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  1. Stunning here as well! Just need the mud to dry out now please. Really hope the weather is like this in three weeks time and not blowing gale force winds and rain! Have a lovely weekend all.
  2. Well what crazy weather it’s been this week! One day it’s lovely and sunny and the next it’s storm force winds and rain! It’s very confusing! I for one cannot wait for summer! Well some very exciting news was given to me last weekend (not allowed to tell anyone in real life) but feel it’s safe to tell my forum buddies! I’m going to be a Granny for the first time😄 so very excited! It’s early days still so just keeping everything crossed that it progresses well. And of course we have their wedding next month where hopefully they will have had the first scan and announce it to the whole family. Froglet the dog and the sofa problem is my life! Made especially worse when the Granddog is here as well as mine! (Not that I’m complaining, my life revolves around the dogs) Sunnyday hope the blue badge application went smoothly! I’ve been on the gov.uk website this weekend trying to get a utr number sorted for my youngest son who was home for a flying visit for the stag do! They really do make these forms complicated. Anyway, have a good week all.
  3. After the worst week of storms that seemed relentless, we have just had two of the most glorious days ever. My goodness it makes such a difference to mind, body and soul!
  4. The first storm passed us by without any problem but the storm that went through this morning was wicked! I have never heard wind sound so evil! Tomorrow is not looking good either! Roll on summer, I have had enough of winter already! Hope everyone is safe and well. Ive watched the traitors, didn’t enjoy it as much as previous series though.
  5. The Eden project is well worth a visit. The lost gardens of Heligan if you are interested in gardens. (not sure what time of year you are going though) St Ives is lovely and I think about an hours drive away. (Watch out for the seagulls if eating outside). If you come down to the lizard peninsular, which is the most southerly point you have to visit Kynance beach which is just outside the Lizard village. You have to get an Anne’s pasty if visiting, one of the best pasties around! And if you do make the journey down visit Coverack cove and go to Roskillys farm near st keverne. Roskillys is a working farm but has the most lovely restaurant in the old milking parlour and courtyard. They are famous for their ice creams and the food is amazing. There are beautiful woods and ponds to walk around and animals to feed. I don’t know the part of Cornwall that you are staying in that well but will ask my sons partner who is from Padstow as she will know better than me. What age range are you going to be in your group?
  6. Belated happy new year! Better late than never! Hope all the poorly people are better and the spring term has started well. Gezabel, which part of Cornwall are you coming to? Let me know and I will see if I can give you some recommendations.
  7. No snow here thank goodness but my god Bert is making himself known! Bert was my Grandads name! I could do with having a few more hot flushes as it’s very cold here! Mousie, that’s really sad that the children wanted to go in, I’m quite shocked by that. Sign of the times do you think? Have a good weekend all, stay warm and safe.
  8. Had the whole of the local beach to myself this morning! Dogs had an amazing time.
  9. Hello Sunnyday, Just where do the weeks go? Was poorly last weekend with a Covid similar virus, which really wiped me out, then very kindly passed it on to my husband! So an iffy week! Have booked a hotel in Kent for December as we are going up to see my son in London for the first time since he moved. I literally cannot wait to give him the biggest hug, I may not let go! Going to spend the day and evening in London with him and planning to do lots of Christmas sightseeing, markets and the lights. Quite exciting as it’s been years since I went into London. Nothing exciting planned for the weekend, got one job tomorrow and then think we will go out for Sunday dinner as a treat and an excuse not to cook! Looking forward to seeing my other son and his fiancée as they have been in Cyprus for the week. Have a lovely weekend all. Xx
  10. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Hope you are having a lovely day. Xxx
  11. I know, me neither! She’s truly amazing although I do get frustrated with her sometimes when she practically crawls home with tiredness, but it’s what keeps her going.
  12. It went through Cornwall in the night and is settling a bit here now. Just off for Mums birthday lunch to Roskillys (if you know you know) she’s 89 today! And this is the women who in one week does Pilates, two fitness classes, social club, pub quiz, cooks at the old peoples community lunch, plays table tennis, goes to writing group and walks everyday! She is amazing!
  13. Happy birthday Sunnyday, hope you have a super day. Xx
  14. Quiet week here both work wise and adjusting to life without a son in the house! Absolutely delighted to report he is very happy and settled and loving London life and got a job on Wednesday which starts on Monday. So proud of him, but do miss him.
  15. Sue!🤨🤨it’s October, what an earth has come over you? Don’t let the “keep it in December” team down!
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