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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. you'll have to forgive me but i have no idea how to access this! do we have to join up and then log in to get it?
  2. there may well be staff looking for jobs in spetember...lots of little guys going out of business
  3. Humm not really in the spirit of things. I do think we are going to have to get tough...do you want all of these staff back ? maybe its time to put your foot down?! They really cannot stay at home do nothing and get paid ...are they furloughed? and do they understand that the furlough scheme will be limited soon and they will not get what they have been earning.
  4. sorry not trying to scare anyone...just finding brick walls at every turn. My admin did the webinar from HMRC . Basically (and i didn't do the 'course') it appeared that the staff as they were 'associated' with the business then they wouldn't be able to be furloughed for 'Part' of their job .
  5. And anyone who is term time will probably not be able to get furlough for over the summer as we would have NO private income. I have 2 staff who run our after school club, the information from the HMRC yesterday suggested that beacause they were also working for the pre-school i would not be able to furlough them for the after school job. It is a separate part of the business and could be operated by non pre-school staff but apparenly that doesn't matter!
  6. I am suspecting that we will not be able to claim for furlough at all ...keep finding rules that proclude us . Im afraid if you cannot find jobs for the staff to do at home (home learning for the children not in the setting/cleaning equipment etc) then you may have to make them redundant or offer them 'clipped' hours until things are 'back to normal' . It's getting tough out there
  7. great ideas thanks. We're not attached to a school and i have been getting flour from a lovely organic mill in 16kg sacks for myself and a friend. But i am also feeling guilty about wasting food...i've never really had an issue but i am struggling to sort this out in my head at the moment. I have used food stuffs for play for 20 years and never felt like this but the first couple of weeks were a bit squeeky round here and now guilt has crept up on me.
  8. I have come to the same conclusion. I haven't been able to get flour for 7 weeks!
  9. Ah yes sorry i had misinterpreted the post as in we had to have posters up etc....thank you and i absolutely understand the mountain of paperwork. I now seem to be producing my own mountain for our parents. Trying to give in small manageable lumps not really succeeding!
  10. can gardens gets covid??!!??!
  11. I have come to a similar conclusion witht the mud kitchen....will provide a set of tools/pans etc and a bucket of mud....this will then be put on the garden at the end of the session and start again for the next group.
  12. just checking as i've read SO many gov documents...where does it say this? ...gone word blind!
  13. My issue with this (amongst other things) is that i have a child returning who has become incredibly anxious about the whole germ thing. I'm not going to put anything up that doesn't need to be there and the children don't read (actually this one does!) and the parents aren't coming in. Ofsted aren't inspecting so who's going to know!
  14. have you polished each piece first? to ensure there are no rough edges?
  15. we would tend to use photos of the children in these situations i find if you wnat them to pay attention put a picture of themselves on the wall and they will take notice...posters may be effective for a couple of days but i don't find they keep attention for long. Not sure about any phrases except the old fashioned coughs and sneezes spread diseases
  16. So i have managed to add accident logs etc on tapestry but not sure if i'm getting this right? anyone already done this ? (trying not to have to 'handle' documents between ourselves and parents. Can you tell me how you handle this at work? I'm assuming parents have to be on the browser version to download?
  17. well today it was a mesage from my bank ..i have checked it wasn't from them but worrying that they had some of my details. (HSBC) but the work account is having constant issues with fake HMRC ones
  18. we have almost set up 2 pre-schools. We have sectioned off an area and sub sectioned it into 2 am and pm and then split the resources. All of ours are normally on open units for the children to help themselves but we do have loads of space inside and out so hopefully ok.....just got to do our best really. PS can i just send out a personal appeal for everyone to be REALLY careful about scam emails ATM i nearly got caught this morning
  19. As smudge says it is possible to get the under 5's tested if they are attending an early years setting.
  20. I have decided not to have anything about covid in the setting. I have a child coming back who has not been outside for 7 weeks for the fear of catching germs and dying I really don't think she needs any reminders and as we had started doing the hand washing etc before lockdown i am just going to keep calm and carry on. The parents won't be in and my children can't read
  21. So are you doing one group for half/full days?
  22. Sorry didn't realise you were so easily offended i think if it hadn't said explicitily sand then i would have made a plan but suspect insurance might have an issue if i did it now. (ive recently spent a LOT of money on rebuilding it)
  23. yeah my plan for the sand has gone t**s up! even though ours is brand new huge and we only have a few children going to use it! ah well never mind...no other major issues though i think the idea that childminders should only use one room in their house might be tricky unless you have an outside loo
  24. ive done my offer letter first and then will follow up with a more detailed email and a video for the kids of what it looks like now. (hopefully if i dont run out of time!)
  25. very romanesc!
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