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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Okay - see you in a minute then! 🤣
  2. 'tis Friday again! Hope that the weekend is kind to all
  3. Well I must say those brownies really hit the spot - so kind of you to use a courier service young froglet - I no longer feel like death warmed up - phew!
  4. Nothing like a 'nana nap' 😂 as you do 😂
  5. Good plan! Have just had phone conversation with eldest son, he said "blimey mum. you are never ill" 🤣 he was really laughing when I said I got so hot at one point that I went and stood outside the door! Actually (touching wood) I feel a lot brighter now
  6. I find it all really interesting - some peeps that I know were lucky enough to get both Pfizer jabs and it certainly seems no reaction for first, but strong reaction for second
  7. Oh dear young Froglet - I would just 'chuck' it to be honest 🤣
  8. In a word 'rough' - but nothing that I can't deal with Panders did you have the Pfizer - everyone that I know that has had that one seems to have been fine Conversely all who have had AZ (as I did) seem to have shown side effects - I'm telling myself that it's all good and shows that my body is doing something!
  9. Okay, okay no need to shout 🤣
  10. Eh? 🤣
  11. Whoop! Whoop! I have been 'jabbed' - feeling extremely grateful right now
  12. Many happy returns!
  13. Young Froglet - enough with the work now! Enjoy your time with your bubble buddies
  14. Yay! I am having my jab tomorrow too - what a coincidence - can't wait! Only downside is that it is at a MVS, not sure how I will cope with 'people'
  15. Yep, we watched it, good summary there my little black and white furry friend 😂
  16. Oh that sounds interesting - I think you have a position here as TV advisor - we watched 'The Light between Oceans' and 'The Dig' on your advice - both brilliant!
  17. It's Friday! Really interesting to read the comments about the Oxford vaccines - I had reached the same conclusion myself - Mr S had a bad reaction as did everyone else that I know who had that jab (apart from my deputy's husband who has no side effects at all) all family and friends who got the Pfizer one sailed through.... Hoping that I might 'get the call' soon 🤞
  18. Crikey! No, I didn't know that
  19. Yes, I've been thinking about this - my MIL is 89 she is thankfully still mobile, Mr S had to take her to a vaccination hub about 12 miles away as her GP is not carrying out vaccination, my guess is that if she was housebound she would still be waiting.....
  20. Oh Mr Panders ❤️ Which vaccine did he have?
  21. My reaction was completely unprintable 🤬
  22. Oh Cait, your poor mum, hope that she can be vaccinated soon - would matt Hancock's advice at yesterday's briefing help her at all?
  23. That's great news!
  24. Oooh that is just beautiful Gezabel
  25. That is just so lovely
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