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Am i the only one who feels this.

Save our sessional pre schools.

We are a sessional pre school, who are very busy. Parents choose us because because they dont need flexability and they want their child to go to a sessional pre school.

So why do the l a tell me i have to open between 9-3! The costs of this will kill the buisness.

The nursery down the road offers these hours, for he parents who need this type of care.


I agree absolutely!!


I honestly think that the government has "lost the plot" on this one. Its model where every parent works full time and needs full day care etc is just not relevant to most of the parents in my local area. Parents who do work, work hrs that require a full time nanny, not 8- 6 wrap around care, and those who don't work, want to be at home with their children. Therfore sessional care is the the choice of a significant number of parents. I am deeply concerned that sessional settings are going to be a "thing of the past" and that would be a tragedy for the sorts of parents we offer our service to.


Elements creeping through legislation at present (such as the need for an EYP in all Full Day care settings by 2015) gives me great cause for alarm about the viability of us small sessional settings, as these rules don't apply to us (and indeed neither is the assosciated funding offered to us).


I would love to know why flexibility is such a misused term in this context. surely the government and LEAs should be FLEXIBLE in response to the needs of very differing parents, and ensure that a variety of childcare options exist in the longer term.


I definately agree we are also a sessional preschool who are busy.

However we are always being told that we have to consider being more flexible.

Parents chose us because we have good reputation based on our sessional care. We also have nurseries in the area that offer that type of care and we always pass parents on if that is what they require.

Why does everyone have to offer the same thing? :o


I am still so confused about this!! we've not received any guidance yet, either, so the only info is what I've gained here and there....


We offer any combination of these sessions


9.00 - 11.45

9.00 - 1pm

9.00 - 3pm

11.45 - 3pm



mixed over any number of days.


So one child might do 5 mornings

and another might do 1 morning, 1 full days and 2 lunch and afternoons.


The choice is down to the parent.


Is that not flexible enough?? xD


I had also thought that it was acknowledged that some settings might not be able to offer flexibility...


What have I missed? :o


Well I'm no expert on the flexible entitlement, but I do remember being told at the initial briefing that it is for providers to decide how flexible they want to be. So if your setting can't or doesn't want to open for more hours then it doesn't have to - although I think there is a funding enhancement for those settings who are fully flexible which seems a bit harsh for those who can't actually open any more hours.


Unless your LA is telling you what hours to open as part of your agreement to offer the NEG then I think the key will be to make your opening times as flexible as possible to meet the needs of your parents (which you are probably already doing) but without stretching your resources too far. Unless you currently have parents knocking on your door asking you to open from 9 until 3 every day then there is no point in doing it.


I'm not so worried about having to increase my hours but more that the funding won't cover my hourly fees. Only time will tell I guess.




Fizzy - I agree with you totally.


I have long felt that there is a 'move' to end the sort of care that we offer.


I don't want to open for anymore than 3 hours per day and nor do my parents need me to........

as you and others have said there are Nurseries who do that job well - I am in the lucky position of being full and having a waiting list - I am in a small village and my entry 'criteria' is village children first, then those having siblings at the Primary school and then by distance..........as long as I can always fit all of the village children in I am happy........I am always being asked by 'advisors' whether I would consider extending hours.......


As an owner/manager I feel that my job gets harder and harder.........that said, I LOVE MY JOB and the children in my care....but I do NOT like all the 'other stuff' that comes with it!


Small sessional pre-schools offer, in my opinion, some great individual care and long may they continue to do so!


OK I'm off my soapbox now - who wants to take my place! :o

Fizzy - I agree with you totally.


I have long felt that there is a 'move' to end the sort of care that we offer.


I don't want to open for anymore than 3 hours per day and nor do my parents need me to........

as you and others have said there are Nurseries who do that job well - I am in the lucky position of being full and having a waiting list - I am in a small village and my entry 'criteria' is village children first, then those having siblings at the Primary school and then by distance..........as long as I can always fit all of the village children in I am happy........I am always being asked by 'advisors' whether I would consider extending hours.......


As an owner/manager I feel that my job gets harder and harder.........that said, I LOVE MY JOB and the children in my care....but I do NOT like all the 'other stuff' that comes with it!


Small sessional pre-schools offer, in my opinion, some great individual care and long may they continue to do so!


OK I'm off my soapbox now - who wants to take my place! :o


Well said!

When I moved from full day-care to session..I loved the difference it made to the children.


My owner has now started opening longer hours and I hate it - we are a pack-away setting in a villiage hall, not a purpose built childcare setting........we have no designated outdoor space, and I really don't think it's fair on the children. The area we are in is similair to previous posts - and we have full daycare in the area. I love the pre-school ethos and feel we should stick up for it!



i absolutely agree - we are a sessional pre-school too and offer three hour sessions - and we lose out on nursery funding because we are not flexible - but as others say if parents want longer sessions they are pointed in the direction of local nurseries.

leave us to do what we are good at

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