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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. DON'T WORRY GANG IVE GOT YOUR BACK πŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ€ΆπŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²πŸŒ²β„β˜ƒοΈβ›„β„β˜ƒοΈβ›„β„β˜ƒοΈβ›„β„β˜ƒοΈβ›„β„β˜ƒοΈβ›„
  2. There are lots of tutorials on the system but this one is fairly easy. Find your control panel (top right drop down menu) click manage relatives click add relative (on right of screen) ...any help? otherwise one of the tapestry dudes will be here shortly !πŸ˜… you will need to do this from the browser you cant do it on the app
  3. Hello, Welcome ! Good luck with the new job.
  4. πŸ˜‚ thats so lovely beginnning to wonder about that though!. Is it just me or are we all having a challenging start.? Is this the covid effect...no visits/ strange starts /had parents to themselves for the last 6 months/ no social contact etc etc. I think the schools have talked a lot about this, i'm not sure i was quite expecting it for this age group.
  5. I haven't had one for a while either (sort of wondered if because they havent been socialising it was worse?) I'm really concerned that he doesn't break the skin...might have to hazmat up!πŸ€ͺ My chucker upper managed to stay and play with mum without chucking...going to try 5 minutes seperation tomorrow! I have another 2 new starters and trying to get them all settled before my little one with ASD starts on thursday. Sunnyday can we bring friday forward???!!?!
  6. Argghhhh ive got a biter 😱😱😱😱
  7. News in! Managed to stay and play happily yesterday for a short session with dad. He left saying it was his happy day🀞🀞for today
  8. thanks GFCCCC these are great but i was wondering if cake sales and clothes collections would be possible at the moment. We are being so careful and yet i've still had to send 3 children for tests today. (not sure the staff paying to come in non uniform will get me far ...we only have 5 of us and one of them doesn't wear uniform!πŸ˜‚
  9. well if it doesn't work we may have to say no until his sister starts in january. Maybe with some support he will be able to get over it. He had his cousin last term but she has gone to school, he never really settled
  10. How are things at home? all ok?
  11. No i definitely dont want bodily fluids...with spray!!! have full PPE available for this event as per covid instructions ...other member of staff sent away quickly, isolated in a well vented room etc etc etc can't say that i wasn't a bit 'off' with mum by the time she got back to us (only works on the corner of our road ...took her a good while to get back. tricky to allow anyone to stay but i have done a garden entry with stepdad stay an play then leave (so not mum) . Told her not to feed him and bring in a lunch box for when settled. If this doesn't work then he'll have to come for a short session in the morning i think. I a complex little boy starting thursday...i need it sorted by then!
  12. anyone got any advice for a child who throws up as soon as he cries! I've never had one who is so in control of his reflux!!!! I was hoping not to use my full PPE kit but he seems to have other ideas. The problem is I have to send him home then he gets to know if he chucks up he gets sent home and he doesn't want to be with us cos it's hard work ...at home he watches TV eats and tells everyone what to do. (Sounds a bit harsh maybe!?) HELP! I've come up with a plan for monday but i am not confident it will work!
  13. I'm thinking of you. what a rotten start to a strange year.Packaway is hard but when you don't have the equipment set up like that even worse. are you having to completely remove it from one room to another? just wondering if the restrictions coming in on monday will help you? Lots of children have had such limited experiences during the lockdown that i suspect we will all have more issues than normal. They haven't been to playgroups swimming lessons or even playgrounds for months (at least a fifth of their little lives!) they haven't left their parents sides even to go to their grandparents and now we are execting them to leave that comfort and jump in to an alien world that they have probably never visited. I don't think any of us are going to have a smooth ride with this. No one should be judging anyone at the moment ...especially ourselves. We should all pat ourselves on the back that we've got through this week/month/year so far!!!
  14. i have to say that i sort of agree. Masks are to protect everyone from the mask wearer....if he has this attitude he is likely to have this attitude elsewhere and therfore is at much higher risk of being a carrier.... maybe he needs to have this explained to him!!!!
  15. Yes and we have quite close connections, they tend to offer us a service rather than money but they can be really helpful. The lions club offer a dragons den type system fr bids !!!! might have to do that this yearπŸ€ͺ
  16. in a full day care nursery with seperate rooms bubbles should help to spread infection. One room settings will end up closing πŸ˜ͺ and especially in mine as my daughter (who lives in my house ) is my deputy!
  17. Whilst i realise this is the advice it doesn't really answer petals problem does it? This is the issue with the guidelines there are so many variables that we are all flailing around . If a parent has told you they don't have covid then we do not have the ability to insist their child stays at home . Like ourselves this week i think Rebecca's answer is correct. Ring the NHS and IF you can get through ask the question.! The list of symptoms for children appears to be huge now so any signs of anything might be an indicator!
  18. yes i can see this working as we could send photos of prizes. (we are allowed to gamble ...we have a licence!) we need to raise about Β£3000 in a year to pay for addition resources. a consequence of serious underfunding in the industry !
  19. we create a pdf on the tapestry system and then allow them to download
  20. preschool one bubble...after school club 2nd bubble. Have given up trying to seperate more than that!
  21. no masks needed here...no one coming in !
  22. So with all the social distance issues our fundraising is going to be seriously threatened this year, one of our local garden centres has already cancelled their C events !! . Has anyone thought about some ideas for this year that might work??? Ouir parents may struggle with money at the moment so maybe i need to think outside the box!
  23. Schools have access to tests. However for some reason we are deemed not suitable! πŸ€”
  24. Ok so if this is any use.....nhs was rung..runny nose with no other symptoms they will not test. They have been inundated with similar calls (i wonder why!!!!!l) child 1 will be back today....child 2 still awaiting further info. 3 schools in the borough have had issues!!! With positive tests. Arrgggjhhhh
  25. well ...i decided to let the NHS take the lead and asked the parent to ring them and ask...still awaiting a response, had another one too !!! just found it really tricky to make a decision but it's day one and if we say yes and then they are ill we are closed for 2 weeks when we are trying to sort out new children ! the rest of the children (returners) have been FAB! i am so pleased they sailed in no issues. 2 are behaving well but doing that sort of holding on to their emotions thing....hopefully will be more comfortable tomorrow. I have spent half of my day however putting up new shelving units to put resources on that we have removed from the classroom!
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