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catma last won the day on June 15 2020

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About catma

  • Birthday November 14

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  1. Loose parts play - good info here https://www.inspiringscotland.org.uk/publication/loose-parts-play-toolkit-2019-edition/
  2. Hi, I'll try and remember to ask our Forest School lead in our team what she recommends. Cx
  3. Now the air bridges are collapsing this is becoming more interesting!
  4. I'd just say this: Focus on the quality, not the quantity! Observations are there to support and illustrate your judgements and knowledge of the child when you make formative or summative decisions about what to do next. (in that moment or in the longer term, doesn't matter which.) Fewer well observed records of learning, know what you want to find out before you start...what are the next steps you are targeting through your interactions? OR are ou just capturing anything and everything in the hope of getting something? Being more specific in what you are looking or listening for may help. Are you recording things you already know? If so why bother!! You don't need to write it down to know it or tell someone else it. Record the child's voice and what they are saying - you want to know what they are thinking and how they are processing towards their intention/learning Write in the present tense to avoid turning your observation into an evaluation/prediction. just capture an observation. Cx
  5. Sand and water covered here https://foundationyears.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/QAs-implementing-protective-measures-in-ey-settings.pdf cx
  6. Hi - see section 21 here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-school-closures/guidance-for-schools-about-temporarily-closing#exams-and-assessments "We are planning to proceed with the reforms to the early years foundation stage, and are considering when to publish the government response to the consultation on the reforms. The reforms include plans for an early adopter year which will allow schools to voluntarily implement the new learning and development requirements (including the new early learning goals and educational programmes) as well as assessment and moderation arrangements from this September (2020), if they wish to. Arrangements for the early adopter year are being kept under review, given the coronavirus outbreak. National roll-out of the reforms is planned for the academic year 2021 to 2022. We will provide all schools who signed up as early adopters (and local authorities) with further information on this in due course."
  7. Hi, the statutory guidance on school reports is here. You must report once annually on the prescribed elements, and typically schools may split this into three updates but they form the annual report. For all year groups you must report on: General progress Brief particulars of achievements, highlighting strengths and developmental needs How to arrange a discussion about the report with a teacher at the school Attendance record I have been advising that you do not need to report on the ELGs as these form part of the statutory assessment and as the EYFSP has been cancelled this is not needed. Cx
  8. Hey!! Can you recall where you saw it? we've had nothing n the LA as far as I know. There was a response to a query to DfE a few weeks back via a colleague in another LA and they just said they would be informing everyone in due course. Until they publish the outcomes of the consultation there is no new curriculum for anyone!
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