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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I remember it well - it's flippin' hard work
  2. That must be very difficult
  3. I'm back from my 5k walk - it was lovely! Apart from nearly being brained by a pheasant - we were walking around a country estate and they were having a shoot ☹️ we were asked to walk behind the guns - well doh we were hardly going to walk in front of them...they honestly miss most which is great...however one that they did get landed no more than 3feet away from me with a big 'whomp' noise - my lovely son thought that was hilarious 🤣 the 'gunman' shouted "sorry" - all good, but I did think 'how much would that hurt if it had hit me' 🤦‍♀️ 🤣 Oh and I have been 'told off' for talking to everyone - according to number one son "you just say good morning but keep walking" - yeah right!
  4. So glad that you pointed out that the poo bags were unused 🤣
  5. Nursery World are reporting that over 20% of EY staff are off sick with Covid - that is shocking and sad in equal measure
  6. Ooops sorry my little black and white furry friend - I missed your post - I only caught the end of that item hope they repeat it later
  7. Just been chatting to eldest son about various things, he then said "are you walking tomorrow", I said "yes of course" apparently he is going to call for me at 10 and we are going on a 5k walk together 🤦‍♀️ wish me luck - I often do 3k but 5k is a bit of a stretch...oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained 🙃
  8. Ah 'the vanishing Ofsted notification document' Twitter was alive with news about that - but no I hadn't read it - was it something about notifying them about changes in staff circumstances or am I on the wrong track? Speaking of Twitter - is anyone else following 'Geoff and Margaret' @retirementales - it is a 'spoof' thing and is very funny - Margaret has left her care home to answer the call for retired teachers to boost the school workforce 😂
  9. Oh crikey louby that really is quite a week for you I really hope that you can enjoy this weekend and that next week is a lot easier Ah 'moan and groan' - I couldn't bear that - it is that sort of thing that bothers me + I really don't want to 'lead' anything - I will carry on thinking for a bit longer...
  10. Hello - tis Friday again! How is everyone? Nothing exciting to report from here - weather has been incredible for the last few days, cold and frosty starts which have given way to the most beautiful sunny days (!) perfect for walking I'm thinking that I might start some sort of 'Knit and Natter' group - what I would really like is for someone else to start it and I could just join in - that's not going to happen, so I need to decide if I want to do it myself hmmm (that's me thinking!) Have a lovely weekend - step away from TDLs if you possibly can x
  11. Such good news
  12. Oh no - sending a huge hug young froglet
  13. Hello - tis Friday! How is everyone? Update on my sister - alarming news that she has blood clots (plural) on her lungs - apparently that is why she had the heart attack - her inability to breathe put too much strain on her heart...but unbelievably she is coming home today, complete with her blood thinning/anti-coagulant meds and a heart monitor. Se suffers terribly with Rheumatoid Arthritis and she has been having a 'flare' which has made it so painful for her to walk apparently being so immobile can cause these clots to form...anyway good news that she is being released and thank you all for your great support x In other news - we managed to have a family get together last night for our eldest granddaughter's birthday - my DIL ran things with military precision in order to make this as safe as possible for Mr S - everyone had to test and I'm not sure who it is that she doesn't trust because she wanted photographic evidence 🤷‍♀️🤣 anyway a brilliant time was had by all I do hope that all who have returned to work have had a smooth start Happy weekend x
  14. I had all five of my grandchildren at pre-school, no charge No I wasn't KP for any of them - but we were a very small group which might have made a difference - I particularly wanted them to make a strong relationship with staff so that they got some idea of being 'away' from family and always good to have someone else making progress assessments I think
  15. That looks more helpful Cait Thank you all for thinking of my sister it is very kind...she had her procedure today, but they didn't find any blocked arteries and therefore didn't fit a stent. I'm not really sure yet what will happen next, I assume that they will continue to investigate why she had the heart attack If anyone went back to work today I hope all went well x
  16. Madness isn't it Mousie 🤦‍♀️
  17. That's what I would go with I think
  18. Thank you all for your good wishes for my sister - a quick update - her procedure is now scheduled for Tuesday She is in good spirits and is being very well looked after so that's reassuring Oh and in other news - I have been watching 'Four Weddings...' love that film
  19. Morning all - tis Friday (at least I think it is 🤷‍♀️) New Years Eve too - I feel that I should have some upbeat words to share... This year ends with my dear sister in hospital, she has suffered a heart attack, waiting now for a procedure...was scheduled to happen yesterday but presumably emergencies took over, so please keep everything crossed for her that it goes ahead today. Anyway, I must look on the bright side, she is still with us and that's really all that matters Thank you to all of my lovely forum friends we have shared another year of ups and downs Hope that 2022 is kind to all xxx
  20. I have now re-watched the last part (I had fallen asleep before) - hmmm I still don't understand that photo, how was she intending to use it, or was there no intention at all, who was the 'headless man'??? Anyway, she was treated dreadfully, okay she was incredibly manipulative, but my goodness it really was 'a man's world'
  21. I need to re-watch the last part - I seem to be left with more questions than answers... How did Christmas work out for everyone? We had Christmas Day with oldest son, DIL, children and other family - it was just lovely Boxing Day plans were cancelled - we were meant to be at youngest son's house, DIL had a positive LFT on Christmas Eve, she went off straight away for a PCR, no symptoms to speak off, she repeated LFT on Christmas Day and Boxing Day they were negative...we couldn't take any chances because of Mr S, anyway, long story short her PCR was positive (result received 27/12) so correct decision on our part (she is fine, thankfully) not sure why she had those negative LFTs, might be that her viral load was 'small', no idea really...
  22. We have had a lovely afternoon with our two youngest grandchildren - they are very excited! When my son dropped them off he said "they've both been tested and they're fine", granddaughter added "and we both cried"☹️ I don't think I like this 'new normal'... Anyway I can let you know that Santa was last spotted over India, yes we have been tracking him on Norad 😉
  23. Ooh I love a Baileys on ice - go for it 😂
  24. Thank you Mousie Tis Friday and tis Christmas Eve (where would you all be without me to tell you these important facts😂) Sending all good wishes for Christmas x
  25. The one for Mr S has actually arrived today...
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