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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Not liking the look of the weather forecasts - sending kind thoughts and good luck to zigzag and Mousie
  2. Thank you for the good wishes She is feeling quite a lot better this morning (phew!), she is struggling with her bloods but this is improving too...thank goodness for vaccines
  3. I was hoping so - but she is feeling quite poorly...I am mainly concerned about her bloods, always a problem if she is unwell at all...would love to go and get the two little ones and bring them here, but obviously can't because of Mr S We seem lurch from one difficult situation to the next 🤦‍♀️ still, nothing in the grand scheme of things Anyway, I have a dog to walk before it rains 😀
  4. 'Japanese drummers' - wow!
  5. Sheesh - breaking news - our lovely DIL has tested positive - did she get it from our grandson, her little boy, or from someone else 🤷‍♀️ bit of a worry as she is type 1 diabetic, she seems okay at the moment, just a sore throat...
  6. Now I would be delighted with that...
  7. It's great that you have tried it - sewing just defeats me...
  8. Ooh that has reminded me - many moons ago, we had a fund raising pancake race village event, yours truly made the front page of the local rag, I was halfway down a big slide with my pan and pancake - youngest son was about 13 at the time - he said "why can't you just be a normal mum" 🙃
  9. 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Ah Jimbob - he is living his best life 😺
  11. Oh - do you still have your visiting cat - I've forgotten his name...
  12. We were posting at the same time louby - thank you for asking, we seem to be in the clear
  13. Happy Friday and happy half-term (if you get one) So thankful that we don't seem to have caught Covid from our lovely grandson - phew - and he is out of isolation now which is great We have a four legged friend with us for a week - I think that I have talked about him before - he is a gorgeous, gorgeous chocolate lab and an absolute pleasure to care for Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  14. It may be that the LA wouldn't support another pre-school then?
  15. Wish I could make that happen for you x
  16. Hi Cait I'm sure that all of the above is the correct info - I think that I would ask has she contacted LA for guidance - might just be that she wants to know info re prices before she takes that step? Not sure that helps
  17. Ah thank you for asking, he is absolutely fine, no symptoms at all, only tested because there was a positive case at pre-school
  18. We are still negative (touching wood!) Test and Trace say that we have to test right up to Saturday12th, that seems a long time, but I guess 'ours is not to reason why'
  19. Oooh - that is lovely - you are very talented!
  20. We have the same weather louby - a bit of a shock after all of the beautiful days we have enjoyed this week Hope that the weekend is kind to all (Half-term is in sight!)
  21. Thank you louby - that's all quite reassuring Thank you zigzag - you are right, it hasn't gone away at all Hope that you feel better soon
  22. Crossed posts there - thank you, I hope so too, time will tell...
  23. That's very kind of you, thank you I can't believe it, we have been so careful, I'm sure lots of people would think 'too careful'...we last looked after the two little grandchildren on Christmas Eve and they were both tested before they came to us...aside from that we have only seen them outside We had a lovely time with him and then later in the day another mum told my DIL that there was a positive case at pre-school Not worried for myself, just Mr S really...and, of course for our lovely grandson
  24. ☹️ youngest grandson has tested positive - guess who looked after him yesterday...
  25. Well...I'm not sure 🐸
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