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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Goodness Panders - that was so kind of Mr Panders to dress up like that! 🤣 Thank you for your good wishes - have had a lovely day full of my favourite things, I am very lucky
  2. 'tis true (and then she said, "oh my word, is that you" (not really!)🤣
  3. I thought the same when I saw 'London' on the list but... Believe it or not I am actually quite shy Mr S would have heart failure if I said "I'm off to London on my own to meet up with my forum friends"
  4. Off topic now - poor Mr Mellor - he was far too poorly to be dancing - I have given him all 3 of my online votes
  5. Can't wait to see what young Froglet makes of these suggestions 😂 there is absolutely no way Jose that you would ever find me indulging in any of those activities, but she might be a real daredevil on the quiet... I was thinking about what's on my 'still to do' list - I really want to visit Highgate Cemetry and I would like to see Rome Young Froglet have you ever been to the Ballet or an Opera? I haven't, but then I don't particularly want to 😂 Would you like to go to a dance class or learn a particular dance - tap or something?
  6. I thought that too - could we include mountain climbing. abseiling, hot air ballooning, channel swimming? 😂 You do know already young Froglet that we all think you should apply to go on Bake Off
  7. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone - half-term is getting closer! I have a had a lovely couple of days - yesterday's Knit and Natter was so much fun, lots of laughter which is good for the soul...in the evening we enjoyed a family meal with the added bonus that our eldest granddaughter was down from Uni, this had been kept secret from us, so good to see her and hear all about her Uni 'adventures'! Today - I am dog sitting, two 'granddogs' - one choc lab and one golden retriever - bliss, they are such gorgeous dogs Mr S is doing the 'station runs' - keeps him busy! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  8. Shhhhhh - don't say it, don't even think it
  9. I am seriously worried about 'the Bros fella' he looks so anxious I'm sure this can't be good for him...
  10. I blame the onsies ☹️ (if you know you know) 😂
  11. You can do this! Sending heaps of positive vibes to you young Froglet x
  12. How beautiful x
  13. ...and fish and chips for dinner - very nice!
  14. Should have been out for lunch with two friends today - had to cancel, blessed Covid (not me), so started the day feeling a bit fed up - another friend rang and asked "have you been out for your walk yet", I hadn't, so we had a lovely long walk together, then when I came home I got on with some gardening, weather just beautiful here - so all in all a very nice day! Hope all went well lovely zigzag - it's a tough thing to do x Mousie - that all sounds very trying - i do hope it all gets sorted soon I am sending out a search party shortly for young Froglet and fm
  15. Our new 'glorious leader' seems to have Early Years in her sights Changing ratios - no, no and no! Paying funding directly to parents as opposed to providers - hmmm - what does everyone think about that?
  16. Oh louby, louby loo - I most certainly did notice - you will be in so much trouble if Sue sees that! 😧🤣 I still have lots of gardening jobs to get done but there is quite a lot still flowering Your dance class sounds like fun what a shame that people haven't come forward for that...
  17. Morning all - 'tis Friday! Honestly this retirement lark is making me lazy - it's 9:30 and still not dressed - right I must get on - well I will when I have finished my cuppa 😂 Nothing exciting to report from here (which I quite like really) Hope everyone is okay and that you all have the best of weekends x
  18. I note that you avoided use of the C word 😂
  19. That is so lovely - see I said you were clever!
  20. I have all confidence in you I'm sure it will be fine
  21. Crikey! The quilt sounds amazing - how clever are you
  22. Good morning all - 'tis Friday! How is everyone? Can you believe that it will be October tomorrow - won't be long until I have to seek clarification from Sue re use of the 'C word' on here 😂 Mr S and I are having our flu + Covid jabs tomorrow morning - is there much Covid where you are, seems to be 'loads' in my little village Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  23. Oh my goodness - thank you so much blondie - you are a superstar!
  24. Ah maybe - I found it all quite distracting 😂
  25. Poor Tony Adams - I really felt for him In addition to the 'dodgy dancing' what on earth was going on in the trouser department? He needs some advice from the male pro dancers on suitable under-crackers - please tell me I wasn't the only one to notice?! 🤷‍♀️
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