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We are very limited for space in our bathroom and we have to change children on a changing mat on the floor, kind of in the doorway of the toilet and in front of the sinks.  Not ideal I know, but it’s all we have.  Currently if a child has a wet nappy or is sitting on the potty We do not shut the playroom door and other children can access the bathroom to use the other toilet and wash hands.  If a child has a dirty nappy or pants, we shut the playroom door whilst the key person is changing them. At our staff meeting today a member of staff said they didn’t think we should be doing this anymore In light of the Vanessa George case.  My thinking is that we are protecting the dignity of the child who is being changed.  What are anyone else’s thoughts please.  


does the child not have the right to some privacy? Are your staff qualified and do you trust them? could you add anything else to help the situation? (mirrors/baby monitors )

We are not in a dissimilar position.!

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I trust them completely and it’s only myself and my deputy who usually change anyway.  It was mentioned by another staff member who said well you are not supposed to do that anymore.  I think we can and the children have a right to dignity and privacy when being changed. But with Ofsted looming I thought it would be good to check what everyone else’s Good practice is.

Posted (edited)

I have been looking at this screen and wondered about getting this?  What do you think?  This could then go around the chid as we change them, giving them some privacy from anyone using the bathroom and anyone in the playroom whilst still keeping the door open.



Edited by zigzag
Spelling mistake. (Been a long day)

I think thats a good option if you have room. We have some ikea wiggly mirrors which means we can keep an eye on thinsg if needed. If you are worried about ofsted you could do a risk assessment for it. 

sorry just read my previous...was supposed to sound questioning not accusatory :D

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Thank you both so much for your replies, it’s much appreciated.  I know I can always rely on sensible advice from you both x

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We do exactly that, our toilets don’t have a door, if nappies change staff have to use the further toilet area from the entrance to them and we prop a screen across, like the photo but one single/longer one, it’s low enough for other staff to see over put gives privacy to the child being changed.

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Hi, We have a similar situation to, we are a tiny pre-school (one classroom) we used to change on floor of bathroom but felt not really ideal as we have a very small batheroom to! so we put a changing cabinet in the corner of the classroom, we have a screen which we just pull around when changing children, they absolutely deserve dignity!  It's so hard when you are limited with space.  Never really sure what Ofsted will be happy with. 

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we too are sort of space when changing nappies. we only have two toilets so use the one furthest from the door and lay the changing mat on the floor - the child is not able to be viewed by any other children using the other toilet so gives them privacy. It is absolutely what they deserve.

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