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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. 🤣 Wasn't he just!
  2. Feel free to use this thread - it's good to keep our 'witterings' in one place! 😂 Watched the pairing programme last night and very much looking forward to some dancing this evening
  3. Oh thank you young Froglet - that sounds like a plan - I really don't want to waste this very kind wool donation, but it is too 'whiffy' to use...
  4. Good shout Cait - such a mixture - got to be worth a try I think
  5. Oh wow - a baby boy - what fantastic news - huge congratulations to all
  6. Good morning all - tis Friday! How is everyone getting on with the new term? We lit our wood-burner for the first time yesterday - very cosy! The weather has certainly 'turned' here, bring back summer I say! Someone has donated a huge, and I mean huge, bag of wool for Knit and Natter - several of my Knit and Natterers took some home yesterday and i brought the rest home with me...all good except that I have now noticed a bit of a 'whiff', think she may have stored it in a garage or shed, not sure what to do about that - answers on a postcard please... Have a lovely weekend all x
  7. Found out at Knit and Natter this morning that one of my friends joined 'the queue' - took 12 hours but she is so pleased that she did it - she explained how it all worked and how all hotels and restaurants were offering free coffee/tea to the people queueing - she said that nobody, anywhere was looking to make any money - how brilliant is that...
  8. Squashed fly biscuits here and nope, I really don't like them at all - which is quite odd as I am partial to a biscuit or three 😂
  9. I am finding it hard to get into this season - not sure why
  10. Had a text message tonight from a 'Kiwi' friend which read: What an amazing day, you must feel so proud to be British
  11. 'actions have consequences' - that's a life skill in my book...
  12. Are you talking about me?! 🤣
  13. I'm a bit of sock fan - quite happy to get them back on!🤣
  14. Well absolutely!
  15. Morning all - tis Friday What a very strange time this is - agree completely with Cait's comments above re the Royal family, I am in complete awe, I can't begin to imagine how they have managed to carry out their 'duties' in public in the midst of their personal grief... I am also in awe of all of the people queueing to get into Westminster Hall A more light-hearted note this week - I asked my eldest son what, if anything, my seven year old granddaughter had been saying/asking about the current situation, it seems that she has a lot to say, my favourite being "why is that blanket on her 'box', is it to keep her warm"... My weekend will be busy with garden sorting - lots of cutting back and tidying and will start to plant out some wallflowers I think Whatever your plans I hope the weekend is kind to all x
  16. You are absolutely right (or your grandad was!) - I knew a brown paper bag came into it somehow 😂
  17. I would leave them on for a little bit longer - if you do bring some in, put a banana in the bowl and that will help to ripen them
  18. Hello all - tis Friday I really didn't know whether or not to post today... What a very sad time this is - I can't believe that our Queen has died - she has always 'been there' and now she has gone...
  19. You are right - but I had a little chuckle to myself thinking 'well Cait and I would have got round that by taking it in turns to buy' 😂 obviously not suggesting anyone should do this!
  20. Oh lovely zigzag - you poor thing and your poor, poor dad - I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must have been for you to have to deal with that GP I do hope that you are soon on the road to recovery, bit of an expert (sadly) on chest infections because of Mr S, so can I offer a little bit of advice, if your cough doesn't go it might be that you have not been prescribed the correct anti-biotics, hopefully that won't happen, but just in case... Enjoy the theatre! Good luck with the handover of the last bits that tie you to pre-school
  21. Ah - no gas up here - never has been - so just electricity for our smart meter... I had read/or heard can't remember, something about a possible scheme whereby we could be 'rewarded' for not using a great amount of electricity between 5 - 8pm, if that happens you would need a smart meter in order for your provider to read...probably won't happen anyway 🤦‍♀️ but, if it does, I will be prepared🤣
  22. Good morning - tis Friday! How is everyone getting on? Young Froglet is already back to work and I guess that many of you will be next week - wishing you a wonderful autumn term Courtesy of our fantastic sons we now have a full log store - we had loads and loads of long lengths of well seasoned long lengths of wood from trees that have either been taken down or fallen of their own accord...'just' needed cutting with chainsaws, Mr S not well enough to do this, so our 'boys' came to the rescue! So that's one less thing to pay for over the winter! We had a smart meter fitted last week - I might be ever so slightly obsessed with it😂 We attended a dear friend's funeral yesterday, such a testament to a lovely lady, so many people there that we had to stand outside of the Chapel... Youngest grandson starts school next week - where the heck has the time gone - dear little boy... Hoping the weekend is kind to all x
  23. Oh dear! 🤣
  24. Beautiful x
  25. Lovely!
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