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Funding Agreement


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Is there anyone out there who would be willing to share the funding agreement that they use with parents?  I never got round to drawing one up (I know, I know...it was on the TDL and just kept slipping further and further down!)

Thank you!

PS I mean share it on the forum, not share it with parents! :D9_9

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Thanks for your reply Mouseketeer.  I've trawled through all the gubbins that our LA give us and I can't see a funding agreement.  That is what I was thinking of - how the funding is calculated, how parents can use it etc.  What has prompted me is a bit of a heated discussion with a parent who insisted we should give her child extra funded days to make up for time she missed when they were on holiday.  I explained that it didn't work like that and thought to myself that we really should have this written down!  

We do have a parent's contract which I'm happy to share if you'd like to see it? :)

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1 hour ago, Stargrower said:

What has prompted me is a bit of a heated discussion with a parent who insisted we should give her child extra funded days to make up for time she missed when they were on holiday. 

Unbelievable. She chose not to attend and then expects you to make up for it! (I have asked parents before if they still have to pay the rent on their house when they are away or if they expect the landlord to refund it because they didn't use the house for a week!) 

We get a parent agreement form from our LA same as Mouseketeer. At induction we go through it with them and discuss attendance etc. We never allow parents to swap days or replace days. 


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  • 2 months later...
On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 10:42, Stargrower said:

Thanks for your reply Mouseketeer.  I've trawled through all the gubbins that our LA give us and I can't see a funding agreement.  That is what I was thinking of - how the funding is calculated, how parents can use it etc.  What has prompted me is a bit of a heated discussion with a parent who insisted we should give her child extra funded days to make up for time she missed when they were on holiday.  I explained that it didn't work like that and thought to myself that we really should have this written down!  

We do have a parent's contract which I'm happy to share if you'd like to see it? :)

Good evening

If you have a copy of your parent's contract that you would be happy to share with our setting then we would appreciate seeing it please, as we don't currently have one and think it is about time we did or at least look at getting one in place for the September 2019 term, though just not sure what we would need to put in it. Thank you Loz

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10 hours ago, Stargrower said:

Yes, here it is.  If anyone can see anything else to add, please do let me know.

Anon Parents' Contract.docx

Only had a quick skim read, but just wanted to add-  We even charge the funded children the £10 'admin fee' -  unless they start the very next session available (i.e. next day!) and  they collect and fill in all paperwork on their initial visit.  

Our LA is ok with this as long as it is a reasonable charge to cover paperwork/phonecalls etc.... which £10 is, and to be honest they are not technically  funded until they have actually started and completed the funding forms!

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On 29/01/2019 at 21:34, louby loo said:

Only had a quick skim read, but just wanted to add-  We even charge the funded children the £10 'admin fee' -  unless they start the very next session available (i.e. next day!) and  they collect and fill in all paperwork on their initial visit.  

Our LA is ok with this as long as it is a reasonable charge to cover paperwork/phonecalls etc.... which £10 is, and to be honest they are not technically  funded until they have actually started and completed the funding forms!

Our LA say that a 'free offer' has to be free to the parents, so if they have to pay a registration or administration fee to get their funded place, it isn't free.  We have never been "allowed" to charge a reg fee or deposit to children accessing only funded hours.  I guess LA's take different views...as usual! 9_9

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Well, the way I see it is: 

 If a child  comes in today and  wants to secure a place for say after Easter, then they are not actually funded when they sign up. We are clear that if they want to take a chance that we will have a space at Easter then they come collect paperwork at start of term for an immediate start without paying the admin fee. If they want to 'hold' a space then the  £10 admin fee applies. 

This admin fee covers phone calls, paperwork, printing and postage. How many of us have printed/laminated name tags/made up registers etc ..... only for the child that applied 2 months ago never arrives >:(.

Our LA are fine with this system- although we did need to challenge them. They now accept a low realistic  'admin' charge, however a 'registration fee' is  defiantly  not allowed- even if it include free uniforms etc.

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Interesting... we charge a registration fee for all funded three and fours but not twos in the premise that 2YO funding is largely economic but for threes is universal. LA appears fine with it. Not challenged at compliance visit. I would agree as above that a nominal charge to cover the admin work done before a child starts is quite justifiable and unrelated to their actual placement. 

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