is now a good mix, they are not just all the tatty ones.... but..... we no longer worry if they get lost, damaged or just never get returned!


The children love choosing their books, they usually do this with their parent as they are dropped off, some just have one at a time and some have 4 or 5, but that's fine, there are plenty to go round.


Hope that helps. :o


I used to do it, but we had to be careful the books werent educational otherwise we noticed parents getting flustered and anxious if the child didnt want to take part in reading. Our aim was only that it was a shared experience and we had to put out newsletters and notes stuck into the front of the books explaining the reason for the books going home. Eventually it worked well, and I dont think we 'lost' any.


We have book bags that children can take home whenever. In each bag is the book, obviously, but we also supply props for parents to use when reading the book. For example....Handa'a Surprise is accompanied by a small basket and all the fruit mentioned in the book, made of fabric. The Gruffalo had the little boy, his teddy and the gruffalo, of course.


Parents fill in a diary when taking the book bags and tick off when returned. We have had to replace props over the years.....some parents don't always report lost or broken stuff. It took ages to set this up but very worthwhile.

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