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Everything posted by twinthinguk

  1. I completely agree, I am sending two off to school, fully supported transition with parents and senco and class teacher meetings but they are in no way ready to be in a class of 30 others with a ta and a teacher! I feel sorry for both the children themselves, the teaching staff at the school and the other children in the class! I have done all I can to send them off to school with all the documents and experiences shared so at least the school know what they are taking on but it does not feel very positive from my side.
  2. We too have noticed a total disregard for resources and also the amount of mess that seems to be created! tidy up times got so bad that we resorted to choosing a set time, free flow stops, doors are shut and saucepans are banged! tidy up time happens at the same time in all rooms both indoors and outside, no sneaking off to the loo's to hide! ( and that is both adults and children lol) all staff and children tidy no matter what area they are in, and when they have finished in one space they go to help in another.
  3. ummmm I assumed its 30 adults? but eeekkk if it includes children and staff........38 leavers, 10 staff, possible 2 adults for each child.......oh dear....just found this on the gov guidance " Children under 5 who are accompanying a parent or guardian do not count towards this limit" so staff and parents??? oh my I am confused! then it says check parent and child groups which then states " Parent and child groups must be limited to no more than 30 people. Children under five and anyone working or volunteering as part of the group, such as a group leader, are not counted in this number." so don't count staff in the 30??
  4. looking at the news this morning, its likely that there will be a another 4 weeks of Covid restrictions, we were planning on having a presentation for our leavers inviting 2 adults for each child, I think I am right in saying we can only have 30 adults outside at a gathering??? what are others thinking of doing for their leavers? the tea party planned for the children does not involve parents. Last year we had to do a drive by event, luckily we have a large car part that they could drive in and out of so we could wave goodbye, we created placards and decorated but it was so sad that we did not get to really celebrate.
  5. can anyone tell me if self test rapid antigen tests are the same as lateral flow tests??? I have a box of these and they are not the same as the ones issued by schools, wondering if I have been issued these by mistake? I will have to check all the others sent to us tomorrow!
  6. I had a few issues as it wants 6 pages of lines! lol someone got paid to produce that! on better pay than us no doubt!
  7. its a template for you to print, but be warned, it took me several goes and a lot of wasted paper as it is in a format I am not used to and is not a very printer friendly document! but I am not very techy
  8. the email was from the Department for Education and because they are sending the kits I think they are the named issuer? I also got an email saying we will get a one off delivery of masks as they are now recommending they be worn in the setting when adults cannot social distance from each other......they are coming from the department of health and social care.......seems all a bit late in the day lol but then again, early years is always seen as just the poor relation to any other educational setting so I am not surprised.
  9. we are a PVI so our tests arrived Thursday lunchtime and later the email with all the information on procedures. I spent the morning using the templates provided to create the documents needed to be in place for the start of testing on the 22nd, Staff meeting this coming Monday. Its not compulsory so it will be interesting to see out of my 10 colleagues if anyone opts out. I hope you the DFE sorts this all out for all provision!
  10. We have a couple of boys who are really struggling with anxiety and are both finding every day life really hard, we are doing everything we can, keeping parents informed, spending time supporting emotional outbursts, listening and talking though worries and concerns but I am not going to lie, It is emotionally draining for us staff, the intensity of it all is exhausting. I think we are going to see so much more of this moving forward out of lockdown.
  11. our attendance is also climbing back up, we had to remind parents this morning that they MUST social distance at pick up time and that they cannot bring their whole family to pick up and let them play on our equipment!!!!! we suggested they stay in the car if they are old enough to run around and cannot be held onto or carried oh and there seems to be a lot of unneeded toys being brought into preschool again........sigh......
  12. We got news today that West Sussex will fund up to Half term now .
  13. we have had so many tested but as yet none are positive. Its only a matter of time before we get a case, I am increasingly worried as next week quite a few children are due to return after being off for the last week, we had about 18 decide to keep them at home but most of them have changed their minds
  14. West Sussex dragging their feet as per usual, I really hope they do a U turn!
  15. we have aprox 25 in each morning now instead of the usual 48 some are Key workers but some are not. Parents of those who are not even managed to tell us that little jonny didnt want to come in as big sally is at home! and we had a few of those! wow thanks! I have a new starter today, and parents asking for more hours!
  16. since all schools were asking parents to wear masks at drop off and pick ups a while before Christmas, we asked our parents to as well. They have to walk from the back of the building to the front and line up around the inside of our front area in 2m spots which we marked on our railings with tape. I am now wearing a mask indoors at all times since returning on Monday, some of my co workers are too.
  17. I am dumbfounded and shocked at this whole situation!
  18. we generally roll ours round till anything loose falls out, I have retrieved wedged dinosaurs by ramming them through with a broom handle, not had anything completely jammed in though lol x good luck
  19. its the same with us, open last Thursday, already got parents messaging to ask if they can come in with runny noses! have advised to keep and eye on any other symptoms and temperatures.
  20. as much as I hate doing it, I recorded a video of our procedures for returning, I have found that most of our parents respond to a short video rather than reading anything, I posted all the supporting documents and then the video on our private face book parents group and on tapestry, because it was linked to you tube, set up so that I could see how many actually watched the video not just looked at the post on FB and I can happily say that it was accessed by all our parents and it has worked really really well. we were still inundated with questions for the 2 days before we opened but happily all our parents were onboard with our new procedures . Roll on next week when we start meeting the 36 new starters!!!!! phew its going to be manic lol
  21. we open tomorrow, my plan was to spend the day relaxing lol so far I have spent hours answering questions from parents despite recording a 10 min video on how we are going to proceed lol I don't think I have the emotional energy to read any more guidance lol hopefully lovely members here will let me know if anything is new, pretty close to the wire though! lol
  22. We use our hallway for small group work for some of our EYPP children ( we had 6) and the cold drafts made the space pretty unusable in the winter, we funded it using EYPP as i was able to show that continued small group work for these children had a big impact on their speech and language . it works like a dream, keeps the area warm enough to be used with either the doors open or closed, keeps the heat in really well. We ordered it through one of the resources catalogues on line.
  23. thermal base layers are the key, good warm socks and winter boots, I would not be able to cope without them lol we also have hot air heaters which struggle to cope, but the best thing we ever brought for the setting was one of those plastic flap curtains for the large double doors that are open for free flow! that curtain works wonders! at this time of year, we don't need it but come the chilly weather, its in place.
  24. twinthinguk


    we have the sort that are on a wheeled trolley, we are switching between two, one used for a day, then left for a few days, rotating the use . I see little point in using sterilising fluid in ours, after 10mins, most of it is on the floor, it gets mixed with all manor of garden materials lol. We have not used it indoors at all.
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