Gezabel Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 Just wondering if anyone has any 'official guidance' on whether children should attend two settings from September onwards. This includes children being brought to pre-school by a child minder as well as children who attend other pre-schools? I have heard rumours and read various comments but I can't find any clarification or official guidance. Fingers crossed some of you lovely lot will know!
playgroup1 Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 Had a zoom meeting with LA on Friday. They were still saying "Wherever possible children should only attend one setting" but that settings would need to do a risk assessment if parents wanted different and have conversations with childminders. I suppose its about knowing what the childminders are doing with the children, e.g. lots of mixing with other childminders and children, lots of school pickups, after school children, number of children they are looking after. More of a problem if children are in school nurseries/ other daycare settings where they are mixing with more children.
louby loo Posted July 12, 2020 Posted July 12, 2020 At the moment we are thinking of going with only two setting if it's for work reasons. As we are a term-time we get a few that go to full daycare part of the week, but will come to us to 'socialise' with children they may start school with. Usually this is a day the parents aren't working, but child will come to us for a 3 hour session whilst the parents do household chores etc. Fully understand their logic, but we will not be supporting this at the moment.
Greenfinch Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Schools in our area always start the new starters in small ‘batches’ so some children don’t start until mid September at least properly. Normally we will still have leavers back for this period if we can as it’s a difficult enough process anyway and we always feel for working parents who can’t just take half of September off! However, I’ve been considering this and don’t think I’m going to offer it this year sadly. 1
sunnyday Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Bottom of page 10 'Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff' My interpretation is that it is a 'should', not a 'must'. I don't want to do anything that makes life even more problematic for my parents 1
finleysmaid Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 I have been asked by a parent about this just now. Their child attends a childminder monday to thursday and another on a friday plus ourselves (we also run after school clubs) it's very tricky isn't it? not sure what i'm going to do at the moment!
sunnyday Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 My thinking is that now 'everything' is opening up the whole 'bubble' thing doesn't work anymore, if children are back to swimming, cubs, brownies or whatever extra-curricular activities they attend there are so many extra contacts Thinking of one of my families: 4 children - one at secondary school, two at primary and one will be starting with me, mum is a secondary school teacher and dad is an estate agent - the amount of contacts there is mind-boggling - the idea that I could say 'no she can't come to me and her childminder' is just not tenable really I am pretty sure that we will get new guidance before much longer as things seem to be moving so fast (too fast) now 2 1
louby loo Posted July 13, 2020 Posted July 13, 2020 Funny thing happened to us today. Existing parent emails what our thoughts are on 'two settings' as she has just also enrolled her child at the posh setting near ours- and they are more than happy for two settings. I more or less cut'n'pasted sunnyday's above link (with the quote + link to Gov page) stating that we would only do two for work reasons........ a little later she replied she would like to remain at ours with increased sessions if possible as she had now decided to not take a place at the posh setting. I expected the opposite and that we would loose the family to the other setting. 4
finleysmaid Posted July 14, 2020 Posted July 14, 2020 On 13/07/2020 at 18:22, sunnyday said: My thinking is that now 'everything' is opening up the whole 'bubble' thing doesn't work anymore, if children are back to swimming, cubs, brownies or whatever extra-curricular activities they attend there are so many extra contacts Thinking of one of my families: 4 children - one at secondary school, two at primary and one will be starting with me, mum is a secondary school teacher and dad is an estate agent - the amount of contacts there is mind-boggling - the idea that I could say 'no she can't come to me and her childminder' is just not tenable really I am pretty sure that we will get new guidance before much longer as things seem to be moving so fast (too fast) now Expand went away thinking about this last night...the issue of course is that you would only have one potentially infected child in your setting so still only one source of covid. The issue for us becomes more difficult when we are mixing children within the setting , so for us we have am/pm/full day and then after school club (with children from the school) you are right about the guidance of course...still more to come!?!?
Gezabel Posted July 15, 2020 Author Posted July 15, 2020 Thank you all soooooooooo much for your helpful replies. 1
sunnyday Posted July 16, 2020 Posted July 16, 2020 On 15/07/2020 at 20:14, Gezabel said: Thank you all soooooooooo much for your helpful replies. Expand 🤣 I'm not sure how helpful they were really!
finleysmaid Posted July 16, 2020 Posted July 16, 2020 On 16/07/2020 at 11:38, sunnyday said: 🤣 I'm not sure how helpful they were really! Expand Was about to post the same!! 1
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