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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. I have been asked by a parent about this just now. Their child attends a childminder monday to thursday and another on a friday plus ourselves (we also run after school clubs) it's very tricky isn't it? not sure what i'm going to do at the moment!
  2. (this is froglet working hard to get us to stop talking bins!!!)
  3. It seems to me that our council is rather ahead of the game on this bin lark....black bin for general, blue for recycling and green for green (although like most this is a paid subscription) for us we dont do green as it goes to the allotment. BUT we can also recycle small electrical items /textiles and papaer, card, glass and plastics go in to the recycling together (and we get points as mentioned!!) we also get a weekly collection for everything! we are one of the highest areas for recycling in the country
  4. I have been planning for september as much as i can (without the inevitable next set of Gov guidelines) but i have to confess to a lack of enthusism to do anything for the end of this term....i am happy that its ending ! I just can't get my head round anything, i don't seem to be able to make decisions and i feel a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing. Our cohort for next term is going to be challenging to say the least as we will have at least 4 children with significant SEND needs and these are just the ones i know about ! I think i will have to employ another member of staff (if anyones looking give me a shout!!) and i think my focus has shifted to that . We have gifts organised and the staff are in on friday.i'm wondering if we should just do a drive by and throw them their gift😂 Its all very weird ............
  5. How fab my husband and i were on that last year...went from pickering to goatland and back . Super!!!
  6. also slightly concerned they are going to be run over by a train!!
  7. We have always done this but our local primary is now fighting against it...apparently it is still at the discretion of the school....it is awkward for them and costly so they won't agree.
  8. it wouldn't work with social bubbles either as it would end up with pre-school and school mixing at some point
  9. NO COFFFEEEEEE!!!!! arghhh sunnyday you have gone down in my estimation of you☕😂
  10. We have a brilliant system for our bins (well did until lockdown) we get reward points for recycling ! Bins all have a smart chip and we get points which we can 'spend' for schools or collect for special offers elsewhere. It's not quite as good as it used to be but still makes a big differnce and everyone is rewarded for recycling rather than penalised! I cannot understand why more councils haven't done it
  11. and egg shells and coffee grounds???!!!???
  12. we have recently started using the accidents form and i'm loving it! we also have used the comments sections for prior incidents its been helpful when we dont want to use paper and pens as the tablet can be cleaned after every use
  13. We all need to make our own choices based on our own settings, families and staff though. We managed to get a consultant to agree to one of our staff returning (as she has a medical condition) if that hadn't happened we wouldn't have been able to open. One size definitely does not fit all in these covid times.
  14. Going to be a busy year for us i think. IF i can get people to commit...they are being rather flaky! (covidaky??)
  15. finleysmaid


    It would allow summer camps i guess or jamborees! 🤣
  16. finleysmaid


    Is it just the cynic in me that thinks this is just so holiday clubs can run (nothing to do with the levels of virus) although if you take children over 13 still very difficult. Weve chosen not to run anything over the summer and are.doing maintenance instead!!! Seemed safer😅
  17. finleysmaid


    sorry that post was in answer to spiceye not in answer to you Dennie..just reread!
  18. Oh gosh are you committed to being an early adopter then? I'm not liking what I've seen of the new stuff so far 😪😪😪
  19. finleysmaid


    Have you read the info for OOSC just produced..it has some specific information about toilets and says that bubbles can use the same loos but not at the same time...but that they only need cleaning twice a day
  20. finleysmaid


    This might sound like a silly suggestion but could you not use one toilet for one group and one for the other?
  21. Still got another 10 years till retirement...not sure my knees will hold out that long!!!! And my ankles are shot already 🤪 Maybe it's time for a change of career...what do you reckon I should do???!!!?? Maybe a cake shop with young forget!?!?!
  22. Have you tried the catering companies in the local schools?
  23. we often take photos on our camera apps on our tablets and then add them to the observation. As emily says the opportunity to edit them is often much easier that way but it does depend on what you are doing your obs on ...our Amazon tablets are basic but even these we can do some editing on. If i was using my phone (which i don't for obs!) i could do all sorts of fancy stuff!👍
  24. Still.not my thing....unless he comes in it too! 😅
  25. hahahah like what you did there!. sorry i do seem to have lost the plot thread a bit!
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