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I've requested too - please have me! It's a sign of my terrible FSF addiction that I would join an FSF facebook group even though I barely use facebook and have the tiniest number of facebook friends in the world because I hate the idea of spending time being virtual friends with my real friends - facebooking them instead of phoning them - or being 'friends' with people I vaguely know but am not really friends with - the pressure of having to keep up with the whole social network thing is too much for me!! But not for my FSF friends... oh no!

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my daughters got me on facebook and now I love it.

Not only do I get to chat to my close friends but people I know slightly from the school gate and toddler groups have added me as their 'friend' and that has broken the ice for talking to them in person.


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I took the plunge on the FSF site too. Still waiting to be accepted though, and I know I will be cos I need to be. :o

I was accepted on my agencies site but unfortunatly I have little idea, nay, no idea what to do next.

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hopefully i will be accepted l'm cheery cherry on there as on here


we had a memo about usage of facebook from school so i didnt put my full name on just my nickname bizarrely even had past pupils find me

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Is that you in the fetching trilby? What a lovely photo. I like the idea of undercover angels... what's your preferred method of camouflage?




I just had to look what you meant about the trilby, no that isn't me. There's obviously more than one Tracey and my piccy is far less glamourous than that lovely one! lol


My preferred message of camouflage?...well generally angels are angelic specimen's and I am most definately not angelic, far from it, so there is my camoflauge!



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Having trouble - does it take a while? Nothing seems to happen when I click to join the group.






That would be because Mrs Weasley was out last night so wasn't manning her computer. :o I'm sure she'll accept your invitation later today. xD

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Me too, have contact with other forum members on FB .. so if anyone wants to add me as a friend please do, I am Inge there too


Just say who you are and give your forum name in PM on request, so I can keep tabs on who I add



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Hi xD


I've just requested to join your Facebook group - thought I'd better introduce myself so you let me in!!


Just signed up with this site today and its already proving to be very useful...I can feel the addiction coming on already....helllpppp! :(



My name is Tracy Hillson by the way. :o

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Hi Tracy -

Welcome to the Forum! :o


If you're within the Hampshire LA area, you should be eligible for a free subscription - were you aware of that? (looks to me as though you've paid...).


If you haven't found the Hampshire subscription scheme page yet, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the Hampshire admin team and re-fund your subscription. xD

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  • 1 month later...

I'm new here but an oldie on fb


if you'd like to add me i'm




hi everyone, is there anyone who is on facebook that would like to be my friend??? Just thought it would be nice to be able to have another form of contact with you :o



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I've already set up about 4-5 groups on fb including EYFS FOR EVERYONE.


So, if not already done, and people are interested. I'd quite happily set a group up for you all.



And me!!


If anyone has sussed how to set up a Facebook group that might be a good way of getting together!


Ann x

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you need to go in to ''edit group'' then in the profile there is an option to make it an OPEN GROUP. which means anyone can join. If you leave it CLOSED, you need to apoporve members.


FSF Facebook Group!


Ta da!



It's currently set up to have me approve all members :o And it's not letting me change it... xD

But hopefully I'll sort that out!

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