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louby loo

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louby loo last won the day on February 17

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  1. So, so fast the weeks are flying! Hope the grandson is good 🤞- and not too spotty itchy. Ive done far too much eating out this week 😮... realy needed today's exercise class 😂 Had the grandchildren over for a few days, been to the zoo, out feeding ducks, haircuts etc- actually looking forward to going back to work Monday for the rest!!! Just remembered I have a softplay party tomorrow 😳🙄😂... Have a good weekend all.
  2. No idea.... but I like it! 😂 Good weekend everyone. x
  3. Welcome back 😊 Pop along to the 'Friday' thread for a catch up!
  4. Well. I just found them... took me about 10 mins and I'm not sure how I actually found them!! I have the feeling that they have possibly now changed them so you only have access for a year? (or it may .be you just don't get the yearly updates anymore?) I went to the home page- logged in. After a bit of faffing I got to the Training and Resources, then the tab 'My purchases and bookings' - then kept scrolling down, I had to 'keep loading' more pages to find them. Hope that helps. 😊x
  5. That's the word!!!! Thank you! 🤣
  6. Afternoon all. I went back to my class again today! 🤣 Very cold here even had some sleety type snow 😮❄️ One more week- which is three more days for me before half-term. I really need to sort my retirement out though 🙄 My daughter would like my GS so come to the setting- which means another year for me 😭.... but this itself is the *crutch* of the matter... I'd be having him two days of week the anyway- and if I'm totally honest it's far easier when I have him at the setting than it is at home! He just goes off and plays whereas - when at home I have the 'entertain' him all of the time! 🤣🤣🤣 have a good weekend everyone. ** not sure that's the correct word - happy to be corrected.
  7. That was me for us! I actually took a sewing machine in and got the older children involved with making them 😁😁 Next week the machines going in again and we're making bean-bags (throwing sort)
  8. I would think if they are geniunely competent (ie not only just started- but well into their courses) then this would be covered? 1: 8 over 3s 1:5 2yrs. = 13. So technically 2 staff needed - which could be one L3 and one L2 ? As you would actually have 3 staff then fine? We don't acutally use the 1:5 for two years olds, but it is handy in emergencies.
  9. Trust me... biscuits never get forgotten in this house - hence the need to for the dance/fitness class! 😂
  10. Afternoon all, Just back from a dance/fitness class... new year/new you and all that! 😂 (may have a short nap this afternoon to recover fully 🤔) Like Sue - a very murky day here too. I am trying to declutter the house at the moment with not a lot of success, I just seem to be making more mess as I keep finding long forgotten bits/bobs that look interesting!😂
  11. 😂 Well, do you remember that storm in Dec when we were supposed to go to Wales.... well it was rebooked (back in Dec) for this weekend 😂.... it was touch and go for a while as to whether we went or not - but we did end up going, and, although I bit windy all good in the end. Saturday was actually a beautiful day. Just back home, time for a cup of tea and now watching Country File- whilst planning maybe a weekend in the New Forest now 🤔😁😂
  12. It certainaly has whooshed by!! We are now mid Jan, and this usually seems like the longest month of the year- not this year
  13. 😂 When my GD is here we always have to play 'baby born' .... my daughter assures me she [GD] has never watched Call the Midwife- personally I'm not so sure this is true!😂
  14. Almost forgot it was Friday! Cold here, bu the only snow we've had was 1am last Saturday night- and that was mostly gone by the morning. No plans for anything but a lazy weekend! 😊
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