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How to see the distribution of EYFS data on Tapestry

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Please note that the information in this tutorial is related to the old EYFS. For information about tracking for the new EYFS 2021, please click here, and for information about the EYFS 2021 thoroughness screens please click here.


On Tapestry there are two types of screen that you can use to view the distribution of different types of EYFS data, Box and Whisker Plot Graph screens and Distribution Chart screens. We'll start by looking at the Box and Whisker Plot Graphs. To skip to the section on Distribution Charts, click here.

Box and Whisker Plot Graphs

We have Box and Whisker Plot Graph screens for each of the three sections of analysis on Tapestry; thoroughness, attainment and progress. To learn about how these different scores are calculated, you can use the tutorials linked below.

Within each of these sections, you can find a Box and Whisker Plot graph for the data distribution of children, groups of children and staff's key children. 

In this tutorial we'll just focus on one of the sections of analysis, attainment, so let's get started by looking at how to find these graphs. 

To do this you just need to click on the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the page (1), remember you'll need to be on the EYFS section (2). Then depending on whether you want to view the data for thoroughness, attainment or progress, select the 'Overview' button for the relevant section (3). 





This will take you to the Dashboard page for that area of analysis. You can then select either the 'Child Overview', 'Group Overview' or 'Staff Overview' (4), depending on how you want to see the data distributed. 




Below you can see an example of one of the Box and Whisker Plot graphs on Tapestry; this one shows the distribution of data for children's attainment scores. You can set which term you want to view from the 'Period' drop-down (1). The Y axis (2) shows the different attainment scores and the X axis (3) breaks down the scores by each area of learning. 




Let's have a closer look at one of the areas so we can see what each part of the graph means and what it tells us about the data. 




I've labelled each part of one of the box and whisker plots to explain what it shows:

1: Each black dot represents the score of a child, in this case their attainment score.The dot at the top for each area represents the Highest Point of the data, in this case it is the highest attainment score for the area of Mathematics.

2: Each box shows the Interquartile Range for that aspect. All this means is it is where 50% of your children are, so it shows you where the majority of your children are for that aspect.

3: The line going through the box is the Median. This is just the mid point of the scores when they are in ascending order e.g. with the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, the number 9 is the mid point as it is the number in the middle. 

4: The lowest dot represents the Lowest Point of the data, so with this screen it is the lowest attainment score. 

5: The background colours show whether the attainment scores are trailing (pink), satisfactory (green) or good (purple). You can customise which scores show as trailing, satisfactory or good from within your account and you can also change this terminology. This tutorial talks you through how to do this. 

If you drag your mouse over a selected area of the graph, the scores represented by any dots included in this area (in this case a child's attainment score) are then highlighted in red (1). You will also see underneath the graph, more details for what that dot represents. In this case you can see the names of the child the dot represents, the area and aspect of learning the score is for and their actual attainment score. 




What the Box and Whisker graph screens are useful for is looking at outliers of data. They show you if one, or some, of your children are working outside of where the majority of your children are working. 

You can also use this screen to compare where most of your children are for each area. We can see in the above screenshot that most of the box for Communication and Language is in the trailing (pink) section, which means most of the children in this group have attainment scores you consider to be 'trailing'. Now, if we look at the area of Understanding the World, we can see this box appears a lot higher on the graph, with half of the box in the satisfactory (green) section and the other half in the good (purple) section. What this will show you is that for this aspect, Understanding the World, most of the children have a higher level of attainment than for Communication and Language. 

Now let's take a look at the other type of screen, which shows you data in the form of distribution charts. 

Distributon Chart Screens

Just like the box and whisker plot graph screens, to find these you will need to go to the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the page(1), again you will need to make sure you are in the 'EYFS' section (2). Then you will need to select either the 'Child', 'Group' or 'Staff's Key Group's' button for Thoroughness, Attainment or Progress (3). Which one you select will just depend on what data you want to see. I have selected the 'Child' button for 'Attainment'. 





You then just need to select a period (1) and group of children (2) to view this for. 




After you've selected both of these things you'll then see the table below, to view the distribution chart you'll need to click on the 'Show Chart' button in the bottom left-hand corner.




What you'll then see is the below chart. Along the X axis (1) you will see a child's attainment score and along the Y axis (2) you can see each EYFS aspect. Each dot in the chart (3) then represents a child's score, so in this case, their attainment score. 




What these screens allow you to see is the overall distribution of children for the are of analysis you have chosen to view. From the above screenshot you can see for most of the aspects that most of the children's attainment scores are roughly between -5 and 5, which when focusing on attainment as we are here, shows most children are working around their actual age.

The scores you might want to focus on are the ones that lie outside of that range. In this case the dots represented by arrow 3 in the screenshot above are a lot higher than those of other children. You can then use the chart above to see which children these scores are for.

So, that's how you can see the distribution of EYFS data on Tapestry. We hope this helps you with your data analysis. 


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