Guest Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 I am a Nursery teacher in a class attached to a primary school. We concentrate on Phase 1 from Letters and Sounds and love it!!! Would just like to know how often other Nursery classes do activities from the scheme. Feel we need to do it more but not at expense of other things. Ideas?!!
Shiny Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 We do it most days at our preschool in one form or another, sometimes it is a full blown planned activity other times just spur of the moment 'just because we can' snippet.
Guest Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 So do you put that on your planning or do it as you feel like it?
Guest Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 Hi I work in a similar setting to yourself. We do L&S activities daily, in small grouptimes. The 'Aspect' which we are focusing on is then used to enhance the continuous provision eg noisy socks, collage materials that make sounds, running cars along bubble wrap etc. Our Literacy advisor for the Authority recommended that L&S was done daily. Our Reception teachers have commented on the childrens skills as they move into Reception - they are whizzing through the phases!
Shiny Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 So do you put that on your planning or do it as you feel like it? We put the main activities in our planning but the 'just because we can' activities go in the daily evaluation.
Guest Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 We do the majority as part and parcel of nursery routine! I think it is important but not so that it becomes intense...... lets not make nursery too structured! Please!
Guest Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 We do the majority as part and parcel of nursery routine! I think it is important but not so that it becomes intense...... lets not make nursery too structured! Please! Yes I agree - everyday seems so much when there are so many lovely other things to be doing. Is phonics more important than sharing a story? Singing? Will discuss with team - thanks!
Mouseketeer Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 we do plan P1P's specific activities, but also show how other activities on weekly plan meet P1P's and which aspect they relate 'sounds lotto' - even though it was planned for CLL1 (listening) it would also be marked P1P/A1
Guest Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 What parts of it go down best with your children MCK or anyone else who really enjoys using letters and sounds phase 1. Thanks AOB
Guest Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 What parts of it go down best with your children MCK or anyone else who really enjoys using letters and sounds phase 1. Thanks AOB To be honest am still getting to grips with it as am only just back from a year's maternity leave. Tony the train was great - made a lovely display with a train track and animals to re-enact. Roly Poly, Mrs Browning has a box - to be honest I love it all! Wondering if I can somehow plan in some more whole class times - each week for those odd 10 mins that occur and end up doing the same things. Would much rather do lots of short snaps than always in group time - so much other things we want to do in those times as well. Maybe I should go through the whole phase and make a list of all the whole class possible activities that only need easily accessible resources and work from there? Anyone else got any ideas?
catma Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Yes I agree - everyday seems so much when there are so many lovely other things to be doing. Is phonics more important than sharing a story? Singing? Will discuss with team - thanks! Please don't get stuck in the phonics is letter sounds rut - reading a story and making all the noises that go with it is letters and sounds, singing a song/rhyme together is letters and sounds, listening to the wind in the trees is letters and sounds - all of these can be done with little impact on time constraints I think - if you're reading a story anyway then discuss the sounds you might make together, bring some instruments along and use them etc etc etc thus daily letters and sounds can be managed without it having to be small group focus work!! Cx
Guest Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 You are quite right - need reminding of such things very often!!!! I genuinely really like Letters and Sounds and so do the children - it is great to have an easy to use programme that is exciting and fun. God the FSForum is great isn't it???
Guest Posted March 15, 2009 Posted March 15, 2009 just about to say letters and sounds is not all about phonics but it was mentioned a few posts before we use it everyday in everything we do we dont plan and probably most of the time it is incidental activity that creates the use of l and s i do plan phonics with my older children and they enjoy doing it so i plan that twice a week if they were not intersted i would not do it with them
Guest Posted March 16, 2009 Posted March 16, 2009 I've recently moved to the 2-3's room of our private day nursery but before I was room leader in the pre-school. We used to do (they still do) L & S of some sort everyday, sometimes this would be done in our group times, sometimes it would be done spontaneously without even particularly realising it was L & S during activity time. We do record which activity we do but we do this reflectively, there is a box on our weekly planning sheet that says "Letters and Sounds Activity" and daily we just pop in there which L&S we have done. Occasionally we may pre-plan it, if we feel there is a particular area that individual children could do with focussing on but this is rare. We have a really large plastic box with a lid that stores all the resources for the L & S activities (the ones that need resources anyway). The children have loved adding to the box and will often say "Can we play the noisy socks game?" or "What shall we get out of our big sounds box today?" I really like L & S.
