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louby loo

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louby loo last won the day on March 21

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  1. So pleased you had a fantastic day. they certainly lucked out on the weather! Such lovely photo's - thank-you for sharing 😊
  2. 😊 Morning all. Another one waiting for a Zigzag update - really hope you enjoyed the day. I cut the grass yesterday, and hoping to do a bit more tidying up this afternoon. xx
  3. Is it something that comes on with stress? Really hope it sorts itself before Thursday 🤞🤞
  4. Hiya! Nothing exciting to report here either! Glad you're both virus free sunnyday 😊 I sitll havent had it 😳 But I did joke with Andy a couple of months ago that he should test himself- when he was showing 'man-flu' symptoms - nothing really bad just generally sorry for self unwell type thing, and he was possitve! Very quiet here, I hope everyone is ok? Zigzag- must be the wedding soon? Keep us updated on how is goes! (love a wedding- In a former life I made wedding dresses ❤️)
  5. Thank you 💐 xx It's actually not really us as such, but a few events that are truely lifechanging for those directly involved 😢, plus lot of other little things that make you realise how just lucky we actualy are.
  6. Sunnyday, sorry to hear you've been so ill. At least you can get out in the garden for a while if you're feeling up to it. I to have had the week from h*** Not really anything to do with us as such- but we've had so much bad news, with a bit of bad timing/luck thrown in for those concerned ... it has made it a week i'd like to totally forget! Hope everyone else has had a better week, and has a good weekend. x
  7. Morning everyone - late for the Friday check in again! 😂 Very sunny here today as was yesterday. Lazy weekend planned for me, having a few bits done the in garden so I'm keeping well away until it's my turn out there 🙄😊 I can't believe my second grand child is 2 next week! He will officially start at the preschool, and then that it my 'one year' notice (if I can last out the long) as he will start school nursery at 3. Mouseketeer - We only do term time school hours, so if I'm honest it doesn't really make much difference to us as we have very few paying anyway. It still makes me remember how undervalued we are though, and adds to my 'want to be of out of it now' even more. 🙁
  8. Wonderful news! 😁 x
  9. So, so fast the weeks are flying! Hope the grandson is good 🤞- and not too spotty itchy. Ive done far too much eating out this week 😮... realy needed today's exercise class 😂 Had the grandchildren over for a few days, been to the zoo, out feeding ducks, haircuts etc- actually looking forward to going back to work Monday for the rest!!! Just remembered I have a softplay party tomorrow 😳🙄😂... Have a good weekend all.
  10. No idea.... but I like it! 😂 Good weekend everyone. x
  11. Welcome back 😊 Pop along to the 'Friday' thread for a catch up!
  12. Well. I just found them... took me about 10 mins and I'm not sure how I actually found them!! I have the feeling that they have possibly now changed them so you only have access for a year? (or it may .be you just don't get the yearly updates anymore?) I went to the home page- logged in. After a bit of faffing I got to the Training and Resources, then the tab 'My purchases and bookings' - then kept scrolling down, I had to 'keep loading' more pages to find them. Hope that helps. 😊x
  13. That's the word!!!! Thank you! 🤣
  14. Afternoon all. I went back to my class again today! 🤣 Very cold here even had some sleety type snow 😮❄️ One more week- which is three more days for me before half-term. I really need to sort my retirement out though 🙄 My daughter would like my GS so come to the setting- which means another year for me 😭.... but this itself is the *crutch* of the matter... I'd be having him two days of week the anyway- and if I'm totally honest it's far easier when I have him at the setting than it is at home! He just goes off and plays whereas - when at home I have the 'entertain' him all of the time! 🤣🤣🤣 have a good weekend everyone. ** not sure that's the correct word - happy to be corrected.
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