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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. ok i'm rubbish at this...told you i could never remember aanyones names!
  2. i have a picture of a "little frog shuffling off" in my head now
  3. sorry was distracted by all things furloughed yesterday
  4. This is the conclusion we have come to also...either the other staff have to work or they would be on (agreed) unpaid absenteeism as they still need to be employed but may not have any duties to do.
  5. are you still getting 100%of your funding allowance ? This issue with this of course is that we have been so underfunded for years that the government are assuming this will cover our expenses but of course it doesn't which is why we have all increased our private income and are now getting penalized for it.
  6. the moog sorry gone Orf on a tangent!
  7. the whisp? (do you remember that programme!?!?)
  8. Oh okay...um going across left to right? 1- 2 Beech 3 Yew 4 5 horse chestnut 6 hawthorn 7 8 9 ash
  9. I'd rather go back for a while before the summer. My worry is that parents are going to have to catch up at work and may need us to work over the holidays but we can't really do that. As long as i have some time with the children to prep them for school and to let them be normal again that would be great otherwise i think going straight in to school where they will not be given time to 'be' i think might do quite a lot of damage...and lots of long term issues. (I think our local area that has had lots of CV19 issues may be included in a bigger region ...!)
  10. the answer to that is our area! There are already some guidelines about about social distancing with the under 5's. A lot of it is about simple hygiene which we already do and restricting adults coming in to the building...i can't go back yet i haven't finished the decorating in my head i have said beginning of June ...but who knows!
  11. oh no just found out the Book people have gone out of business!
  12. So cute. You'll make lots of people smile i'm sure. you've made us all grin for a start I love the sheeps curly wool ....is that really tricky?
  13. as long as the ending wasnt as bad as "the favourite!!!!"
  14. Well several hours later.....
  15. if you use the eye icon on the reply bar it hides your answer !!!! did everyone else know that!!???!!! ( ah simple things.....!)
  16. OOh didnt know i could do that!!!
  17. Never heard of it...the prince of egypt???
  18. i cant get sunshine on leith out of my head now!! my brains wierd!
  19. ooh i can feel my competitive side coming out...may need to get baking ! i have 3 hours to spare!!!!
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