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I've come across a couple of people lately who (strangley) weren't aware the new installment of Harry Potter is out on March 16th, (pre-ordered mine in December) so I thought I'd make it known to others :D

Happy reading :D





That is unless there are squabbles over who reads it first. :o


I've just checked on my Amazon account and now I'm confused!! xD

Book release says July 21st but delivery says March 2nd. I could have sworn it said March 16th last time :(

I know the new film is out July because when they trailored it in December we groaned at how early they were telling us about it. :(



Appologies for confusion, but it shows you're all awake :(


Googled the release date. One says early 2007, 5 say July 21st. I bow to your superior knowledge.




Blast :o


Oh I know Rea :o but at least it is July and that is long enough away- the sooner the better and I do wish it was going to be in March. They always seem to do it in the summer as they release it in the middle of the night, so I suppose the queues of people waitng outside the shops don't die of exposure! Holiday reading as well I suppose.


My boyfriend was saying at the weekend that she's made something like 16 million JUST from those people who have pre-ordered the book, and it's not even out yet................................................anyone recommend a good 'Become a children's author' web-site?!


Ohhhhhh nooooooo Harry Potters out just after my birthday aggghhhhhh that was spose to be my birthday present. :(xD Ok ok ok I sopse I could wait 5 days for it. :( It is meant to be out on the 21/7/07 and my birthday is a few day before it 17/7/07 oh no only 3 years to the BIG 30!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o


I also think that the film is out at the same or near the same time. :D OOOOoooo this sounds like fun birthday harry potter film and book at once all my birthdays have come at once!!!!! :wacko: :(





Cannot wait! Would be better if its out during the holidays coz last time I read it in the first weekend and no planning got done! Hmm... so July would be good, but aw it's such a long time to wait!


Was advertised in Waterstones window for july 21st on Saturday.....


Oh it's torture having to wait that long....but at least that's my summer reading sorted! When is the film out?


She wouldn't DARE kill off Harry would she? :'( I've heard that two characters die in this one. xD


oh I can't wait!!! :o


I've heard the same chicken licken. Dumbledore bit the dust so theres no knowing what horrible surprises she has in store. Harry and Hermione are my guess but he'll leave behind a baby with Ginny. :(



But really, it's only pretend :oxD


Sorry Jacquie, it's like Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunnie. :(



Gosh hope I haven't said the wrong thing??? :oxD


OOOHHH how dreadful! How could you do this to me? Oh the disillusionment, the lies I have been told !How will I cope with this change in my understanding of the world. Who will i talk to at the bottom of the garden? I don't need to remember to say 'Hello fairies' on the IOM at the Fairy Bridge.


Hmm does that mean my kids ( in their early 30's) don't need stockings any more? Yippee I can afford a holiday if they don't. :D


Jacquie, I keep hearing about this fairy bridge! I think you know we're hoping to visit the IOM this year - where exactly is it? (The fairy bridge, not the IOM!!!) I really have to greet the fairies - I know you're only fibbing, Rea!




It's on the main road between Douglas and the airport. It isn't very spectacular but people are supposed to say 'Hello' to the fairies when they go over it. There are messages tied in some of the trees around it but i've never stopped to look. i think that there is a dispute about this brige and there is also another one somewhere else.


  • 5 months later...

just bumping this up as the time is near


not pre-ordered .We queued dressed as witches at midnight with the girls last time but the eldest is now 13 and that would be 'gross' in her words. :o last time there was no shortage of copies at great prices so not worried about getting a copy.

That weekend i'll be really busy-hopefully with a hangover from end of term party and really want to do the book justice.Got 2 camping trips planned in the beginning of August so hopefully-chair-glass-kids in playground etc etc and read in the evening sunlight :(


Pre-booked tickets for the film after Dentist trip first monday of the holidays (no i don't bribe my kids xD ) any members reviews?


Well I have boobed mightily as I am off on holiday tomorrow so will not be here when my book is delivered by Amazon-- boo hoo - so much for my holiday reading. Can I buy an English version in France I wonder?


my daughter has already printed off two bookmarks so that we can share the book when it arrives............................


......havnt told her im not putting it down till ive finished :o

Posted (edited)

Been to see the Order of the Phoenix today with the children it was absolutely brilliant, only really sad at times!!!


To avoid confusion or upset I removed the sentence - So sorry felt rotten - when I posted I hadn't thought about that!

This post is going to seem a bit jumbled now.


Edit by Steve: Sorry Shirel, I reckon that was too much information for this post for people who haven't read the books, so I've edited this post. Classic place for the spoiler feature, so I warn people who don't want to know who died in the film not to drag their mouse across the black mark above...



Edited by Guest

OH Steve! I just had to do it didn't I!! Drag my mouse across your black box but I am none the wiser as I haven't got a clue who the person is :o


I actually won two tickets to go and see Harry Potter and the whatever the latest tile is and took great delight in giving them to the children next door. Their whole family has gone tonight and I was really happy that they were so thrilled but as for me and Harry Potter -errrr no thanks xD


We went to see the film on Thursday night and thought it was great. I haven't read the last Harry Potter book yet though. We had 3 copies doing the rounds when we went to France on holiday a couple of years ago with Richards sister and family. There were 9 of us trying to read it and everyone else managed to read it by the end of the holiday except me. It was really nice to see all our teenagers so keen to read though, even our dyslexic son, so thanks to JK Rowling for that! I think I may buy a copy of that one and the new one when we go on holiday next weekend and hide them away and be the first next time! :o

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