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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Afternoon everyone 😊 Certainly nice to see sun and blue skies.... and line full of washing 😁 Another week gone, and October already! 😮 xx
  2. I am so sorry to hear this. I'm am glad that it was at home and peaceful though, that makes such a difference. Sending my thoughts and best wishes xxx
  3. Wow! Good work! (love the 83p 🤣) Hope you're able to enjoy your weekend. Well, I'm late posting- as this week I have had to work 5 days this week... FIVE DAYS!!!!! i'm exhausted I tell you. (well not to exhausted to have the GD for a sleepover tonight though 😁)
  4. This is my understanding too?
  5. Glad the kitchens sorted now 😄 I remember the nightmare of a 'no kitchen'. We had ours taken out, then my mother in law had a stroke the next day- as Andy was actually doing the new kitchen, this, added to hosiptal visiting/ meetings etc we went quite some time with a makeshift temporary one.
  6. It's pretty annoying to be honest 🙁 I'm trying to see the funny side -especially now we have the evidence that it has been cloned, but i do have to send daily emails to cancel the fines.
  7. Well apparently I've had a busy few weeks according to the various charges I've had throught the post from my 'cloned' number plate .... and there's me thinking I've just been to work and back for the last few weeks! 🙀 We now wait excitedly to see were we've been each day! 😂 Other than that a pretty standard week all in all, and we have had some lovely weather too - which always lifts the mood. 😊
  8. Morning all. Lovely sunny day here too sunnyday 😊 Week two done for me. We are very quiet though - one no show, and a few on holiday.
  9. Weird weather - I'm not THAT far from you sunnyday and although grey, no actual rain other than the odd few mins 'drizzle in the air' every so often! First week done (well three mornings😂) ..... already feels like we haven't been off.
  10. I shall be try this this week 😁 Thank you xxx
  11. We open Monday and I totally forgot about the milk order! 😂 Just done it now... hopefully back on track by Wednesday! We use a local supplier and they are very good- in the mean time, i still have time to add some to my tesco shop for tomorrow 🙄😊 It did look very inviting - the GD fell in love with it so thinking maybe an overnight treat for the pair of us. (although I'm not sure if I might find it a bit creepy in the middle of the night! 😳) Oie!! Less of that! I'm pretty sure I must fall into the second sector of that comment! 😂😂😂
  12. Just had our last ' fun day out' before GD starts school next Wednesday. It's going to be hard sticking to the school holidays now 😮🙁 I can't belive she's starting school already! I just managed a sneak-peak at the local Sheperds Hut - owner said I'm welcome to try it our anytime! 😂 I've been busy making apple and blackberry crumbles for the last two weeks- so ready for a change if you're up are sharing your recipe Cait! ?😁😁 Back to work Monday, and I'm sort of looking foward to it 😳 !!!! Hope everyone has a good weekend. xx
  13. Have a great afternoon 😊 We did the theatre Monday and I have to say it was very good- even the 17mth old sat through it which we wasn't expecting him to do! Windy and sunny here, i even have the (now tangled) sheets on the line drying 😂 Only one more week left for me.... and I do feel a bit cheating tht it's a Bank-holiday week 🙄😂 Have a good week-end everyone.x
  14. Well, it only took me an hour or so.... but newpassword now sorted and I'm in and after much searching have found the P&Ps. I think possibly they may now be free to members - or maybe they are just on mine due to me purchasing them? They took some finding but the were the very last item on the training options page. They do not seem to have a parent contract policy as such, but maybe included in others?
  15. I don't print them all off 😂 - to be honest we only use about half of them anyway. This time I just wanted a specific one really, and I did start to do a google search - then though **d it - and just bought the PLA ones to save my time. x
  16. WHAT!!!! I just paid for some a couple of months ago!!!!!! My thoughts were- they were £12.50 (I think?) ... but how many (unpaid) hours will it save me? so just bought them. Well, it's funny you say that because my thoughts before offering to share the required policy with Cait was - how the h*ll do I actually access them again !😬😂 The very earliest I can try and look for them would be Tuesday, but the PLA have changed their portal, so my totally forgotten passwards might not work!
  17. Not having parent contracts, or her registration forms? I do think there is a big difference from all year around/full days and a 38 weeks limited hours offer though. The former would definitely need contracts.
  18. Well, such a strange coincidence- our local fruit farm has literally just announced the delivery of a (very pretty looking) Sheperds' Hut for rental.... maybe I can try local (and then just walk home if I can't get comfy duing the night!) 😂
  19. Froglet.... ....I shall await your 'tripadvisor' review! 😁
  20. Not sure why I keep getting double posts! (I mean, I only had one small glass of wine-honest!)
  21. I feel a bit bad as the GD is 4.5 now and has never been into London (or on the tube). First Covid, the her little brother came along .. so able to find lots of excuses not to go, however last week she found an old photo/card of tower bridge and asked "where is this 'Magic Castle Bridge ?' !!!!! I felt really bad as we are actually so near for easy travel, so really making the effort next week.
  22. I love the idea of a Sheperds' Hut, not to sure (as a tall person!) whether I'd chance it - so will follow this post with interest! Have fun with the dogs! 🐶🐶 We're off to the theatre next week with the two GC as it's Childrens Theatre Week .... not sure if I'm dreading it or excited 😮😂 We're doing the Tiger Who Came to Tea as it's the first real threatre trip- so hopefully all good. 😊 xx
  23. To be honest as a sessional preschool we don't actually have parent contracts 😮! (and I'm not starting now) I have our registration form wihich I'm happy to share- but I would imagine as a childminder she already has that sorted?
  24. 🙀 🦄🦄🦄🦄! How scarily fast time flies- but I love that she still loves unicorns (and Nana 😍)
  25. The secret is to ensure you always use 'quaility tissues' is the first place - experience has shown me that you can actually launder these, and they come out like new...quick iron, and Bob's your Uncle (or my in my case my dad!) ...and your clothes stay perfectly untissued! 😂 🤧🤧🤧
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