Guest Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 hi all im still getting to grips with the letters and sounds as well as i am quite new to Nursery. I am finding it so hard trying to fit it in following the L&S plans because as you say you can do it other ways without you even realising it. We keep getting mixed messages about what we should be doing in Nursery and how much time we should keep the children on the carpet. I find that if we are doing an input based on one of the children's interests then bringing them together again for letters and sounds is too much. Sometimes i think though that i need to include it a lot more within my planning in order to bring the children on, but then i think is it too structured. Any ideas? Kate
Marion Posted March 26, 2009 Posted March 26, 2009 (edited) I recommend Phonemic Awareness in young children by Marilyn jager adams Edited April 26, 2009 by Marion
Guest Posted March 30, 2009 Posted March 30, 2009 Another letters and sounds question please...? Can anyone tell me do the aspects need to be followed in a particular order, or can you flit around within phase 1? Thank you......
Guest Posted March 30, 2009 Posted March 30, 2009 On looking through phase 1, I would suggest it should be used as a 'pick and mix' resource. dottyp
sunnyday Posted April 1, 2009 Posted April 1, 2009 Another letters and sounds question please...?Can anyone tell me do the aspects need to be followed in a particular order, or can you flit around within phase 1? Thank you...... My understanding is that you can 'flit' to your hearts content! How cool is 'Noisy Neighbours' - or is that just me?!? Sunnyday
green hippo Posted April 1, 2009 Posted April 1, 2009 Hi, We were told (by a literacy and early years specialist) on a phase 1 and 2 phonics course that the aspects in phase 1 are roughly progressive: aspects 1,2 & 3 are early listening skill, aspects 4 & 5 are slightly more advanced and aspects 6 & 7 come just before learning the letter sounds in phase 2. However, we were advised to use a mixture - swaying the balance through the year e.g. do more 1,2 and 3 at beginning of year and 6 & 7 at end of year. Of course so many of the activities can be implimented spontaneously and accidently that is inevitable that you will cover a mixture anyway. I tend to keep in mind the aspects when planning small group activities for a target group of children. Hope that helps Green Hippo xx
Guest Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 We are getting on really well with L&S now - having it as a specified focus activity when in groups (1 adult with 13 children) twice a week and then all those other incidental things we do all the time. Am finding I am thinking more about what we have done and what we need to do and who is "getting" it and who needs more support etc etc. I don't want them sitting on the carpet for ages so we have a quick session when they have all come inside. Works really well. Thinkiing of doing other such things on other days - mental and oral numeracy games etc. Am all excited!!!!!
Guest Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 hey,I've been sorting out/reading stuff on Letters and Sounds all day so i apologise inadvance my head is just spinning. Do any of you work in sessional care?We provide 2 and a half hour sessions,all staff have key worker children and have set days which they organise adult focused activities/group time,we also free flow.I am really struggling to fit in focused Letters and Sounds activities. We have most of it out as free choice experiences, i'm just worried about not doing enough. how do you fit it in? Ang x
Cait Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 Well we've not hard time to do anything formally yet!
Guest Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 We are sessional care and haven't formally introduced anything yet. We do the singing everyday, nursery rhymes and having musical instruments out which covers some of it without doing anything different. However we have the same issues finding time to fit in focused activities but now OFSTED have been theres a bit less stress for a while so this will be something we shall be looking at. Would love to hear how others fit it all in? samfrostie
Guest Posted April 14, 2009 Posted April 14, 2009 I have been busy downloading lots of picture cards which support letters and sounds phase 1 from sparklebox over the easter hols. Metal Mike looks great fun! I intend to introduce this phonics pack to both staff and children on our return to pre-school and hope to use it in small groups throughout the week depending on children's age and ability. Don't think it can be done in large groups and there seems to be lots of listening activities involved. will let you know how we get on over the next few weeks. dottyp
Cait Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Yes, I'll be interested to hear how you get on, especially now the warmer weather is upon us, they'll never be inside so I hope it works outside!
Guest Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 This forum was the best thing i've ever found...everytime i get confused/anxious about something i come on here and have my mind put to rest. Cait that was my thinking too because as soon as it gets hot we practically move everything outside. I love the idea of letters and sounds i just hope it fits in with all of the other great things we do. Ang x
Guest Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 hey all just wondering if anyone assesses the letters and sounds in anyway? i got asked by our operations manager how i assess where children are up to and apparently my answer of "i just know my children through observations" wasnt good enough. the children are preschool age 3- 4.5 and we use phase one, she wanted to know how i would know if any where ready for phase two and where and how this was recorded!!
Marion Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 We've introduced "testing" for auditory blending and segmenting We play a game I say "lady" pause "bird" what's the word? I say "car" pause "pet" what's the word Segmenting I say "carpet" pause "car" what's missing? "pet" car & pet carpet We just keep a note of who can and can't do this and also clapping syllables starting with their name then other words.
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