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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I was sad to see Ranvir leave last week - that Jive let her down (still really impressive though) I am getting worried about my brain - have just had this conversation with a neighbour Him: so that's it Mary is a pensioner now Me: Eh, she is nowhere old enough to be a pensioner Him: well she has retired Me: Oh but I thought she was going to work up to Christmas...…. He will never, ever, ever let me live that down 🤦‍♀️
  2. I think Bill will probably win - I don't like it when it becomes a popularity contest rather than judging their dancing
  3. Oooh young Froglet they are very special
  4. Phew!
  5. Everything crossed for a negative result young Froglet 'School closed today' - because of Covid? Wish I could come and do your dishes for you
  6. That's lovely zigzag I have been out for a walk with my DIL and two youngest grandchildren - it was lovely!
  7. Have just emailed my parents to let them know that we will reopen 11th January (as opposed to 4th as planned) Infection rates here are ridiculously high Have had one parent ask me 'why' - oh my actual goodness - does she not watch the news - I gave her a lengthy explanation in reply, hope she 'gets it now', frankly if she doesn't she has plenty of time to find a new setting for January......
  8. Just wanted to say 'good luck' to all who are still working - hope you have a good week x
  9. I don't understand why there is no acknowledgement Government and/or media about what is happening in our Primary schools
  10. I really don't know Many, many children have tested positive - all year groups affected, but particularly Y6 It's horrible, it is a lovely school with lovely staff...…. My own youngest granddaughter is self-isolating as she has been in contact with another child in Y1 who has tested positive Worrying times
  11. Happy Friday! Feels very odd to be at home Good news - our school are staying closed - sad news - six staff members have tested positive
  12. So sorry to hear about your school louby
  13. Thanks Panders - definitely no kindly Santa though - pressies will wait to January and we will say that Father Christmas left them whilst we were not there
  14. Well that's it for me I'm done - I had hoped to stay open until tomorrow, but it was not to be, my parents have, quite understandably, 'voted with their feet', I was down to just three children this morning, so that's it now..... Miserable way to end the term really, although the three children had an excellent time today All of their Christmas presents are sitting here looking at me as I type this, they will be given to them in January now Sat down at about 2pm and promptly fell asleep for nearly three hours - do you think I needed that?! I'm not sure what is going to happen at our primary school, I do hope that they are not 'made' to reopen next week.....
  15. That is awful louby Our headteacher has had to write in one of her letters an 'instruction' to parents to take self-isolation seriously after groups of children have been seen out playing together Not long now louby - hang in there x Personally I would just like to stay under my duvet for the foreseeable
  16. Thanks louby - I asked LA for advice last week and was told that I can't close - oh well, I am not known for following orders! I really don't give a flying flamingo about funding, will repay that if that's what is required
  17. The school have such a good system set up - a text message comes through saying 'urgent check your emails' - I must work out how to do that
  18. Thanks fm - crossed posts there
  19. Thanks for the support mousie, so pleased that result was negative, have just had copy of the latest letter that the school have sent to parents - it is now only Y4 unaffected - scary stuff
  20. Well done the to the rafflers! Have just sent a letter to all of my parents - we are going to finish this Friday (instead of 18th) - I need to be ruled by head and not my heart......the family with one confirmed case, now has three confirmed cases, all young boys all coping well thankfully, he cheerfully told me they can come out of isolation 14th December and my heart sank - rightly or wrongly I don't want their little girl back this side of Christmas, so that was it for me decision made
  21. We actually had a brilliant session, thanks for asking Have decided that we are going to plough on to end of term unless anything drastic happens, did have confirmation late yesterday evening that the brother of one of our little girls has now tested positive (poor love) their little girl has been self-isolating along with rest of family since he started with symptoms on Tuesday, one family have taken their child out because he has grandparents at home I completely understand their decision We don't finish until Friday 18th so two more weeks to get through - we will see, staff team happy to carry on at the moment
  22. A few things from the 'olden days' were actually pretty good!
  23. Snowing here today.... One of my little boys said "it's snowing but it's not Christmas yet because baby Jesus isn't on the roof" Think he is a little mixed up 🤣
  24. Oh no - that would have been exciting!
  25. It's Friday - yay! whoop! whoop! - I am so glad to see the back of this very stressful week We have decided that we will plough on to the end of term but will obviously monitor the situation carefully Happy weekend y'all
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