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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. I'll tell you when they turn up! (always seem to be the first after something weird )
  2. well my answers are coming in slowly...although have had to add a codicil about only one setting (!!! missed that) 1 no 1 undecided. 3 yes (1 is a keyworker and i will prioritise) they have sensibly said only 3 sessions to help them out! two others want full time...not likely im afraid !
  3. PS the school hates me!
  4. I will be offering this as usual (children do not have to be in school until the term after their fifth birthday) as we have lots who are summer born boys with EAL it would do them the world of good ...i don't have many this year who will be ready and resilient for school unfortunately ...
  5. I have got one who does my setting and a childminder..she will have to choose! too risky!!
  6. DO we have a choice? the guidance appears to suggest they expect us to open??
  7. have just reread all the info and now have a very long list of questions!!!
  8. i'm not sure i'd worry about being popular ...they've had them at home for 7 weeks probably quite pleased even if its only for a break! I think parents are going to have to figure out quite quickly that we are not going back to normality
  9. not going to be much help for working parents i fear
  10. We are also one room. The government document suggests keeping them in ratioed (SP?) groups with the same key worker (don't think the children will find this very easy do you!?!?) i had wondered about doing in/out or morning/afternoon or half a week. whatever happens i am devastated that if we come back it is with such restrictions. I can't see splitting them up in the class is going to work so it may need to be a more physical split by putting them in different sessions
  11. I think we will need to send out a letter saying if we have a suspected case we will close for 7 days ... (sorry random thought generator today...i reserve the right to change my mind about anything i have said!!
  12. My insurance company is on my list for today. Suspect i will not get very far as everyone will be doing the same!!! My plan (if i were to have more staff) would be to split in to two teams if numbers allowed and to work opposite shifts....however for us their is a slight fly in the ointment in as much as my deputy is my daughter...we hold the majority of 'roles' and therefore it would be tricky . If one of us gets it we will have to close for 7 days....if one of the children gets it well what then? a seven day closure or a 14 day closure???? So many questions and lots that need some time to work out
  13. OOOHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! suppose you could suck on a bit of dandelion toffee???!!!??
  14. It will be interesting to see how the parents react ...i suspect many may not send their little ones in for the rest of term, We are all in different circumstances and have differing issues with this. We will all get through it. Early years are good at sorting out problems We just have to work our way through the confusing mess that is currently there. Our Lea's are not our bosses this may be the point where we all rebel a bit more...... This is where this forum is fantastic we can all support each other and no-one is alone....we can do this !!! (ok rallying call over....i may have overdosed on the sugar this morning!!!)
  15. im waiting till ive heard all the guidance today before i finalise what and when . We will not be able to socially distance the children, i am fearful that the examples of other countries may have an influence. Our local school realised quite quickly that social distancing doesn't work with thier keychildren. So it is a case of minimising risk...so far this is where im going...still feel the sneeze and cough one might be a bit much!! (please be aware this is a working document!!!!!) covid plan draft 1.docx
  16. sorry having re-read this it sounds like ive contradicted myself....what i mean is that we will wear disposable gloves for intimate care but not for classroom activities . Try searching for decorators gloves instead of disposable! my top tip for the day!!
  17. Just a word of warning about wearing gloves (my husband works in large hospitality) If you put gloves on people they will touch their faces often and the germs will be on the gloves. They think the gloves protect them but this is not the case. They need to be washing their hands to protect them (preferably every 20 minutes!!!!) .....just information you must of course do what makes you feel
  18. Im not wearing a mask at work...it won't work my EAL and SEN will find this confusing and scary. Masks work to protect the person from your germs not the other way around so in theory the emphasis should be on ensuring the staff do not have symptoms. Gloves are going to be an issue ..beginning to wonder if i can find another alternative to this ? may have to not worry about no latex!!!
  19. Anyway i cant go back yet i haven't finished the decorating!
  20. 3 weeks notice of opening (promised to us) takes us to the 1st June
  21. We were definitely told to close by our LEA unless you have vunerable or keyworker children who CANNOT be looked after at home. The message apeared to be that we would be open from the 1st June. We need clarification before we jump in. If you take children back and put your staff at risk will your insurance company cover you for their death in service might be a question to ask before we all start unfurloughing staff?
  23. I think these are all really valid questions but i fear there is noone in the country who could answer them as yet . apart from the operational hours question. I suspect Ofsted will allow anything as long as it's not dangerous...
  24. Just for a laugh today.....me in one of my mums dresses!!! Well I think it's one of hers! 😉
  25. indeed ... i have made a basic list of how we can do some things but it all seems a bit fruitless until we have some official guidelines. In the past my LA have been light touch and let us get on with things but they have recently been taken over by a company ...i don't know how they will handle things
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