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Everything posted by SueFinanceManager

  1. Quite right ..... I have extended the step to allow for social distancing as well as you lot usually get into mischief together lol
  2. Ok I feel a little better now and am delighted to hear you do actually have some down time just relaxing ❤️
  3. I said..........🤣
  4. I love the student-centered approach of Reggio Emilia - the children are so creative and not constrained.
  5. Fab news...hope you feel ok post jab. My 78 year old mum was fine but my sons 26 year old girlfriend (works in the NHS) felt awful so very varied.
  6. I am with you.....I hate it when the screen is so dark you are squinting at the telly 😡 I find myself putting the subtitles on more and more these days too as I am convinced these actors all mumble 😆
  7. This made me smile....I have airpods but when I walk I often used the wired headphones so it is perfectly obvious I am listening to something even if sometimes I have the audio turned off 😆 When you have wires hanging people seem ok with a nod and a wave lol Since March last year we always have naughty Saturday as in a pre Covid life we would often go out on a Saturday. We are very good Sun to Friday (I am following the WW plan) but Saturdays are for indulgence. We take turns choosing the Saturday night treat.....sometimes it's a take away and sometimes it recipes that involve cream and cheese that I cannot eat on my diet the rest of the week.....and bread....there is nearly always crusty bread Saturday lunchtime lol Froglet you amaze me and make me feel quite the sloth.....your wonderful cooking and craft. I did make my kids laugh out loud at the weekend though when I said I was going to darn a wooly sock and they took the mickey....they soon shut up when I brandished my nans old wooden darning mushroom or is it a toadstool....anyway it works and I have no hole in my sock now! Have you ever seen airplants....https://lovetillys.co.uk/product-category/air-plant-kits-and-gifts/ They seem to be a good idea for regular plant murderers lol I hope you all enjoy the rest of your half terms week and are all getting some good rest before you have to start again. Take care all of you and stay safe x
  8. Take a look at this article - Unconscious Bias in the Observation, Assessment and Planning Process by Dr Stella Louis and Hannah Betteridge
  9. What a great phrase “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” is.....that's me and the way I learn 🙂
  10. Dear all Having put off my spring cleaning for much longer than I should have I am over the next few weeks starting to have a good tidy up of the forum. I intend to archive older content and areas that are no longer widely used. Nothing will be deleted but moved to an archive forum area and all content moved there will still be able to be found by using the search function. Content moved to the archive will be "read only" so we would ask you to start new threads although of course you can link to the archived thread if you wish. We are also having a bit of a rename of some of the forum areas and merging some sub forums. Once we have finished if you have any difficulty finding things please do respond to this post and myself and other members of the admin team will help you find things. Best wishes, Sue Admin Team
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  11. I shared this article with a friend who is like many, at home trying to homeschool 2 young boys. She is so concerned about the children's mental health and all the things they are missing out on by not being to 'socialise with their peers' and she found the content of this article really helpful. She had not considered the things she could do to help them become more resilient in order to cope with their current routines and plans to start building in some of the ideas outlined into daily activities.
  12. Hi You can keep an eye on the status of Tapestry here http://tapestryjournalstatus.com/ And after the recent issues we have created this page for your information here https://tapestry.info/faqs-for-jan-2021-server-issues.html  Remember you can always email customer.service@eyfs.info for support too
  13. On Tapestry you can add as many relatives as you wish, and you can link various relatives to the same child. If there is a family that would like to have an account for every single member, e.g. parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc., that is absolutely fine!
  14. Still hard work sorting out the logistics even for a small group. I think it is a worry getting back out there with all the children and the families especially when you are aware you need to protect yourself and your own families. Good luck with it all and of course you know a nice place to let of steam if necessary once you are back at the sharp pointy end!
  15. I can only imagine how nervous folk are about going back .... I am going to go back into the office next week as September is so busy it will be easier being in FSF HQ but I can only do that as only be Louise and I in our office ..... will have to get a bell to wear so when I move around the building people can hear me coming and socially distance themselves 🤣 Are you having the full compliment of children back sunnyday?
  16. Hi Justine Sorry only just spotted this post. To see an LA forum area you need to be registered as part of that scheme, here is how you get access: https://eyfs.info/community.html/ Once someone in the LA gives you the password email us on customer.service@eyfs.info and we can upgrade your account so you can see the LA area. Best wishes, Sue Admin Team
  17. Some googling found for suggestions here: For children Ages two to four I Am Enough by Grace Byers is a book about loving who you are, respecting others and being kind to people. Where Are You From? by Yamile Saied Mendez is about a girl who constantly gets asked a simple question which has no simple answer. When I was in a setting I used these Oxfam resources to look at the lives of other children around the world https://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/your-world-my-world and then we had lots of discussions about how we all sort of do the same things in different ways depending on our environments.
  18. Yes Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay obviously
  19. Surely it is blursday .... I am getting used to not knowing what day it is at all and the bank holiday this weekend will not help, I will be even more confused
  20. Morning to: Stnicolas_CofE Sharon_Fry jorudge79 I have edited your posts and removed your email addresses from public view. People can send you a direct message via the forum which allows them to contact you but your email is not visible, you can of course then share your email address privately with someone if you wish Best wishes Sue Admin team
  21. I will direct message you with a link to the Policy section in the Surrey area, I cannot do it in this post as the Surrey forum area is private. Sue
  22. Please see this recent article from my colleagues 'Reflecting on the Government's clarification on financial support for Early Years Providers' Find it here
  23. Coronavirus resources for children and families - Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust https://www.sheffieldchildrens.nhs.uk/patients-and-parents/coronavirus-resources-for-children-and-families/ Helping children and young people cope with the information and changes related to the Coronavirus can be a huge challenge. From social distancing and quarantine to school closures and increased awareness of infection and hygiene – there is a lot to process for children and families. Our experts in children’s clinical psychology, speech and language therapy, and emotional wellbeing are building a collection of accessible information resources to make this process a little easier.
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  24. From the Headteacher Magazine Home education: Six quick and easy key stage 1 activities
  25. A friend of mine is involved in a charity called The Spirit of Normandy Trust. It's purpose is Welfare for remaining veterans and their dependents, in liaison with SSAFA and education for children and the general public about the events leading up to the Normandy Landings and the historical significance of WW2. They have a couple of competitions upcoming open to children details of both can be found here: VE Day: Poster Competition – Closing Date 1st May 2020 - Categories- KS2, KS3&4 (Combined) & SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities) pupils Young Historian Competition – Closing Date 20th July 2020 - This is a group project They also has some great study links which can be found here
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