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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. this made me laugh as my deputy is my daughter...we have spent the last 7 weeks talking about this...not sure i can document most of the conversations they were way too rude!
  2. well if we get it wrong what are they going to do!!???!!
  3. I think the trustees may be surprised by how little we will be able to offer
  4. haven't told them yet I have a trustees meeting this afternoon I would really like to support my keyworkers first (we didn't stay open for the 2 we had) and they want morning so this works best. I don't want to do lunches to start with so this was the safest and simplest version. the other option was a 2 and a half day split but thats not what people are asking for .
  5. sensible plan. We will open am/pm (longer break in between for cleaning_) 8 on the morning 8 in the afternoon. I only have 2 of us who can work out of 4 ....remind me to hire healthy staff that way i don't need to worry about groups mixing we will operate 95% of the time outside
  6. sorry currently shouting at the news....why is everyone taking about school and not about preschools and nurseries????? We cannot socially distance a group of 3 year olds.....they need to play with us, their friends and their social group....if we can't do this then really we can't do our job can we? is that not the whole point of pre-school?
  7. Are the masks the fluid resistant ones? i could only find ones that had been prioritised for the government!
  8. The guidance does ask us to set up what i have called a 'vomit station' which we need PPE for...heaven only knows how we are going to get that.
  9. I have also said no shared care. It's a tricky one but i have a child who goes to a local childminder and ourselves. The childminder has a grandson who will be cared for at the same time and attend school ....so he will share his bubble with up to 8 children at the childminders and potentially another 50 or so at school ..adding our numbers too just makes her 'bubble' too big. This idea of bubbles is quite uesful and something that Guernsey has been doing.....they have now no new cases and only a few deaths (i realise they are a small island) but they are quite densly populated.
  10. Toilets and food areas are always flashpoints for germs in any circumstances i remember doing germ tests on our college loos when i was at uni (it was part of our curriculum!) the seats were never so much of an issue but the flush and the doors URGGGHHHHHH!!!!! I guess if we can get this area right then we've cracked quite a bit of it!. I ordered a whole load of plastic decorators gloves from amazon ...they are not what we would usually use but they will do the job...as to getting other supplies any tips there Rebecca?
  11. my tuppenceworth Development... My main concern will be for the childrens PSE skills having been told not to socialise they will be expected to integrate in to a class of 30 in September Some will find these transitions incredibly difficult and stressful and must be given planty of time to settle without pressure and the need to 'work'. No children should be expected to undertake formal assessments . The market. We are all going to suffer huge financial issues . We have lost most of our private income which is what supports us since the funding does not cover our costs (we are around 40p per child per hour below breakeven) chronic underfunding has been going on for so long . The childminders have been very badly treated and many will not return to the industry PPE. We are unable to get PPE and are being told we don't need it....but if a care home needs it why don't we? i am not talking about hazmat suits but we all use gloves/aprons/cleaning materials/disinfectants/aprons. But we are also told by government that we need eye protection and fluid resistant masks to deal with vomit.....children vomiting in this age group is pretty common.....where am i going to get these from? Social distancing is not only impossible for this age group but highly undesirable . These children are 3 and 4 ...if your 3 year old wanted a cuddle what would you expect us to do....read him a book on covid to 'explain???!!! Children form strong and meaningful bonds at this age, this is how we work. Who is advising the Government on their strategy for the safe return of nursery children to their settings and what expertease do they have in child development?
  12. How do you keep them all apart during the day? i'm so used to working free flow
  13. Having had another think the best way would be for the food to come in a throw away plastic bag ..the child puts their food on the plate and then the bag is thrown away. (phase 2 done!!)
  14. We did decide that if we needed to that we would make up packed lunches for the children....that way no cross contamination from home and only one person in charge of food . I'd need to charge of course which might be an issue!
  15. we normally do the same....we have almost decided we will only do sessional care and no lunches until the next 'phase'
  16. this phrase worries me....!
  17. So sorry Mousie i can't convert a PDF ...someone else may be able to help. I just ended up printing and scribbling on it !! (neat as usual )
  18. Return to EY settings plan 2020.pdf This might be useful ..it was sent by our borough . To be honest quite well written i felt !
  19. Anyone had any response from insurance ? RSA??
  20. High salt content and cooked would be what i would class as the traditional recipe!! mine is low salt and just with boiling water (bigger batch)
  21. Yes ive also said no to dough more difficult with coughs and sneezes (although the salt content may be enough to kill the germs if i used the traditional method for making)
  22. I am currently (!) saying yes to water sand and mud play. I have looked at the risks...water we will add some sort of detergent to makeit bubbly (but also stop transfer) and will change more often . Sand is an unlikely source of infection you would need for someone to sneeze or cough on it and for you to touch those grains and transfer to your mouth....i don't think this is likely similarly for mud all of these are outdoors so the risk is minimised further. In fact most things outdoors i suspect are low risk as the germs tend to disappear quite quickly i think.....but who knows!!?!?!?!
  23. I suspect Zigzag that once you have opened parents will start flocking back when they see how well you have handled it. This is what has happened in Denmark
  24. To be honest with the rate that the traffic has increased we'll be in lockdown again about 24 hours before we are due to open...don't panic folks I don't think it's going to happen
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